Cupcake Chronicles: Learning To Laugh Again

by milesprower06

Learning To Laugh Again Part 3

Learning To Laugh Again
A Cupcake Chronicles Side Story Series
by milesprower06

Part 3

Stormcloud relaxed with the Saturday edition of the High Times, leaning back in his comfy Cobblecloud recliner, made of high-quality cumulus. It had felt good being back in his home for the past year. When they had given up on searching for Rainbow, and Firefly had decided to separate, he had opted to get a small apartment closer to the Weather Factory, and let Firefly stay in their home. After that, he hadn't spoken to his wife in over two years. But fate would have it that he promoted Ponyville's Weather Manager, whom Rainbow had been working under ever since running away. Coming to Firefly with that news had taken a lot off of his shoulders. But it took them several more months to get up the courage to go see her. When they were turned away, Princess Celestia had to advise them to wait a bit longer; that they would eventually know when the time was right to finally reunite.

That time came with Rainbow's Wonderbolts debut eight months ago. The first show of their tour was in Cloudsdale, and Stormcloud and Firefly had gotten front row seats. Having arranged with Princess Celestia to go backstage after the performance, the long-awaited and tearful reunion finally took place. Unfortunately, they didn't have long at all to talk. Rainbow and the Wonderbolts had fans to greet, autographs to sign. They weren't able to go on tour with them, as both he and Firefly had jobs at the Weather Factory. It had been a very hectic year for all of them. Needless to say, he was looking forward to seeing his daughter again and have some true bonding time.

As if on cue, the front doorbell rang. Getting to his hooves, Stormcloud's eyes glanced towards the clock on the wall. Eleven in the morning. Rainbow had always been fast. He set the paper on the coffee table and walked to the foyer. There, he opened the door and was greeted by the smiling face of Rainbow.

“H-hey dad. Told ya I wouldn't be long,” Rainbow greeted with a stutter. Stormcloud's silence all but confirmed that they were feeling the same elation. This was the first time she had been home in years. The last time Stormcloud saw her here, she was on the doorstep moments before taking off into the night sky.

Rainbow came forward and they embraced each other.

“Welcome home, sweetheart,” Stormcloud replied, squeezing his daughter softly.

“Happy to be home.”

They released each other at last, and Stormcloud stepped off to the side to allow his daughter to come in.

“With how quickly you got up here, I'm guessing you didn't have any breakfast. Would you like something to eat?” Stormcloud offered.

“Nah I didn't, but yeah, breakfast would be great. Yesterday was pretty nuts with the Meet n' Greet. I haven't had a decent meal since the show a couple days ago.”

“Alright, I'll get some breakfast started. Come and make yourself comfortable.”

Following her dad through the house to the kitchen, Rainbow looked at all the pictures on the wall, and took note of how none had been rearranged, or taken down.

“Where's mom?”

“She decided to take a Saturday shift at the factory. She'll be home later tonight.” Stormcloud answered, getting out 4 bagels and began to slice them in half, and buttered them. Meanwhile, Rainbow took a seat at the dining room table.

“So, it hasn't changed much around here,” Rainbow observed. Stormcloud dropped the sliced buttered bagels into the frying pan, and they responded with a sizzle.

“No, I guess not. After...after you ran off everything just kinda got put on hold.”

Stormcloud dropped scalloped potatoes, hay fries, and shredded cheese over the bagels. He then went over to the fridge, got out a pitcher of fresh orange juice, and poured two glasses as the food continued to cook.

A few good smells and minutes later, Rainbow's favorite childhood breakfast was set down in front of her.

“There ya go, kiddo. Dad's famous Cheesy Has n Hay Bagel, just like you remember.”

The glass of orange juice joined Rainbow's plate on the table moments later, and Stormcloud sat across from her with his own plate. Rainbow took a bite, and immediately smiled as the nostalgia met her taste buds.

“So I was wondering if you wanted your Building Cloud back. I knew you had it all returned to the factory after...after, well, anyways, I'm ready to have it all shipped back down to Ponyville,” Stormcloud offered, as he took his first bite of breakfast.

“Thanks dad. I appreciate the offer, but...I'm enjoying living on the farm with Applejack.”

He nodded, understanding her reasoning.

“So what did you want to talk to me about?” she asked, taking a gulp of orange juice.

“Well, actually, that is what I wanted to talk to you about; Applejack.”

Rainbow stared at her father for a few seconds, and her uncertainty made him unsure of how to proceed.

“What about her?” she asked, not really offering any sort of hint as to what her expectations were regarding the subject of this conversation. Stormcloud sighed softly.

“Hmm, how to go about this...” he mused, but his external thought process was beginning to become misinterpreted by his daughter.

“Dad...are you...not okay with and AJ...”

“No no no, it's not that at all, sweetheart,” Stormcloud quickly cleared the air, mentally kicking himself for giving Rainbow that idea.

“Did I ever tell you about my days in the Royal Guard?” he asked. Rainbow shook her head.

“I wasn't aware that you were even in the Guard.”

“I don't really talk about it all that much. From the minute those recruiters came to my flight school, I was sure that serving Princess Celestia was what I wanted to do with my life, and for the first six months, it remained that way. Military service goes back as far as my family history is traced. I was very proud to continue that legacy.”

