The music of Royalty

by cyberllama

A New Home

Chapter Two: A New Home

Silvernote opened his eyes and looked around, where am I, he thought.

“Hey you’re awake,” a voice called.

He looked to his right to see Rhythm, “who are you?” he asked.

“I am your friend Silvernote, my name is Rhythm. This is kind of sudden but you were in a huge explosion,” he began, “you were the only survivor from it-“

“Wait,” Silvernote interrupted, “you’re saying I was in an explosion?”

“Yes, your entire family was caught in the blast and perished, we don’t why, but you were the only survivor out of this.”

“How did this happen?”

“Powerful magic was being tested and it got out of hand, creating an explosion.”

“Oh I see,” Silvernote responded, depressingly.

Rhythm didn’t want to lie to the new Silvernote, he hadn't known exactly what he did that was wrong, but he thought nopony deserved the price of amnesia. God I hope he’ll be alright, Rhythm thought.

“Well, what should I do there’s nothing for me,” he asked.

God, he hit me right in the emotions, why does this have to be so hard, Rhythm wined in his head. What do you say to that, he’s lost everything now; his memories were the last thing he had, Rhythm panicked.

“That is why I’m here, Silvernote,” Celestia’s voice called from the door.

“Who are you?” Silvernote tilted his head.

“I am Princess Celestia and I am here to tell you the life you lead," she announced.

“What are you doing?” Rhythm whispered.

“I know what I’m doing,” she whispered back.

“Now you were part of the prestigious note family whose talent in the musical arts was unmatched, and they were even well known for their magical capabilities. So far you are the only one who hasn’t had a cutie mark at your age in the note family ever.”

“Cutie… mark?” he questioned.

“It is a magical mark that appears on your flank that signifies your special talent,” she replied.

“That sounds like I was the worst in the family,” he replied.

“Actually, you almost learned how to play all of the classical instruments and were thinking about becoming a composer.”

“Well, should I re-learn them because I’m not remembering anything out of this.”

“Yes and a great place to start would be in a small town that my student who specializes in magic lives in.”

“So I could do both?” he asked.

“You can do whatever you want.”

“How will I be able to support myself without any memory of anything?” Silvernote begged.

“I will have this colt, Rhythm, accompany you as well and I will provide a house for both of you to stay in.”

“Oh that’d be nice.”

"I'll leave you to get to know each other then." Celestia started out the doorway.

Silvernote watched the princess leave as he noticed somepony else peering through the cracked open door. He wanted to say something, but was rather scared.

"So Silvernote, I am your bodyguard, Rhythm, i'm very happy to meet you," Rhythm held out a hoof.

"Umm what are you doing," Silvernote questioned the gesture.

"Oh, you don't know about shaking hooves, here you just place yours on mine and you wave up and down in a synchronized way," Rhythm guided.

"Is this for meeting new people?" Silvernote asked.

"Yes it is the most polite thing to do when first meeting someone."

Forty-five minutes later

Silvernote spent his time mentally preparing himself for his journey to the small village. I wonder hat type of town it'll be, I hope that I'll fit in alright.

“Hey are you ready to go?” Rhythm asked with an arrow guitar strapped to his back.

“What’s that?” Silvernote inquired.

“This is an arrow guitar bro, it’s like a regular one, but it has a much sweeter sound when it’s got an amp plugged in.” he explained, “plus it has a cooler shape.”

“Sorry, I don’t really know what a guitar is.”

“Here, I’ll show you-“

“Sir we were ordered to leave about now,” a guard whispered in his ear.

“Eh, there’ll be lots more time when we get to Ponyville.”

“Is that the place that we’re heading to?”

“Yup and its-“

“You; stop there,” a guard yelled.

A blue colt with some sort of case strapped to him was galloping through the guards and stopped right at the two of them. He had a bright blue coat, a cherry red mane with blue highlights, and about the same tail.

“Please take me with you,” he kneeled.

“May I ask why?” Rhythm asked.

“Aren't you the ponies going to Ponyville?” he asked.

"Yes we are," Rhythm replied.

"It's somewhere I've wanted to go for a long time please take me with you!" he begged.

