A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

27 - From a Certain Point of View

A Bad Day to Fish
By FlashKenshin77 & Furious Bacon

Chapter 27 - From a Certain Point of View

The sun had lowered, slowly giving way to the moon. The land was engulfed by darkness, brief flashes of moon the only light for miles. The land was barren and silent in the Land of the Desert, Moonbeak Mountains covered in fog. A harsh wind hissed from the broken window, whatever tapestry remaining twisting, charred to the point of dust.
Rose's father, Metanoia, stood silently in front of a large iron door, buried deep in the recess of the mountain. Stalagmites faintly dripped water, which echoed in the cavern. He was shrouded in darkness; the only light was a small torch, fused with the door frame.
He took a deep breath before slowly grabbing the handle and pushed it open. The door creaked, revealing another torch just beyond. He entered a small square room, the torch revealing an outline of a throne made of some heavy metal. He took a few steps forward, the door already closing on him. He quickly shot inside, the door slamming with a resounding bang.
He looked around the room, the torch making it hard for him to see. "I came to talk to you." He announced loudly.
A sigh reverberated in the room as an outline of a tall stallion, even taller than Princess Celestia herself, appeared in front of him. Metanoia could faintly make out the flowing white robe. "Good evening Metanoia, what is it you wish to discuss?" The stallion asked, torches sprung to life after a resounding clop.
"I-I'm afraid the mare escaped."
There was silence as the stallion stared impassively at Metanoia. "The Element escaped from the tallest mountain in Equestria how? I've been told she isn't a very strong flyer."
"The half human helped her."
The tall stallion raised an eyebrow, confused. "Luna's minion? But it was my understanding that Ganir was keeping both humans occupied."
Metanoia shook his head. "I-I don't know what Ganir is doing, I highly doubt he'll remain loyal for long."
"Indeed, it seems we have to remind him what's at stake. So they know our location."
"Yes and I already engaged the evacuation. I'll be heading to the border."
"Good, oversee the war in the Desert. I have a feeling this little alliance won't last long between the Griffins and Celestia." He went silent for a moment, closing his eyes. "Although…"
Metanoia looked up. "Yes?"
The stallion quizzically looked at Metanoia. "Why do I get the feeling you're hiding something from me?"
Metanoia stared into the stallion's eyes. "My daughter, Rose, th-the half human corrupted her."
The stallion smiled. "Did he now? Interesting… even with everything that's happened, he still follows that code." Another moment of silence passed between them, the stallions staring at each other. "I want you to go to Ponyville instead."
"W-what? Why?"
"Did he offer you a truce?"
"Well yes…"
"Send out the olive branch and who better than you? Rose'll be there along with the half human. They won't hurt you there and since Martin is gone, he'll be too blinded with his good 'heart' to see through it."
Metanoia stared at the ground in thought "It makes sense but who'll go to the border? Diable?"
"Yes, send him in your steed. See how he fares against the human knight." The stallion chuckled before gazing at him. "Stall them as long as possible, understood? Don't do anything that'll compromise either's trust that you're just there for a truce."
Metanoia nodded. "I shall leave right away."
"Good… and thank you Metanoia, you've done Equestria great services, especially with all that you're sacrificing."
He sighed. "It was… necessary."
"It is and all of Equestria will thank you."
Metanoia nodded and bowed before briskly turning around and leaving, the door pushed open easily. He walked into the darkness, heading towards the surface as a pair of red eyes appeared next to him. "Diable."
"What did the master say?" A voice wheezed, the eyes glinting with curiosity.
Metanoia ignored him, walking through the dark as Diable followed him. "You'll be going to the border and deal with the human."
Diable smiled as his white teeth were bright in the darkness, his eyes a deep blood ruby. "Excellent… but what about you?"
"I will go to Ponyville."
Diable laughed. "Why go to that hick town?"
Metanoia rolled his eyes. "I know you prefer what I should call it, 'war, death, fear, terror'."
"You know me too well brother but still. Why does he send you to that hick town instead of out in the fight where you're useful?"
"Trick them a little. I'll give them false ideas about our intentions."
