Lights in the Sky

by EpicRainbowCat

Chapter 2

Everypony lined up in front of the arena as Rainbow Dash explained how the course was going to be set up. "First," she began, "you will to a 20 meter dive onto that cloud, bounce off it, next go through the cloud maze, then fly through the hoops, and last the twisty cloud tunnel. Any questions?" Nopony raised a hoof. "Alrighty, then, let's get to buisness. First up," Rainbow Dash flipped through her papers, "Turboline Ace!"
As the ponies went through the course, Aura Skies could hear the instructors tell the other pegasi which group they'd be in. It was hard to keep track of them all, but a few she heard were, "Turboline Ace, advanced!", "Scootaloo Dash, intermediate!", and "Opal Stamper, intermediate!" Then it was Rumble's turn. "Good luck, Rumble," said Aura Skies.
"Thanks, Aura Skies," he replied as he ran into the arena. About a minute later, she heard Rainbow Dash say, "Rumble Storm, advanced!" Rumble came out looking cheerful. The two high-hoofed with happiness. Rainbow called out, "Aura Skies Striker!" "You'll do fine Aura," said Rumble. "I hope so," mumbled Aura. She walked into the arena.
It was huge, beautiful, and terrifying. She stared at the 60-foot drop in front of her. Aura Skies nervously opened her wings and was immediatly frightend. She felt so exposed with her wings extended. Aura took a deep breath. She knew she was expected to start from a hover. Aura flapped once and was consumed by terror. Her wings felt so unnatural. This extension of her body made her feel....altered, different from everyone else. Shaking, she knew she wouldn't be able to start hovering. Maybe if I just jump off, my instincts will kick in, Aura thought. She closed her eyes, spread her wings, and jumped.
Aura Skies tried to flap her wings, but they wouldn't move. She could see herself falling through the floor of the arena. She was falling back to the earth, the sweet, beautiful earth. Then something saved her. Aura looked up to see Rainbow Dash, who, in her haste, had performed another sonic rainboom. When they landed, everypony was staring at Aura Skies. She felt so embarrassed and ashamed. Rainbow Dash who was staring at her also, quickly regained her composure and said, "Aura Skies, begginner!"
By dinnertime everyone was sorted. Aura was the only beginner. She sat alone in a corner as she ate the carrots and lettuce provided in the salad bar; she didn't really like hamburgers, the main course that day. Rumble came over to join her, along with an orange filly with messy purple hair. She didn't seem especially happy to be around Aura.
"You brought me over here to the loser table to talk to her? She's the biggest loser here!" exclaimed the orange pegasus. Hearing this, Aura Skies began to cry.
"Be nice, Scootaloo! You were at her level a week ago!" snapped Rumble. In a much more gentle tone, he said, "It's ok, Aura, you're not really that bad of a flyer."
"Y-yes I am!" she sobbed. "I-I was scared to e-even open my w-wings. I-I'm too scared t-to fly!"
Scootaloo and Rumble stood there, shocked. They could never imagine a pegasus who didn't want to fly. Scootaloo burst out an apology, while Rumble tried to comfort her. Aura calmed down eventually, just as Ditzy began to announce cabin assignments. The trio waited for their names and cabin numbers, and eventually they heard their names.
"Ok, cabin 7: Scootaloo Dash, Rumble Storm, Aura Skies, Turboline Ace, Bolt Lightning, and Arrow Shooter. Hup, hup, get to your cabin! Your luggage awaits!" called out Ditzy.
Aura Skies walked while Scootaloo and Rumble flew together to the cabin. The three were going at a slow pace so Aura could catch up. She asked Rumble, "How did you meet Scootaloo?"
"Our older siblings have the same job, weather patrol, and they're good friends. We've met at company parties," replied Rumble.
Scootaloo asked, "Where do you go to school? I know Rumble is privately tutored by Flitter, and I go to Ponyville Elementary."
"I used to go to Gala Belle Trottingham Memorial School, but when I moved to Ponyville, well, my parents have been looking for a school, and they chose your school," answered Aura.
"Cool! I'm going to Ponyville Elementary this year, too!" chimed in Rumble.
"Hey, you guys wanna join the Cutie Mark Crusaders?" asked Scootaloo. "It's a club where we go on adventures to find our cutie marks!
"Sure!" the two said in unision. They realized that they arrived at Cabin 7, and they went inside.
The other three foals, two colts and a filly, had their sleeping bags set up. They all had cutie marks, which Aura noticed. "Hey look," said a grey colt with a lightning bolt cutie mark, "it's those blank flanks. What are their names, Turboline?"
A red colt with a fire cutie mark said, "I know their names, Bolt. The pumpkin is Scootaloser, the fat grey one is Fumble, and the bleach is Aura Cries." All three of the bullies laughed.
"Ignore them," grumbled Scootaloo. "Let's just get set up."
After they unrolled their sleeping bags, Arrow noticed Aura's stuffed elephant. The black pegasus shouted to her friends, "Hey, look! Crybaby has a stuffed animal! How lame is that?"
Aura tried her best to ignore them. Soon everyone was in their sleeping bags, and Aura Skies fell into an uneasy sleep.