The Changeling King Ch.1

by Cryptid

Ch4. The Scholar's Brother

"No" said the king, his eyes tearing up "Don't you remember!?" He cried. "No, of course you don't he sobbed "nopony does."
"I don't mean to be rude here, but I'm utterly confused." said Twilight Sparkle.
"Let me tell you everything" Said the king, and his tale began.
"I am your brother, but I'm not Shining Armor. My name is, or was, Skyward Sword*. About two years before Shining Armor was born, I was born. You don't remember me because when I was a little colt, I was coltnapped. Coltnapped by a evil unicorn, that I believe you've met, by the name of Sombra. So I was kidnapped by Sombra who was hoping that I would become his heir, once he reclaimed the Crystal Empire. His hopes were dashed when I bit him in the rump and escaped. The trouble was, I didn't know where home was, so I wandered all around Equestria, surviving off berries and other fruits and nuts that I could find, since I had no money to buy food from any towns or cities. I wandered around alone until I met a young filly by the name of Chrysalis. She traveled with me for years. We were always moving to a new place, until one fateful day, when we were attacked by a changeling who could smell our love. It was a changeling that was genetically modified to be able to quickly and easily convert other ponies into changelings*. It bit Chrysalis and converted her before I could save her. Horrified, I shoved by fist into the changeling's mouth, because I had to be with her. I was converted, but the two of us did not have hive minds, so we were quickly able to take control of the hive. So you see, I didn't have I choice whether or not to be like this."
"What are you talking about? You shoved your hand down it's mouth! Of course you had a choice.!" Yelled Twilight.
"That's not what I meant." Said Skyward.

*Buck Yea.
*I'll go further in depth in an upcoming FimFIC.