"You were always better at words than I." He sighed. "Very well, we'll see if this knight is as good as they say. I'll be leaving then. Good luck playing politics." He said, laughing as he vanished back into the darkness.
Metanoia frowned and continued to walk back towards the exit, trying to figure out what the master was thinking.


The guards wandered around town, keeping a careful eye over it, expecting another attack. The griffin guards were also on high alert, Vandir sensing their unease. Finally, a very familiar scene of the Elements and Michael sat down at the table in town hall, Vandir and Ganir sitting opposite of them. The doors were locked and guarded by unicorns and griffin alike. The skies heavily patrolled by pegasi soldiers as unicorn magi were on standby to project a shield over the building.
"It's a pleasure to meet the final Element." Vandir said, smiling at Fluttershy.
She blushed and hid under her mane. "Ummm… it-it's nice to mee-meet you."
He nodded and turned to look at Michael. "And I heard Martin's put you in charge?"
Mike nodded. "Indeed, I'm here to try and take his spot."
Ganir let out a small laugh. "We'll see how well you'll do." He said loudly.
Mike glanced at him before turning his attention back to Vandir. "So since I left yesterday, what did I miss?"
Vandir sighed. "Well, we've gotten a report that one of the northern states attacked a settlement close to their border. There were only a handful of settlers that survived and we sent a battalion of soldiers to reclaim that land and assure its safety. Martin and his dragon are leading them."
"Ok… so what else did we need to decide?"
"For one; if we should proceed to invade the northern states and end the civil war." Vandir replied, shuffling through some papers. "Or rather, try and end it."
"Is there no way to try and broker a talk between the two?"
"We already sent a messenger to try that but he hasn't returned, we fear the worst for him. And we're not sure who is leading the separate states. As far as we know, it's not the UEA."
Mike sighed and looked down at the table. "What are the casualties?"
Vandir scratched his cheek. "Most cities and villages have been destroyed, either by the UEA or the civil war. About sixty percent have been attacked by another state, the rest are fighting within their own borders."
"How many ponies and griffins would we need to send? Sounds like quite a lot."
"Every soldier available; the Land of the Desert covers a large amount of land. We'd need to cover a lot of ground in a short time to assure that the civil war would end."
"But that's too many and if what you're saying is true, most of them wouldn't be coming back."
"What we need is a wonder. We'd need the best of the best." Vandir said thoughtfully.
"How do you think the forces that Martin took will help?"
Vandir shrugged. "I-I don't know but if it's true what I heard about the Order of Agathor, he might be enough to slow them down by a month."
"I don’t know. Even if we could muster up a force large enough, it'll take quite some time to make it there."
He nodded. "I'm afraid so, if only the Order would still exist like it did during the great war."
"Indeed." Mike sighed. "We'll come back to that. I'm not even sure how many ponies we have at our disposal or if I have the authority to say so."
Vandir leaned back into his chair, going silent as he thought for a moment. His eyes suddenly widened. "Maybe… maybe if we manage to find the Order's headquarters we can win this war."
"Why would that matter?"
He looked at the ponies gathered at the table. "It used to be a folktale; underneath the headquarters of the Order, there's supposed to be a cave filled with suits of armor. They would come to life if war was spread across the land but only if the Grandmaster orders them so."
Mike stared at him blankly as Twilight looked at him strangely. "I've heard of that before well, not in this situation. Do you actually think it exists?"
"It says that the last Grandmaster had them built and enchanted."
"If it does exist, I'll find it then we need to get Martin there."
Somepony knocked loudly on the door. Everypony and griffin looked at the door before looking back at each other. Mike got up and opened the door, a guard looking back at him.
"Sorry to interrupt your meeting but we have a pony that matches the description you gave us to the pony that kidnapped Ms. Fluttershy."
Vandir looked at the guard in disbelief. "What?"
Mike and Fluttershy shared a glance, she looked horrified. "I'm sorry but I'll have to put this meeting on hold for just a moment." Mike said, looking over at Vandir as Ganir's face paled.
