Dream Walker

by Rocktavius Dashylight



You flew fast, but suddenly, Rainbow Dash shot forward. It wasn't a Rainboom. Not only that, a ball of light shot out from her, making the darkness scatter into the air. The pony dashed into the sonic rainboom and saved the four ponies.

Hang on...did she just use...magic? That can't be! You turn around to see Fluttershy jump up and down in excitement. You started casually flying back as you felt a viberation.

A cell phone? You quickly pull it out and answer it. A voice spoke, but you couldn't hear what was said over screaming in the background.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the yelling in the background saying, 'I CAN'T BELEIVE IT WORKED!'" The phone was muffled as he told the guy to hush.

"Sorry, he's really excited." the voice said.


"The one and only. So, how did you like what we just did?"

"Is that how Rainbow used magic?"

"Yup. It was Dashy's doing. Just wait til you see what Fluttershy is capable of!"

"Wait...how?" You ask, confused.

"We're writing and it's interfering with your world." Dashylight's voice.

"When did I get this cell phone?" you ask, still curious.

"Thank Luna. She helped me get one to you."

"So...let me get this strait, you are writing things into exsistance?"

"Indeed." Twishyguy this time.

You look up and see Rainbow Dash all alone. "Sorry, gotta go."

Rainbow was the first to speak when you flew over to her. "Do you know what the hay went on out there?"

"These people from the other world are giving you mares powers." She obviously didn't believe you. "Can I ask you a random question?"


"Have you ever heard of Skittles? They're a big candy on my planet, and their logo is, get this...taste the rainbow." Rainbow Dash fell on the cloud, rolling in laughter. "Let me taste it." That made her laugh even more. It's time to taste the rainbow...

You walk over to the fountain.

"I wouldn't taste that if I were..." Pinkie Pie started. Too late. It did taste like Skittles!

"Hey Pinks, you know what's ironic?"

"What, what, what, what, what? ...does ironic mean?"

"Huh...something you don't expect in this case."


"This rainbow tastes like Skittles, which is a famous candy on my planet. And you, the candy lover, didn't like it."

"Your people eat that stuff as candy? Are you crazy?"

"O, hey Pinkie Pie," Twilight came in.

"Hue-mahns are weird," she responded.

"How's that?"

"They actually like the taste of a rainbow!" Pinkie Pie said, with a funny look on her face.

"Aaaaanyway, let's go little guy." You hover with the group as you wonder, what are those bronies really doing? You'll have to talk to Twilight about it.