//------------------------------// // Just a simple kindness // Story: Fluttershy's home for Reforming Monsters // by JeckParadox //------------------------------// "NO!" Dalek Jeck screamed. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! EXPLAIN! EXPLAIN!" The dalek looked back at the screen, shocked to see the Tardis phase through the hundreds of black holes unharmed. "IMPOSSIBLE! WITH KNOWN TARDIS CAPABILITIES THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE! THE DOCTOR SHOULD BE EXTERMINATED!" The black-purple Dalek moved forward, putting his suction cup on one of Sar's own spheres. "YOU HAVE FAILED THE DALEK RACE. YOUR GENETIC SUPERIORITY HAS PROVEN TO BE A FLAW. YOU WILL FACE PUNISHMENT!" "YES." Sar responded. Accepting his fate he dropped his shields,expecting to be incinerated. To his surprise he saw that key systems were being destroyed, but others were left in place. "I DO NOT UNDERSTAND." "YOU WILL FACE THE DOCTOR ALONE. IF YOU EXTERMINATE HIM, WE WILL ALLOW YOU TO RETURN, YOUR HONOR RESTORED." Sar quickly went through his systems. "I WILL COMBAT THE DOCTOR WITHOUT ADVANCED SHIELDS, WITHOUT FULL DESTRUCTIVE CAPACITY, WITHOUT TEMPORAL SHIFTING CAPABILITIES. AND I WILL EXTERMINATE HIM!" "HOWEVER. IF YOU DO NOT I WILL ALERT THE SUPREME DALEK THAT YOUR GENOME IS SEVERELY IMPURE. YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE DALEK RACE IF YOU FAIL ME AGAIN, SAR." "I UNDERSTAND! I WILL NOT FAIL! I AM PURE DALEK!" ~~~~ He had failed. He watched in despair as the ship was covered by explosions, then consumed by a helix of what appeared to be refracted light. Double rainbows were destroying the ship of the New Cult of Skaro. The blue box disappeared as the Dalek ship phased into two matrixes, one yellow, one blue, and promptly flew off into two different directions inside gigantic beams. He couldn't move. The Doctor had barely looked at him when he froze his remaining systems, cruelly leaving him immobilized and unable to die. The Doctor hadn't even bothered with him! He simply wasn't worth anything. He was obviously impure. The tiny genetic mutations that had the Supreme Dalek single him out weren't signs of superiority. They were disguised flaws. He failed, he failed. failfailfailfailfailfailfailfailfailfailfailfailfailfailfailfailfailfailfailfail.... It was several hours before two of the indigenous species of the pocket dimension noticed him. They were wearing primitive armor, so some kind of weakling military. He watched as they dragged him through the town, until they got to a similarily-armored horned variant of the species. It did a strange teleport, and he was brought before a larger mammal. One with both wings and a horn. It had a flowing mane of ethereal power. The Doctor had cruelly allowed him to keep his vision, but it was not enough to understand what was happening. There were no scanners, no sounds, no x-ray, no temporal sensors, psychic detectors, nothing. Just plain-old fashioned sight. The big one was speaking to him, but Sar could not show a way to it, no, her, that it was futile. Besides, he didn't care. If the mammals didn't have the technology to destroy him, which was unlikely considering their massacre of his comrades, he would simply ignore them. Six more mammals came forward, along with another creature that Sar could simply... feel was dangerous. The 'feel' was confirmed as the mammal-like creature pulled out a sonic screwdriver. Sar sighed as he was completely blinded. But then he was interrupted by a blast of cold, of strange dry air, and light that burned his eye. ~~~~ "Is it alright?" Fluttershy asked as the strange machine began screaming. "It sounds like it's in pain..." "Oh, it is." The Doctor assured. "Nothing like a bit of fresh air to make a Dalek scream." "Doctor." Celestia growled. "You may now stand down, I'll handle what comes next." "No. None of you understand the force you're dealing with. I'm going to kill it." "No!" Fluttershy yelled. "I.. mean, do you have to?" "Yes, it certainly has killed plenty of others. And once it figures out how to get free it'll kill as many of you as it possibly can." Celestia frowned. "Doctor. It is my prisoner. It will not be harmed, stand down." "You don't understand!" The Doctor pleaded. "It's a killing machine, who's entire mind centers around destroying everything that's not like him!" "Doctor... you will not kill one of my prisoners! The creature will be given a fair trial, and