Mike nodded to the guard, who led him out and down a small hallway. They paused at the end of the hall, a simple door in front of them. He opened the door to a rather small room. Torches on the wall illuminated it as a mask sat on a small table. "Hello Michael." The pony in chains said, sitting peacefully in the chair. He looked up and it was Metanoia, staring at the pegasus and guard neutrally.
"Hello yourself." Mike said calmly, looking at him. "I'm surprised to see you here."
His yellow eyes followed Mike as he sat across from the imprisoned unicorn. "I came here to talk…"
"Really? Last time I tried to get you to talk, you said it was too late."
He looked at the table for a moment. "It turns out that the Land of the Desert is too dangerous, the civil war has killed too many, more than even we ever imagined. We lost control over most states, they even attacked the settlement."
"Indeed, we were just discussing what to do about that."
"We won't attack your forces, as long as you try to end the rebellion in the northern states."
"I'll take it to the assembly and see what I can do." Mike got up, giving him one more look. "Thank you for coming here though."
He nodded. "How is Rose?" He asked as Mike was steps out the door.
Mike froze. "She's ok, I think. I haven't seen her since yesterday." Metanoia sighed. "How could you?"
"Do what?"
Mike turned around to look him in the eyes. "Lie to her… all those years. She asked me if I could help her find the truth, the truth about Equestria." He walked over and sat down again. "I'm not judging you or questioning your parenting but what you did to her was unforgivable."
Metanoia leaned back in his chair. "In the end it's all a matter of opinion. I did what we thought was right."
"It is but can you tell Rose that you did that all because somepony told you it was right?"
He chuckled. "I did it because I thought it was."
"I know you're not the mastermind; he wouldn't care about his daughter." Mike got up and walked to the door. "I'll be back but if you need anything, let the guard know."
He nodded his head, staring at the table in thought.
Mike left, the door shutting with a resounding chunk as it locked. He sighed, leaning against it for a moment before heading back to the meeting room. Everyone looked at him, waiting for an explanation.
"So apparently the UEA's lost control of the situation. They said they wouldn't attack us if we dealt with the northern states."
Vandir sighed. "I'm not sure we're capable of it though."
"Neither am I and that's what worries me. Even with our combined forces-" There were loud shouts outside the room and somepony banged on the door again.
"Michael please! Open the door!" Rose's voice said.
He looked at the others and Vandir shrugged. Mike quickly walked over to the door and opened it, revealing Rose being grabbed and escorted away.
"Wait!" He said, catching up to them. "She's ok." He said.
The guard looked between the two before sighing, letting go of her and walking away, back to his post.
Mike watched the guard for a moment before turning back to Rose. "Rose, what are you doing here?"
She panted, her mane covering her face. "M-my father is here, why?" She asked, panicked.
"W-we're not entirely sure why he is-"
She looked at him, her eyes pleading. "Michael, I have to talk to him."
He sighed. "Ok, I guess I can't stop you anyway from talking to him. Follow me." He said, leading her down a small hallway till they stood outside the door. "Are you su-" He glanced at her before opening the door.
They stepped inside, Rose glaring at her father. He looked up as the door opened and he smiled sadly at her. "Hello Rose."
"I have to ask you something Dad."
He swept a forehoof over the table. "By all means, it's not like I'm going anywhere at the moment."
She closed her eyes and seemed to gather herself. "W-why?" Her voice was shaky.
"Right to the point I see." He sighed, closing his eyes. "Because I didn’t think you were ready to learn the harsh realities of the world."
"For the past twenty-two years… you've lied to me."
"I didn’t lie, just told you the truth from a certain point of view."
"You never really did care about me, did you?"
"Of course I did, if I didn’t, I never would've raised you." He reached out and grabbed her hoof. "Rose, you're my daughter, my flesh and blood. I'll always love you, no matter what somepony might say."
She pulled her hoof out of his grasp. "If you really cared about me, you would've given me the choice whether or not I wanted to know the 'harsh' reality or yours."
"I didn’t know if you'd understand the 'truth'. The world is a big, scary place."
"How do you know if I was ready or not?"
"Every parent makes that decision. You'll make it one day. Then you'll see what I'm talking about."
Rose let out a sad sigh and turned around. "I don't think I'll ever understand."