Rhythm looked at the guards in a questioned way. They just shrugged then he looked at Silvernote.

“If we can, we should, he looks like he needs our help.” Silvernote stared back.

“Okay fine, we’ll take you with us.”

“Oh thank you so much,” the blue colt praised.

“My name is Bluestreak, so great to meet you.”

“I’m Rhythm and this is Silvernote.”

“WAIT the Silvernote of the note family oh it's so great to meet you?!” he shouted.

“You used to know me?” Silvernote asked.

Oh crap I can’t let him know about it, the amnesia spell might break, what should I do, Rhythm panicked.

“Dude your family goes in his-“ Bluestreak started.

Rhythm plugged his mouth and pulled him away, “don’t say a word about his past or no ride,” he whispered in Bluestreak’s ear, “blink once if you understand.”

Bluestreak responded with a blink and was released.

“Are you ready to go Silvernote?” Rhythm asked.

“Yeah, I guess,” he replied.

They were all guided to the carriage and took off to ponyville. Silvernote enjoyed walking through the hallways and looking at all of the various pieces of art and other bits and bobs laying around. All the while Rhythm was getting worried about what Princess Celestia had gotten him into. Once they got n the carriage it was a smooth ride to Ponyville.

“So what is Ponyville like?” Silvernote asked.

“It’s pretty far from Canterlot and I don’t know much about it,” Rhythm replied.

“Leave that to me,” Bluestreak popped in, “it is actually one of the least known and poorest towns in all of Equestria.”

“Not having high spirits about it right now,” Silvernote interrupted.

“I didn’t finish, in exchange for that it has some very talented ponies around. First there’s Twilight Sparkle, the princess’ most trusted student and a very talented spellcaster. Then there’s DJ Pon-3 one of the most talented DJs in equestria. Finally there’s going to be another talented colt named Bass, I actually don’t have much on him, but I hear he’s really good.”

Rhythm just shrugged his shoulders, and suddenly got a little angry.

“It sounds a little better, but what’s a ‘DJ’?”

“Wow you really are ancient, okay, a DJ is somepony that uses what’s called a sound board and records, what they do to the record is scratch it to give it a different beat, sound or rhythm than what it already has.”

“Interesting, so one more question Bluestreak.”

“Yes, what is it?”

“What’s a record?”

“I don’t think I can talk to you anymore,” he said, disappointed.

Silvernote just hopelessly put his down in sadness,. is it something I said, he thought. God is he an idiot? Bluestrak screamed in his head. He has to know what the hell a record is, for Celestia’s sake he has been alive for a thousand years. On top of that he’s a musician himself, something has to be wrong in his head.

“Settle down, you can leave once we get there, which reminds me,” Rhythm said, “Where do you plan on staying?”

Bluestreak’s face was totally dumbfounded by the question.

“Let me guess, you only heard a rumor that a citizen and a royal guard were going to ponyville for no explained reason and you immediately grabbed whatever you have in that case and blasted into the castle, hoping that you could hop on since you couldn’t afford it.”

“Y-yes that’s about it,” Blueastreak replied.

there was a moment of silence while Rhythm was wondering what he should do.

“We can’t just leave him in the middle of the road,” Silvernote said.

“Yes we can,” Rhythm replied.

Crap I have to help him out somehow, Silvernote thought, no one deserves poverty.

“He can stay at our place until he can afford his own,” he suggested.
“It’s only fit for two ponies and only has enough food to last a couple weeks.”

“Fine, we’ll let him stay, but we’re talking after this, got it?”

“Sounds fair to me,” Silvernote replied.

“Rhythm,” a voice called in Rhythm's head.

“Hm?” he replied.

“What’s wrong?” Silvernote asked.

“Nothing could've sworn I heard something,” Rhythm replied.

“It’s Princess Celestia,” the voice called again.

“how are you talking to me like this?” Rhythm asked in his head.

“I casted a spell on you so I could monitor your progress with Silvernote.”

“Is that all? There has to be more.”

"No not much, also has he adjusted well so far?"

Rhythm looked over to see Silvernote feeling guilted over the conversation and Bluestreak looking like he was going to bang his head on the chariot, “You could say that.”

