Friendship is an Imagination

by CookiesOnFridays

Authors Note 1

(This is a re-post from another website that I'm updating in so yeah, I know it's been more then a week but hey, finally done with school! Read this for information on updates and about a Q and A chapter!)

Authors Note #1-

Guess what!? Regent's week is over! *flips table over*
You guys don't even know HALF of how relieved I am right now! Studying for that was man hard but then the test was easy. (Studying works people, you should try it sometime!)

All jokes aside I can finally get back to writing! The problem is it's going to take some time since I got to write the draft and I need to revise and all that. But I know what most of you must be thinking. "Oh, I thought it was another chapter update! Oh my God Cookies, what the heck!?"

I just thought that author's notes could be a nice way to connect to my readers! And hey, this could be leading to a Q and A… *evil glare of death*

Yeah when I do authors notes I tend to get out of my usual writing style so DEAL WITH IT! Nah I'm just kidding, but I hope you guys are enjoying my casuallality so far… Casuallalit- Casuallity- Casual style? Yeah whatever this isn't even considered a chapter for the story! HUE!

Again, all jokes aside I finished regents, finished all the military parades, and I finished my service learning project! Don't know what service learning is? Well search it up (too lazy to write about it, you would too if you studied for like a month for the regents). In addition I have to go to JCLC soon for training, it's going to be so much fun you guys! But that's next week so yeah… Have to write another chapter before that!

But Cookies, what about the chapter! When is it going to come out!?

Well it'll come out either on Friday or Saturday because I'm done with school! Summer break has officially started!

Oh and if you like these author notes we could spice these things up a bit like I mentioned a Q and A (Evil death glare of evil) or a mini story that one of you reviewers would like me to write about (got to keep the ideas T rated though!)

PM me any questions you got or any ideas you want me to write and I'll be seeing you guys later!

P.S. Thanks for all the comments and support guys!