TCB - Ponify

by vadram

Clip Six: Labs

Ponify - Labs

It was around ten and Joe was still searching for something to eat.

The garbage trucks came unusually early that morning so all the dumpsters he checked were either empty or didn't have anything he could eat.

Out of luck he went to a crowded street and pulled out his cardboard sign and plastic cup, and hoped he could at least get enough to buy a loaf of bread.

Across the street from where he sat there was an electronic shop. The computer screens went black, as did the televisions, and the familiar loud, high-pitched shriek came from every available speakers. The “No Signal” message appears briefly followed by another brief black screen, and the man wearing the horse mask appeared.

“People of Earth!” he could be heard much clearer now. “You have been lied to!”

“The Conversion Bureau is not what it seems. What follows was taken right from their own security cameras.”

The screen becomes black once again, then it switches to footage taken from a security camera. The image was of a large white facility, probably a lab, with a few lab coat wearing humans talking to each other in front of a large glass box, with thin tubes sticking out of it.

"... as you can see Project Ponify is progressing nicely. We are even ahead of schedule, and we expect to begin human tests sometime next week," one of the researchers said to someone off screen.

The camera moves, trying to get a better view of the person, but he was standing well outside the camera's field of view.

"Would you like a demonstration sir?" another one asked looking in the same direction as the first.

Inside the large glass box were placed a few white mice, then a couple of food pallets. The mice moved towards the pallets, took a few sniffs and quickly moved away.

"Most of the pallets are doused with poison, the mice can smell it and will not eat them," one of the them explained.

"But now look what happens when we add the agent."

One by one the mice were removed from the box and injected with an unknown substance before being placed back.

Once again the mice walked over to the pile of pellets and sniffed them, and once again they moved away from them.

One of the scientist signaled another to pull a switch. He did, and a small light bulb flashed a few times.

The mice headed to the pallets once more, only that this time they ate them and fell dead in a matter of seconds. The other mice went to investigate the dead ones, then ignored them and went to eat the pellets. They suffered the same fate.

"As you can see the agent successfully inhibits the brain's ability to consider the risks involved, choosing only to focus on the rewards, or potential rewards. "

"The light can be easily added to our commercials," another scientist said.

"And neither the agent or the light pattern does anything by themselves, " another added.

The screen becomes black once more and the man in the horse mask appears.

“The Conversion Bureau is not what it seems.”

“Before tomorrow ends we will be showing the world the rest of the proof.”

“We are H.A.T.E.C.B. Humans Against The Conversion Bureau, and expect to hear from us soon.”

The masked man's words were barely heard over the mumbling mass of people that had gathered in front of the store to look at the message.

A few of them passed in front of Joe and threw a few coins his way, at least he could get a bite to eat.