Dan was furious at the purple mare and swore revenge... again. Dan remembered his left thumb is double jointed and slipped his left hand free. Dan quickly freed his other hand and undid the straps on his leg. Dan walked up to the window smashed it and climbed onto the tree branches. As he climbed down the back of the tree house he misplaced his foot, a branch broke and he fell to the ground with a yelp. Dan hid behind houses and traveled through alleys looking for the everfree forest were he could plot his revenge. After what seemed like hours of avoiding ponies and travelling down alleys he found the everfree forest and made a break for it.
When he was almost in the clear the pink demon blocked his path.
"AAHG" Dan yelled before falling over. "Watch it you pink horse I almost tripped!"
"Whatcha doin?"
"Escaping, now leave me alone."
"Can I come? can I can I? huh?CANICOME??"
"Whynot?Pllleeaaassee? I won't tell Twilight where you are even though she's searching the whole town for you!"
"Go away." Dan got up and started walking towards the everfree forest when the pink pony got an evil grin.
"Oh! if you let me come I wont tell Twilight!"
"Tell her and I'll mangle you."
"I wont tell her but I'm still coming!"
"Whatever I'm leaving."
Pinkie started following him and couldn't stand the silence for more than 5 seconds before she said,
"Have you ever heard of cherry changas? I LOVE cherrychangas I invented them myself! I also call them chimi cherry changas! What name do you think is better? I personally like-"
"So I said OATMEAL? are you CRAZY?-"
"SHUT UP! argg! I can't take it anymore, enough with your infuriating rambling!"
"Okie dokie loki. You don't have to me so mean about it Mr. grumpypants!"
"Shut up."
"Okie dokie lokie"
"Stop saying that"
"Okie dokie Mr.grumpypants."
"Shut up"
"Okie dokie lok-"
A howl from behind them cut them off, it didn't sound too close but Dan didn't want to take any chances as both he and pinkie picked up their pace. They continued for a while before slowing down.
Dan stopped walking as they came across a small cave.
"This shall be were I plot my revenge!" Dan laughed evilly before tripping and falling backwards with a yelp.
"What revenge? CANIHELP?"
Dan rose to his feet and walked to the cave."No."
"Pleeeeese?" Pinkie looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.
"PLEEEEEEEESSEE?" Pinkies puppy dog eyes got to the point were you couldn't see any white and slight tears came to the edge of her eyes as she stuck her lip out in a pout.
Dan looked down "N- uhmm.. Stop making that face!" Pinkie sat down somehow increasing her look of sad adorableness. "FINE STOP MAKING THAT STUPID FACE YOU CAN HELP ME."
"Yay! Who are we getting revenge on?" Pinkie's face returned to normal and she bounced up before you could blink.
"The purple one, Twilight Sprinkle or something."
"Ok! also, Its Twilight Sparkle. What do I help with!?! I love pranks!" Pinkie put on her fake mustache and rubbed her hooves together.
"Go get some branches and the sharpest rock you can find. Actually, bring all the rocks you can find. I declare this cave to be the Dancave!"
"Okie dokie loki!" Pinkie bounced off into the forest. Dan looked inside the cave to see that it was empty so he walked in and found a small stick on the ground, he picked it up and started drawing a plan in the dirt.
Twilight and Applejack were sitting in the library while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were searching above town to see if they can spot Dan while Rarity was in Canterlot for a few days and was no help at all. They had no idea where Pinkie was, but Pinkie's gonna Pinkie.
"Where could he have gone? He's not anywhere in town! Oh no.... What if he went back into the everfree forest?!?!" Twilight stopped and sat down, taking a deep breath.
"Calm down Twi, ah'm sure he's 'round here somewhere but first we have ta find Pinkie"
"You're right Applejack, finding Pinkie is our first priority. But you know Pinkie Pie, she couldn't have gone far, she's probably following him as we speak!"
"Yer right, she'll show up sooner or later."
"Yeah.." Twilight sighed and started walked over to the door. "Lets go warn everypony, if he's still in town somepony will surely find him."
The two ponies walked outside to warn everypony to look out for the angry human.
Lyra was out with Bonnie when she heard the news, a human was loose around town. A human. She rubbed her hooves together as she planned how to catch the human. "Soon," Lyra promised, "Soon..."
Bon-Bon stared at her marefriend with a concerned gaze, taking a step back from the mint unicorn.
Pinkie came back to the cave with a few moderately big branches on her back and a saddlebag full of rocks. She didn't pay any attention to were she got the saddlebag, usually things just appear like that when she needs them she never for a second thought about how it happened, it just did.
"I'm back!!~"
"Set the branches over here and hand me the sharpest rock!"
"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie bounced over and hoofed him the sharp rock and dropped the branches next to him.
"What now?" Pinkie asked, bouncing with energy.
"Line up the rocks in a circle and go get some dried leaves, twigs, and mulch for the fire, its getting dark." Dan grumbled.
"Okie dokie lokie, is this like a camping trip? I'll get sleeping bags! and marshmallows!"
"Sure, whatever." Dan focused on peeling the bark off the straightest thinnest branch and making a point on the end while Pinkie gathered mulch composed of some twigs, dried leaves, sticks and dried grass dropping it in the circle of rocks, afterwards traveling to sugarcube corner to get camping supplies.
Pinkie pulled out spy goggles and a latex spy suit out of a tree to sneak into ponyville, pinkie traveled through the shadows avoiding everypony she saw. She crawled up to the window of her bedroom in sugarcube corner and grabbed two sleeping bags. Crawling on the roof using suction cups attached to her hooves, she made her way downstairs into the kitchen when Mrs.Cake came in and saw her.
"Hello Pinkie! uh.. if I may ask, what are you doing?"
"I'm going camping with my new friend!" at that moment pinkies face fell. Was Dan her friend? she never asked...she decided she would ask later.
"Okay then, remember your shift tomorrow Pinkie!" Mrs.cake walked into the living room to help Mr.cake with the rowdy foals. Pinkie gathered the ingredients and left, trotting out the door, down the street, and straight into the everfree forest.
Dan finished carving the first branch into a sharp stick and broke up the other two larger branches and added them to the fire. He started rubbing two sticks together and did what he had natural talent for. Starting a fire.
Fifteen minutes of boredom and planning revenge later Pinkie came back with a saddlebag packed to the brim with marshmallows, chocolate and gram crackers with two sleeping bags on her back.
"Here ya go Mr.grumpy, your sleeping bag, I brought smore materials! Oh! and are we friends? wanna be my friend?!!"
"I barely know you lady! were acquaintances-"
"Will you be my friend pleeeseeee?" Pinkie put the kicked-puppy-dog-sitting-out-in-the-rain look she used earlier and sat down again.
Dan didn't look at her and answered;
"PLEEEEEEEEASE?? I'll help you with your revenge and I'll be helpful!"
Dan scowled and looked over as she said that and saw her puppy dog face
"N- whatever, fine. Just stop doing that! We're going to need a canon, 32 tomatoes, 25 eggs, green paint and a lot of chicken feathers."
"Okie doki lokie!" Dan set up his sleeping bag as Pinkie roasted a dozen marshmallows all on the same stick over the fire.
Dan curled up in his sleeping bag facing away from pinkie and fell asleep with pang of sadness and a single thought;
'I miss Mr. Mumbles...'