//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: I'm Fluttershy (Re-Re-Edited) // Story: A Cartoonist in Equestria // by Autismo555 //------------------------------// "So your name is Fluttershy, right?" Harold sat on the ground in an Indian-style pose, his hands on his knees to support his rocking balance. An awkward silence passed them like the spring breeze rustling through the tree leaves. He and the pegasus named Fluttershy were both scared of each other, although Fluttershy's fears were made highly apparent. She hadn't trembled with fear ever since Harold assured her he was harmless, but she shied her gaze away mostly to the ground. "That's actually a pretty name," Harold complimented, his voice shaking nervously. "Fluttershy; I like it. It certainly fits a timid little pony like you." Fluttershy cast yet another brief glance to Harold, giving off a tiny whimper before she looked back to the ground, continuously drawing circles into the dirt. Truth be told, Harold was just as afraid as the pegasus was just by talking to her. He could sympathize with Fluttershy for being afraid of the whole world, always wanting to live somewhere away from society and hiding his face in a mask so strangers wouldn't look at him conspicuously. But deep down, something inside of him told him that Fluttershy was a good-hearted pony. He knew if he went out of his comfort and talk with the pegasus, she would help him to know where he was and if there was a way out of Equestria. That's when a voice screamed inside of Harold's mind, to the point where he almost jumped. This was what Harold called, the Conflicting Voice. The Voice was a series of mocking and brutal thoughts that conflicted with Harold's wanting to do something beyond his comfort zone and festered him with thoughts of people rejecting him, whispering about him behind their backs. The voice was harsh and abusive, like it was hearing his father, Ahab's voice inside of his head. "Oh, that's so typical of you, you little accident! While you're sitting around and watching the pony become cuter, you're missing every opportune moment to fulfill that empty-headed hollow promise you made to your sister!" The Conflicting Voice barked, making Harold cower to his shoulders. "If you really want to do something useful for yourself, then go up and ask her! Ask her for some help! Ask her for directions out of this crazy place! Do something! I can't even believe you're afraid of a talking pony!" Harold rubbed his arm nervously. He knew he had to ask Fluttershy about Equestria and if there was any possibility of a way out, but what else could he say? How would he even ask her? Harold couldn't start a conversation with someone without turning it into an awkward moment for him or the other people around him. Even if he did try and carry out that conversation, they wouldn't listen to him anyway. He was the son of Ahab and Deveraux DeMatt, the world's most controversial married couple who deeply wounded the state of New York with greed and power. Everyone knew that every word they spoke was dripping with acidic poison and soon, so would their own children. That was why Harold was so reluctant to ask the pegasus. Every moment where society either shunned him or beat him to the ground drove him to become a socially-impaired introvert. Harold was afraid that whatever he said would either be ignored by the pegasus or it would intimidate her more than she already was. If he slipped this little meeting with Fluttershy up, she might never help him find a way out of Equestria. But then again, this also spelt opportunity for him. If Harold kept sitting there staring at Fluttershy all day, what good will it do if he can't talk to her, especially since he had a long way to go before he could fulfill his promise to Lana? After all, Lana always wanted him to go and talk to people, socialize, even making some friends along the way. This was precisely what she always wanted Harold to do, wouldn't she? "Well, of course this is what your sister wanted you to do, you twit!" The Conflicting Voice snapped. "Come on, you're sitting right in front damned horse with wings, not some viper with hooves! They're all worthless vegetarians like you, so try and grow some guts for yourself, you peon!" Harold clamped his ears shut with his hands, silencing the voice from his head. Then he combed his hands through his hair and stretched, his hair spiked up by the days-old grease as he breathed through his nose. His unsettled nerves calmed themselves and the chemicals were exhaled from his lungs while he hummed the tune of “Southampton Dock”. In a short time, Harold finally regained control of himself and the Conflicting Voice was gone for now. Still, Harold couldn't argue with the voice. If he needed to more about this place, he needed to muster up some courage and talk to Fluttershy. She might know he could get back to the main highway and maybe not, but it never hurt him to ask. Clearing his throat, Fluttershy "eeped" as Harold spoke to her in a gentle tone. "Umm... Miss Fluttershy, right?" Harold asked, earning a nod from the pegasus. "Miss Fluttershy, I understand from you that none of my kind has ever made it to this place before. Is that true?" Fluttershy