Her darker Side

by GreenPegasister

Chapter 6

"Why would you just let her go like that?!" Scootaloo screamed. "She almost died the last time!" She was filled with anger.
"Scootaloo. I-I think it'll be fine."
"Fine?" Applejack spoke up. "I am NOT loosing another one! It's bad enough I lost Applebloom!" Applejack got tears in her eyes.
"I-I'm sorry. It's just. I guess this whole thing can bring out the best, and the worst in us."
Fluttershy nodded.
Rarity walked over, she too had tears in her eyes. "It's fine Applejack. I understand you lost someone you love dearly. I too did. But, it can't make us become worse. We have to get over the terrible things that are happening. We have to fight it!" Applejack nodded. "You're right."

Right then they heard, "Guys! Let me in!" It was Rainbow's voice. Luna opened the cellar door and closed it quickly with a slam.
"I got it!" Rainbow Dash said and she held up a book with a dark brown cover. She gave it to Luna.
Luna flipped through the pages.
"Hazzah! I have found it!" She said. "The spell!" Luna was happy. Then she stopped.
"It's a little early for a celebration, huh?"
The rest of them nodded.
"Do you think you can get her back to her old self?" Spike asked.
"Yes, I can." Luna said.
They smiled.
"Okay. Here's the plan.." Luna said. "You all must stay in here. No matter what!" They nodded.
"Okay," Luna said. "I will start at morning."
"Speaking of which. Fluttershy has been so, well calm about this whole thing." Applejack said.
Fluttershy looked down. "I-I guess I'm just... Shocked about what's going on, I'm not exactly sure how to react. I figured I should just be calm so, I don't make anything worse." She said, "But, I guess it's going to get a little better soon. It's been pretty good with all of you guys." They smiled.
"We should probably get some rest." Rainbow Dash said.
"I think you're right." Spike said.
They all went to sleep.