Legend of Zelda: New Grounds

by Lil Drabant

Chapter 1

Link awoke with a sweat, it was running down the side of his face, he had the dream again. He was standing in the middle of a field, he recognized it as Hyrule Field, the largest field in his world. He was only 7 years old at the time, so he didnt know his way around the field. He looked over to see himself the same age and appearance, with his mother holding him closely, and his father having a sword fight with a figure in black armor, and when Link got a closer look at the figure, he saw it was the Dark Lord Ganondorf. He got out of his thought from the ear-piercing scream of his father's he was stabbed through the chest. Link saw himself being put down by his mother, who was telling him to run for his life, as to the fact that Ganondorf was walking toward his mother.

Link turned and ran into Faron Woods, and hid there. He saw Ganondorf ride past on his horse, but he didnt notice Link. The woods is where Link spent the night, and he awoke to a fairly large man standing over him, with an undeniably unique mustache. The man took Link to a small village, which they all called Ordon Village.

Link had gotten out of his thought of his dream when he heard a door open, and he laid back, and acted asleep. He noticed he didnt have his Master Sword, but looked over and it was a good 4 feet from him, he saw the figure was the girl that saved him from drowning in the lake he super-dove into. Since he didn't know who she was, he considered her an enemy.

He reached over for his sword, and ripped it and pointed it at the girl, who turned and dropped the cup she was carrying, and crouched down trying to protect herself defensively. Link saw her like this, and determined she couldnt possibly mean any harm to him. He set his sword down to show he meant no harm when the girl looked up. She slowly stood and Link got a good look at her face. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, she even beat Ilia from his home, and she was pretty damn beautiful. The sun coming through the window was reflecting of her hair, which made her that much beautiful.

She stepped forward hesitantly and Link just stayed still to show that he wouldnt hurt her.

"um, my name is Fluttershy....." she said quietly

Link just looked at her confused, he didnt hear he name, mainly because she didnt say it loud enough, but also because he was mesmerized by her beauty.

"my name is Fluttershy" she said in a normal tone. Even her voice was the sweetest thing he had ever hear.

Link told her his name and a few things about himself, and promised he wouldnt hurt her, just as long as she didnt try hurting him. after they talked, he asked how long he was out, where he was, and what she had done.

"well, you were out for about a week, i got really worried that you were in a really bad coma, and i really havent gone out to do anything, just sorta took care of you while you were asleep. You are in my humble little cottage secluded away from the town, and im sorry if it smells disgusting, i take care of animals, when i wasent taking care of you of course." she said.

Link inhaled deeply, to get a smell of the place. It didnt smell disgusting at all, not even a smell of an animal lingered, it smelled like lavender and strawberries all the way.

"as i said, i took care of you while you were sleeping, i fed you, but it was all mashed up and blended food that would slide down the hatch so you wouldnt choke, and i also gave you water every few hours, that is what was in the cup that i dropped. and um....i also..... bathed you....." she said, her face turning a bright red. Link's face flushed completely, and he looked away, clearly embarrassed.

"i-its okay, i didnt look down there but.... you um, are kinda big...." she said the last part quietly.

Link thanked her greatly for everything she did to help him, and asked if there was any way he could repay her. She just shook her head, but said thanks anyways.

"all of my friends want to meet you, my friend Rarity thought you were adorable, and so did my other friend Pinkie Pie." she said. Link chuckled at that.

Link got up and Fluttershy gave him the clothes he wore when he was teleported, his Hero's clothes, which was gifted to him by the spirit of Faron. Link put them on in another room, and walked out. Fluttershy looked and giggled.

"im sorry, i still couldnt get over the skirt thing in your suit" she said, still giggling.

Link walked over to his sword and shield, and looked down at them. They were shiny and clean. He lifted them and strapped them to his back. He sighed and smiled, as it felt natural to him, he loved his sword and shield, and fighting monsters with his athletic ability to allow him to do flips and such.

"come on, lets go, if its ok with you, my friends really want to meet you." she said. Link nodded and they headed out the door, heading toward the town.

"could i perhaps buy you some lunch?" Fluttershy asked kindly.

Link shook his head and pulled out his wallet, and showed he had lots of rupees, in which to pay for lunch. Fluttershy laughed.

"those arent currency here, i dont know where you came from, but those wont work for money, but Rarity would love you if you gave those to her" she said.

Link sighed and nodded, he would give them to her, and Fluttershy was giving him a few bits, to get him started. Link could tell that they were going to be good friends.