The Story of Midnight Stargazer

by MidnightStargazer

Prologue: Young Ages and the Present

Young Ages

The sun came up as usuall.The animals, and all the citiczens of Tracto woke up to a beautifull morning.The streets of the town, were slowly began to be filled with people beggining to do their daily routines.Some of the shops were already open, even before the land began to be basked in sunlight.The reason for this, was that many shopkeepers needed to prepare for the new, and returning customers.There were a wide variety of merchants in the village, but of course, this was naturall, because that was the reason why the town was so popular between people who loved shopping.Aside from separate stores, there was the „Big Market”, as the locals called it, which atracted even more travelers, from all over Equestria.

Next to the Market, there stood a line of rather elegant houses.Mostly, these residences were made for the people who lived a bit above the regular economical group of citiczens.
The locals knew, that these houses were made for those few succesfull tradesmans, who were native to the town.In one of them, lived the Stargazer family.
The family was well known for their prosperous businesses, all around Equestria.They had their own shop, next to the house they lived in, so it wasn’t hard to open at early mornings.Their main merchandises were expensive appareals, valuable goods, and even magical items.If anyone needed something high quality, whether it is some kind of an equipment, or rare gems, they already knew, where should they look for them.There were always a lot of people in the shop, trieing to find all sorts of things.
That is why, despite his age, the younger son of the owner, Midnight, had to work there, as an assistant for the customers.Midnight had dark green eyes, with a little bit of a jellowish/golden tint in them, dark blue fur, and gloomy brown mane.He was a curious little unicorn, who always enjoyed the company of new people, whether the person was local, or a traveler.He always tried to deliver the best first impression as possible, and because of this, the shop was a nice and friendly place to drop into.
When the costumers spoke about their journeys, adventures, or where they came from, he always was astonished, how many great places there were on the land.Thanks to the good reputation of the shop, there was always a wide variety of folks, passing by the family business, even people from the farest reaches of the land, like zebras, or griffons.
When Midnight first saw a griffon, he was very excited about a different species, mainly because he grew up only around his own kind.Zebras on the other hand, did not really drew much attention in him, because they almost were identical to ponies.He loved being in the store, it did not really was a job for him, rather another free time activity.
He also really enjoyed being out in the open, this attitude helped to strengthen his life goal, to be an adventurer.All those stories, and strange wonders he could be a part of, that was his dream.In his free time, aside from being in the shop, and out in the open, he loved to read about old histories, and also to study from Magic Encyclopedias.Of course, at that age, he was just curious about all these topics, he didn’t really took them seriously.That was, until he turned 13.

Present Days

A few years later, by the time he was in his teenage years, Midnight became even more curious about the world which surrounded him.He still worked at the family shop, but he wasn’t that excited, and interested in it anymore, as he was before.
He grew old, being in the same building and town, for all these years, he finally wanted to get out of the ordinary, and be elswhere.In those years, the situation of the Town, was not the same, the people became more rude, the amount of robberies increased, and because of this, the village lost it’s former fame, and became just a shadow of it’s former self.
The family’s life was more difficult than ever, suffered from a number of problems, because of the town.A lot less people came to the shop, a lot of products were gone to waste, and Midnight became very confused, and angry about this.

”How come, a village like this, can go to the edge of tearing itself apart?”- he asked this question from himself nearly every day.

His father hoped, one day, Midnight will be the owner of the shop, but in this situation, he did not know how long the business will last on his own hoof.

On one day, all this came to it’s final point.

It was 8 in the morning, and Midnight was already up.He seemed tired, but that didn’t really steal his mood, because this was a very special day for him.
He trotted to the window, and took a glance at the street.
"Ah, the same sight every day.A miserable little street, full of dirt….junk… and people who I hate, or who I didn’t even met with in my entire life..Just great.”- said Midnight to himself, while he put his hoofes on the window’s ledge.
He regulary spoke in himself, he did not have many friends at that time, this wasn’t the same, when he was younger, but being in the shop for half of the day, didn’t really allow for him to be with his classmates, or with the people he knew from the shop.But he was fine about this, after the town became what it is, he grew tired of people, and he did not really trust anyone, except his parents.
"I should probably get going,”- he said, while he picked up his saddlebag -"I have quiet a journey ahead of me.”
His room was in the loft of the house, so he had a nice look ont he street, which now became a pile of garbage.The room itself wasn’t that big, it had the things which were nessecary , like a finely crafted bed, and a desk.All of the furnitures were from the town, and was bought way before, when the town was actually nice to live in.Things like the pictures on the wall, and the carpet were all from highly skilled professionals.
"Okay, I think have everything which is nessecary, I guess only the food remains.Jeez, this bag sure is gonna be heavy, I did not pack my whole room in..”- complained Midnight, while he checked if everything he wanted is in his bag.
He packed things like his favourite book called: "Misteries of Magic, and Ancient Spells Volume 1, written by Starswirl the Bearded „ , a map of the region they lived in, some clothes, like his old cloak witha hood on it, just in case if it’s going to rain, and other usefull equipment.
When he closed his bag, and was about to leave the room, he took a final gaze around the room.
"Everything is in place, I cleaned up as mother said, I organized everything for the coming week, do I need to do anything? I think no.”- stated Midnight, closing his eyes, while looking proudly.
Meanwhile, the opposite neighbour just opened his window, with a face, which cannot be more tired than an Ursa Major, waking up from it’s winter hibernation.When Midnight opened his eyes, the other pony in the window took a pretty confused glance on Midnight, while he did his speech for himself.Midnight looked awkwardly on him and slowly walked to the window, keeping his last expression, and looking straight at the stallion.He then, gently grabbed the pair of windows, and shut them in.The pony in the window stood in place, not moving a muscle, and just watched Midnight, doing the whole process.
"SWEET CELESTIA, WHY IS EVERYPONY SO WEIRD THESE DAYS!??”- shouted, Midnight, while his door was still wide open.
"Is everything alright dear? Why are you shouting?”- asked, Midnight’s mother.
"EEEH… YES! Everything is perfectly fine!I just had a peacefull conversation with myself, that’s all, hahaha, It's not like I'm mad or anything!”- replied, Midnight who was already in an awkward situation, but this just doubled it.