Her darker Side

by GreenPegasister

Chapter 2

Rainbow Dash waited for the others to go on down, being the element of loyalty and all. Scootaloo ran up to her, one of her wings were broken and Scootaloo was in tears. "Rainbow Dash! Thank Celestia it's you!" She screamed. "Scootaloo." Rainbow Dash said. Scootaloo ran over and Rainbow Dash helped her go down into the cellar. "We have an extra." Rainbow Dash said. "Wow. A filly who survived." Scootaloo looked heartbroken. "So, SweetieBelle and AppleBloom didn't?" Rarity and Applejack looked down. "I'm sorry sugar cube." Applejack said. Scootaloo tried to smile a little, "Well, at least I have you guys." She said. The others managed to smile, just a little.

"You should probably lie down." Rainbow Dash said. "That wing isn't gonna heal itself." Scootaloo went over to a small bed and did as told.

They heard a lot of rubbly noise, almost like a tornado. Almost. "I'll go see what's going on." Rainbow Dash said. "No Dashie!" PinkiePie said. "It's too dangerous." She was almost in tears. "Pinkie does have a point." Spike said. "You can't just walk out there, you could get hurt. Or worse!" "Fine." Rainbow Dash said.

"Wait." Applejack said. "You can go. You're stronger than any of us. Just promise you'll come back." "I promise." Rainbow Dash said and zoomed out.

"Why did you just do that?!!" Pinkie Pie ran up to Applejack and tackled her. "She can die!" "Pinkie." Applejack said, "She's the element of loyalty, if it gets too rough for her she'll come back. She promised she would come back." "You Pinke promise she'll come back?" Pinkie said. "I cross my heart, hope to fly, shove a cupcake in my eye." Applejack said. "Now can you two stop your fighting. Rainbow Dash will do just fine." Rarity said.

"I sure hope so." Fluttershy said.