then receive it's punishment. And Equestria does not have a death sentence. We aren't like you or them." "Princess, I'll be behind you no matter what." Twilight assured. "And us too!" Rainbow Dash confirmed, the six mares coming together nearer to Celestia. "I... really? Knowing what it did, what it almost just did to you!?" "Yes." The Princess said, nodding. The Doctor looked between her and the screaming Dalek, who was beginning to quiet down. "S-s-so... the great and mighty Predator of the Dalek fears me?" Sar gasped out. "It is an honor Doctor, my last honor. Destroy me." The ponies in the room stared in shock as the disgusting creature inside the armor asked for it's death. "What are you waiting for Doctor? Destroy me like you did my comrades. Destroy me! EXTERMINATE ME!" Sar roared. The Doctor then grew a frown that turned into a savage false smile. "You know what, Darrrrleeck? I just thought of something even worse..." He pulled out the Sonic Screwdriver, and before any of the ponies in the room could move forward Sar's armor began sparking. "Far worse." Sar wriggled his tentacles furiously, impatient for the end. But the screwdriver turned off, and nothing had changed. That is, until his systems began turning back on. "What have you done?!" Sar asked. "Simple. I've turned off your weapons, your laser isn't powerful enough to burn somepony, let alone do something lethal. I doubt you could light a candle with it. And as for your sucker there." He motioned toward the suction cup. "It's on the very lowest, you can carry a few pounds, sure, but don't expect it to be able to suffocate anyone." "I... I... DOCTOR!" The Dalek cursed. "You're without weapons, you're on the lowest of your shield settings, a few well-aimed lasers can end you. Something almost every unicorn should be capable of. Disarmed, weakened, and left alone, at the mercy of impure creatures. That's your punishment, Dalek." Sar screamed. ~~~~ Fluttershy flew up to the Dalek, who had been silent for several minutes after the Doctor went away to his own universe, closing the vortex that had brought him there. She looked with sympathy at the sad mutation and reached a hoof up to him, but flinching back when the Dalek suddenly jerked slightly backward. "Don't worry... I won't hurt you." "Then you are useless to me." The Dalek responded. Fluttershy frowned and moved her head a little closer, examining the pod and giving it a sniff. "Can you smell it?" She asked. "Does it bother you at all?" The Dalek looked at her with his single reptilian eye. "What? Explain!" "The smell, of all the gunk you're sitting in. Is it your food?" "No. Dalek are above needing things like food. We are the pure race! We can synthesize our own sustenance from almost any energy. We are the ultimate soldiers!" "So you wouldn't mind if I cleaned all that out?" He blinked, the movement of his lungs stopping for a moment. "Explain!" "Just a second, I promise I'll be quick." "Fluttershy wait! It could be poisonous or something!" Twilight warned. "Ew..." Rarity winced. "I hope you're planning on washing those hooves Fluttershy." "Gross." Rainbow Dash said with a disturbed expression as Fluttershy pulled Sar from the gooey webs and sludge of his pod. "Could I have some water?" Fluttershy asked. Every pony there turned to the Princess, who was watching on with a similar expression to Rainbow Dash. "Uh... yes, of course." Fluttershy set Sar down gently on the marble floor, and shielded his eye from the light with her wing as she worked. Within a few minutes she had cleaned out the compartment and was gently placing Sar back inside. He simply stared at her back, a confused look in his eye. "Is that better?" Fluttershy asked. He stared at her for several seconds. "It is..." he started, before actually stopping to think. He had never really realized that he was in filth before. He had never physically touched something... clean before, beside the marble floor and the pony's hooves. It wasn't that bad, sitting somewhere clean. However, it also alerted him to the filth that covered him. "acceptable..." he finally finished. "But why would you waste time cleaning my chamber? Some kind of senseless ritual among your species?" "No, just... a simple kindness." Dalek Sar was about to give a speech on the uselessness of ideals like kindness, and how her treasuring it made her impure. But then again. He enjoyed his clean chamber. Perhaps her impurity... would benefit him.