He leaned back in the chair. "You know that I did what I could Rose. I wouldn’t say our situation was glamorous but you know I love you."
She lowered her head and walked out of the room, ignoring her father. Mike looked at him one final time before following her out, the door shut by a guard. He put a hoof on her shoulder. "You ok?"
She looked at him, her eyes misty. "I-I… guess."
He nodded and pulled her into a hug. "Are you glad you talked to him?"
"A-at least I know I'm not like him." She said through sniffing.
"You're not; you're so much stronger than him."
"Thank you Michael."
"No problem, it's what I'm here for." He let go of her, looking into her eyes. "If you ever need anything, let me know okay?"
She smiled at him. "You're too good to me."
"It's what friends are for right? Besides, I owe you for helping me find Fluttershy."
She hoofed the ground. "She didn't deserve to be kidnapped and everything, I only did what was right."
"Still, without your help I would still be up there, lost and struggling around. Thank you Rose, for helping me."
She hugged him. "Thanks..."
He hugged her back. "It's not a problem, I'm just glad I could help. I gotta get back to the meeting but if you need me, the guards know now to let you through. Ok?"
She nodded, smiling. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."
"Ok, see ya later." He said, waving goodbye as he made his way back to the meeting room.
Inside the room, it was quiet and intense, no pony talking. AJ seemed to be staring into nothing as the others looked at her worriedly. Vandir was reading some papers, his brow furrowed in thought.
"Sorry about that." Mike said, shutting the door behind him before trotting to the table and grabbed Fluttershy's hoof, smiling at her. "Did I miss anything?"
Vandir gulped. "You keep leaving when something important happens Michael." He said, looking up from the piece of paper. "A messenger arrived just after you left. It appears that the soldiers we sent to the border have been attacked."
Mike leaned back in his chair. "By whom?"
"The northern state of Snake Water."
Mike sighed as he rubbed a hoof over his face. Ganir stood up and slammed a talon on the table. "Do you see? You don’t know what you're doing! And with your indecisiveness, you’re killing ponies and griffins alike! You never did, you should just leave the room and let us decide what to do, you incompetent pony. Why Martin ever put you in charge is beyond me." He seethed.
Vandir glared at him. "This situation is more than any of us can handle properly. We must work together to achieve what we seek!"
"We don't need to work with a pony that doesn't know anything about war."
Vandir slammed his claw on the table as well. "If Martin thinks Michael is the right pony, then I think so as well!"
Ganir threw his chair backwards and glared at Vandir. "I think they're both incompetent."
Mike slowly scooted out of his chair. "For once, I agree with him."
Everyone turned their head to look at him. Everyone was surprised, especially Ganir.
"I don’t know anything about war or politics. I thought I'd at least give it a try since Martin thought I could but I'm not… I'm not cut out for this sort of work." He glanced at Twilight. "I'm not sure if I can but I think you'd be a much better replacement for me."
She shook her head. "I know as much as you do Michael."
"But you know the intricacies of the group, you know how big our forces are, you can come up with a better plan than I ever could."
She looked at the table. "I… I don’t know Michael."
"At least give it a try, I know you can." He smiled at her.
She looked at everyone, her eyes full of worry and doubt. "I…" She sighed. "I can try…"
"That's all I ask."
Ganir rolled his eyes. "We'll see how far that gets us."
"At least I can admit my shortcomings."
He glared at Mike, his eyes full of complete hatred. Mike glared back, a small smile on his face as he headed out the door, shutting it behind him. The door quickly opened and Fluttershy rushed after him.
"W-where are you going?" She asked, stopping in front of him.
"I'm not sure, just thought it'd be easier for Twilight to talk to Vandir if I wasn't there."
She looked at him sadly. "B-but…" She sighed and turned around.
He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "Don't worry; I'm just going to go talk to Luna." He smiled. "I'll be fine."
She looked at him, nuzzling his cheek. "Ok…" She said, heading back towards the door before pausing. "Please be careful…"
He grinned at her. "Hey, it's me." He gave her a hoof's up before leaving the town hall, launching off the ground and heading towards Canterlot, the morning sun lighting his path.