“Good luck Rhythm, my most trusted servant.”

“Yes princess,” he replied.

Dumping this pony on me, I don't know the first thing about helping people with their life problems nor do I have time for it, Rhythm pouted.

“I heard that,” She said.

“Get out of my head!” he screamed.

“Who are you talking to,” the two colts asked.

“Sorry I was going a little lost in my own thoughts,” Rhythm replied.

“It sounds like you were talking to your imaginary friend,” Bluestreak said.

“Imaginary friend?” Silvernote questioned.

“I swear, with Celestia as my witness, if you don’t know what an imaginary friend is, I will throw you in the Everfree forest.”

“Ever… free forest?”

“I’m done, taking a nap goodnight.”

“Did I say something?”

“Don’t worry, it’s not your fault you have amnesia, you can’t understand some things because you haven’t heard such terms,” Rhythm said.

“Yeah, I hope I gain them soon, I just want something to return to," he looked down.

“Hey you will, just give it time," Rhythm embraced Silvernote.

“Is that the truth?”

Rhythm didn’t like lying to Silvernote . Nevertheless he kept lying to hide the truth and pray that he doesn’t remember.

Once they arrived in Ponyville they were brought to a relatively simple house connected to others as well. The houses were pretty non-distinguishable from each other. All of them had the exact same yellow paint, and same architecture as well, the only difference was the individual addresses on the front.

"Hey Rhythm what are those numbers?" Silvernote asked.

"Those are called addresses they signify whose house is whose, so make sure you remember ours incase you leave," Rhythm replied.

Silvernote studied he four numbers on the house they were entering, they were 5914. Okay, Silvernote thought, all I need to do is remember those and I'll be fine.

The house was a cozy medium sized two story building with all furniture installed. The kitchen and tables on the right, the cozy living room on the left and a diner table in the middle. A spiral staircase lead to a bathroom and two bedrooms.
"Why are there only two bedrooms," Bluestreak asked.

"This was a house specially chosen for two ponies to live in now three, that's why Princess Celestia chose it for Silvernote and I to live in," Rhythm replied.

“Hey let’s just sleep, I'm exhausted, Silvernote and I get the beds get the beds,” Rhythm walked up the stairs.

“Where will I sleep?” Bluestreak whined.

“Theres a couch right over there, right?” Rhythm continued upward as Silvernote followed.

“Fine,” he groaned.

“You can have my bed if you want,” Silvernote offered.

"No he can't," Rhythm butted in.

"Why not," Silvernote asked.

"Because this is our house and it is only fair for us to be more comfortable in our own home," Rhythm continued in his room.

When he walked in he saw that his bed was a queen size and Silvernote the same for Silvernote.

"See I don't need all of this space can't we just share a bed and Bluestreak can have one, I really don't feel right leaving him on that uncomfortable looking couch," Silvernote begged.

Rhythm thought for a minute.

"Yeah sure fine," he replied.

"YEAH," Bluestreak charged in what was supposed to be Silvernote's room.

Silvernote gently walked in and tucked. and stood at the side of the bed, confused.

"What's wrong?" Rhythm asked.

"How do I use this thing?" Silvernote questioned back.

Rhythm walked to the other side, "all you need to do is lift up thes sheets," he grabbed them with his mouth, "and liff them uf like thish."

"Then you get under them and pull them back over your body," he finished.

Silvernote followed and got under the sheets, "like this?" he asked.

"Yes very good, now try to get some rest there's a big day ahead tomorrow," Rhythm pulled himself under the covers.

Rhythm felt comfortable with Silvernote besides the bed situation. he thought he would absolutely hate having to guide Silvernote with every little thing, but he enjoyed it in some way that he couldn't describe. Although he already had a relatively bad impression on Bluestreak, he could manage living with him if Silvernote wanted him to. Rhythm was a bit of a pushover when it came to Silvernote and he wasn't sure why. Could it be because I already feel like an older brother? he asked himself. Rhythm felt kind of awkward with sleeping with Silvernote, their coats brushing up against each other, being this close to another male, kind of made him sweat a little bit as well. He fell into a comforting sleep once he finally found the right position and everything was silent.