Pony Cloud

by Tekkie

A Night(mare) to remember.

Twilight sparkle laughed as her friend Pinkie Pie attempted to pin the tail on the pony for the tenth time, she had been attempting this for a couple of minutes now. The party that Pinkie was throwing was to mark the first anniversary of the day Twilight Sparkle (as orders from Princess Celestia herself) moved into Ponyville's library. Twilight looked up at the sky, examining the stars as they shone brilliantly in the night sky, Rainbow Dash had been working hard to make sure the weather was perfect for Pinkie's party, however Twilight couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right, as if this was just a distraction, Twilight smiled and shook her head diminishing the silly thoughts 'oh Twilight dear, you've simply had a very busy day and you're just worried something will ruin this large celebration Pinkie is holding in your honour' she thought to herself, smiling happily the lavender pony turned her attention to the snack table. Now that she thought about it she was pretty hungry so she trotted over to help herself to a snack, before she could reach the table however, there was a loud crack in the air and the sound of evil laughter erupted ominously from the centre of Ponyville.

Everypony in town stopped what they were doing and looked towards the source of the sound, even Octavia had stopped playing her signature violin. There was another sound of evil laughter as the two fell out of sync, a loud crack of lighting revealed a large mare standing atop the library, Twilight recognised her straight away - Nightmare Moon and next to her: Discord. Twilight and Pinkie Pie looked up at the duo with disbelief we thought we had destroyed Nightmare Moon and encased Discord in stone for eternity. Discord grimaced at the reactions he was receiving, however nothing compared to the evil grin Nightmare Moon was showing, there was a final loud crack as a large, round pony appeared floating in the air behind them, it's horn glowed a bright pink as comets started to erupt from the sky, crashing down against Ponyville. Ponies started running and screaming, calling out for help. Twilight looked around frantically unable to find her friends and that's when she heard it, Trixie calling out for help as the top of the library fell down towards her, acting quickly Twilight rammed Trixie out of the way of the falling tower, grunting in pain as the heavy tip of the tower crushed her neck.

Twilight groaned as she slowly flipped herself over, landing on her stomach Twilight looked up at the wreckage or lack of wreckage rather, there was a single building standing and that was one of the buildings she rarely entered: Octavia's bar, Twilight rushed into the building at the sound of faint music, when she arrived however the only pony there was a slow-motion Octavia with a strange fox with bat wings sitting on the stage next to her "shameful isn't it? the music is playing, but nobody here to hear it except from me and you" it said, it's wings spread and it took flight, dropping a scroll on the floor in front of Twilight, curious the lavender unicorn lifted the scroll using her magic and opened it. Twilight read over it in her mind Forest, is that it? one lousy word? she thought to herself however this one word was all she had right now. Twilight sighed and headed towards everfree forest, the walk seemed long and empty without any pony stopping to say hello, she panted lightly when she finally arrived at everfree, a sword was lodged into a tree at the entrance, blocking her way. Twilight examined it carefully, half of the blade was missing and the part that was there was made of an amethyst-like material, she wrapped her mouth around the hilt of the blade and pulled it out, lifting it with her magic Twilight watched, almost entranced as the rest of the blade formed in reaction to her magic all of a sudden a large snake leapt out of the shadows, catching Twilight off-guard she yelled from fright, falling over as the snake attempted to bite her, Twilight kicked the snake off of her and brought the end of the sword's blade down on the snakes head splitting it in two, the sword reacted to the snake's blood and the hilt suddenly warped itself to manipulate the look of a snake's skin, Twilight looked up at the entrance to everfree forest and gulped quietly, she didn't know what was going on but if some pony did, then she was certain she could find them in here.