“So, what happened?” Rainbow asked, taking a bite of her food.

“Well, then, I met your mother. It was during shore leave, coincidentally the night before I was set to re-enlist for another tour. But there was just something about her...something that began to tell me that I didn't have to live my entire life in the military to fulfill a dream or continue a legacy. Just as my family had been involved in the military, her family had a deep history in the weather. So I figured that if I had lived up to my family's legacy, I could help your mom continue hers. I ended up loving weather as much as she did. From a Cloudsdale weather team member, all the way up to assistant manager at the Weather Factory.”

“I thought you were the full manager.”

“I got there...after your mom and I split up after you ran away. The only way I could cope for those years was to put my entire soul into my work. I know that was a mistake now. It was my work habits that kept me from being the husband and father I should have been.”

“So what does this have to do with me and Applejack?” Rainbow asked.

“During some of our days off, your mother and I went down to help with the work at Sweet Apple Acres. I know that Applejack has told you that she doesn't want to go on tour next year. With Applejack performing, and Big Mac running the apple stand at the Wonderbolt events, their family had to call in a lot of favors to keep things running smoothly, and when they ran out of favors, they had to hire extra hooves, which in turn cut into their profits. I just want you to think very carefully about whether or not you want to stay on for another tour.”

“But being a Wonderbolt is my dream!” Rainbow protested.

“I know, I know. Being in the Guard was my dream too. Until the love of my life came along. I can imagine how much you and Applejack care for each other. In my view, love like that deserves better than a long-distance relationship.”

Rainbow didn't respond right away. Her dad had a point; she hadn't given much thought to what it would be like on tour without Applejack. She couldn't remember the last time they had been apart for more than a day.

“You don't need to decide now. I just wanted to make sure to bring it up. I don't want you to go out there and miss her for most of the year. If you decide you want to stay, you can have your old job back.”

“Just like that?”

“I've already been over it with Thunderlane. He'll gladly give it back to you.”

“Thanks, dad. I will think about it.”

With that, they had finished their bagels. It wasn't exactly farm fresh food, but Rainbow did appreciate one of her childhood favorites. They put the dishes in the sink, and Stormcloud turned to his daughter.

“Mmm, that was just what I needed before a meeting with the Princess.”

“You have a meeting with the Princess?” he asked. Rainbow nodded.

“Twilight delivered a letter to me right before I left to come here.

“Well, I don't want to keep her waiting on you too long, but there's one more thing, Rainbow,” he began, walking to the living area, followed by the cyan pegasus. She sat down on the couch, while Stormcloud cleared his throat.

“I've been keeping something, that I think you're ready to have.” Stormcloud said, going over to a chest. Opening it, he reached inside, closed it, and came back to the couch with a polished oak hinged box. It was square-shaped, wider than it was tall. He sat down next to his daughter, setting the box on the table with care.

“This has been in the family for a millennium, passed down from generation to generation. Now I'm ready to pass it down to you.”

He slowly opened the box, and sitting on red velvet cushioning, was a tarnished silver leg band with a round turquoise gem set in the center.

“What is it?” Rainbow asked, peering at the ancient piece of jewelry.

“This is a royal Night Watch insignia band. It belonged to our ancestor, Orion. He was the captain of Luna's royal guards right before she was banished to the moon.”

Rainbow took on a look of perplexity.

“That's our family legacy? We're the descendants of a traitor?”

Stormcloud smiled gently at his daughter's naivety.

“Quite the contrary, Rainbow. The story has been passed down every time this band has. Just hours before the battle, Orion defected to the Solars. He gave Princess Celestia and her troops the information necessary to ensure that minimal losses occurred. He cared about his troops, and he knew that they had nothing to do with what Luna had done. You see, Rainbow...his son was born barely a day after Luna refused to lower the moon. Orion did what he did because he wanted his foal to grow up in peace.”

“So what happened?”

“Well, he didn't survive the battle, so there are a few variations of the story. Personally, I like the one where it's said that Nightmare Moon herself had to attack him, and that he died with a smile on his face. Maybe Celestia can tell you more; she was at the battle, and legend says that he convinced her to spare as many lives as she could.”

Rainbow leaned forward, and carefully picked up the box to have a closer look. The band indeed looked more than 1,000 years old. No restoration had been performed at all, which, in Rainbow's opinion, added to the sentimental value of it, not to mention the story that went along with it.

“You're sure you want me to have this right now?” she asked. Her dad nodded.

“I think it'll help you put things into the right perspective for this month off. You and Applejack love each other, that's clear to me. We all have to make sacrifices for love sometimes. I did, and Orion did. There are choices in life that aren't the easiest to make. You have to make the decision of what you're willing to sacrifice.”

Rainbow very carefully closed the lid of the box.

“Can I keep this here for now? I'll be back for it later, but I just don't want to fly to Canterlot with it.”

“Absolutely. Now go and see what the Princess wants. There will be plenty of time for us to catch up later.”

Rainbow hugged her dad, and he saw her to the front door, where she went to the doorstep, and took off into the sky.

This time, under infinitely better circumstances.