All things evil

by Flame Bolt

Chapter 10 – An end of all things

“Why are you holding back Nightmare?” asked Twilight, dodging another spell.
“Oh well” replied Nightmare, “I knew this little game would have to end sometime.”
With that said Twilight was suddenly blasted back, by an immensely powerful spell, into the wall behind her. She tried to refocus her vision but couldn’t do so in time. When her vision finally did refocus, Twilight saw Nightmare Moon standing over her.
“I wish I had done this from the beginning” she snarled and began to choke Twilight with her hoof.
Twilight couldn't breathe. As much as she writhed and squirmed, she was powerless to fight back. As her vision started to darken, Twilight was suddenly released from Nightmare’s grip and collapsed back onto the ground gasping for air.

HEY!” shouted Spike throwing another rock at Nightmare Moon, “You big bully, pick on someone else for a change”
Nightmare Moon turned around, a look of anger on her face “You annoying pest” she growled to Spike, “I’m going to deal with you first.”

As Nightmare Moon slowly made her way over to Spike, who continued to hurl rocks at her, Celestia and the rest of the group ran to Twilight’s side.
“Twilight are you alright?” asked Celestia.
“I think s-so” she panted.
Celestia levitated the Element of Magic onto Twilight’s head and helped her up

Spike was beginning to run out of space as he slowly backed away from Nightmare Moon. He quickly decided to hide behind one of the pillar that were in the room.
“Come out, little one, there’s no point in hiding” coaxed Nightmare Moon.
She knew he was here, she could taste the fear in the air and that led her directly to him.
She slowly made her way round the opposite end of the pillar and whispered into his ear, “Boo”
Spike stumbled over and fell, this was the end. Nightmare Moon began to charge her magic and then everything went white.