nodded once more. "Well, I know this might sound a bit off, but I sorta need your help," Harold explained with mild quaking in his voice. "You see, I was traveling by myself on the main highway when all of a sudden, this giant tornado swept me off my feet and I somehow ended up here by mistake. I was wondering if there was a way out of this... Equestria place and back where I came from. It's really, really important for me that I know how I can go back." Fluttershy squeaked something inaudible then shook her head, causing Harold's eyebrows to raise with surprise. "So, what you're saying is that you don't know where the main highway is?" Harold asked. Fluttershy nodded her head. "Is that a yes to 'you know where the main highway is' or a yes to 'you don't know where the main highway is?'" Harold asked, mildly irritated by the lack of specific answers given. Once again, Fluttershy nodded her head, Harold becoming slightly annoyed. "Have you even heard of a main highway before?" he asked. With a shake of her head, Fluttershy squeaked like a mouse, loosely translated to "mm-mm." Harold sighed in disappointment. He had only met the only other living thing for God knows how many miles and she didn't know what the main highway was. Harold was at his wit's end and he slapped his knees out of frustration to prove it. At this rate, he would never accomplish what he set out on his journey for. "Alright, Miss Fluttershy, I guess I'd better be going," Harold sighed. "I would say it was nice meeting you if it weren't for certain circumstances such as this. I'm sorry if I wasted most of your time, so I'll let you get back to your physical rehab for birds and... other animals." Once more, Fluttershy whimpered something indecipherable as she shyly looked away from Harold. The human clicked his tongue and inhaled through his mouth, a hissing, whistling sound made by his slightly yellow teeth. "Okay... well, I guess I'll be taking off now," Harold said, slowly standing up, wiping a bit of dirt from his pants. "It was nice meeting you, Miss Fluttersh--AAHHH!" As soon as Harold turned to walk away in the opposite direction, a familiar knife-sharp pain ran through his head. The migraine returned to torment the poor boy, just as he predicted it would sooner or later. This migraine, however, felt even more potent than the last one. The excruciating pain was so powerful, that it made Harold yelp as he fell back to the ground on his behind. At the sight of the human's suffering, Fluttershy suddenly broke from her timid shell. As if someone flipped the switch on her personalities, Fluttershy gasped and rushed to Harold's side, the latter covering his eyes with his hand. "Oh! Oh my goodness, you're hurt!" the pegasus gasped, putting a hoof on his forehead, only to make Harold wince with pain. "Oh, you poor thing! Are you alright!? Where does it hurt!? Have you felt this way before, and if so, when did you first feel it!?" "Miss Fluttershy... please... one at a time..." Harold grumbled, rubbing his temples whilst trying to cope with his migraine. "Oh... oh, sorry," Fluttershy meekly apologized, shrinking back away from the human. Harold slowly massaged his forehead, every attempt to dull the migraine failing as painful surges coursed through his brain. "God, I knew this would eventually happen again, but I didn't think it would be this powerful," he complained. "I first felt this way when I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes. It managed to go away several minutes ago, but now it--AAAUUGGHH!" Another surge of pain ran through Harold's head. Fluttershy gasped, now fully concerned for the pain the human was going through. "Oh my, you're in even worse condition than I thought! With a migraine like yours acting up constantly, you shouldn't be outside where the sunlight could do more damage to your head!" Fluttershy firmly grasped Harold's arm and gently hoisted him up on his feet. Harold almost slipped with his footing, since the migraine not only affected his ability to think but also his ability to walk. "Come inside my cottage. You need to lie down and rest while I make a special herbal tea and give you some remedies for your head." "Thank you for the offer, Fluttershy, but I'll be fine," Harold said. "Really. Just give it a few minutes and--" "Oh no, no, no, no!" Fluttershy interjected. "I insist that you come inside so I can treat your head right away! It's the only way to get rid of it and prevent it from ever coming back!" Before Harold could protest to Fluttershy's intentions, the pegasus began to gently lead him to her cottage. Her grip on Harold's arm was both gentle and firm, causing him to submit to this warm feeling over his agonizing pain. Harold questioned why Fluttershy was doing this for him. When they first met, Fluttershy was too afraid to talk to Harold, though he tried to make good conversations to help her out of her shyness. But when she saw he was in pain, she wasted no time in being concerned for his health. She was even leading him into her home so he would be cured of his migraine. Harold didn't know why she was being so polite to him. Reginald and Lana were the only two people from home who had ever gave him something he was receiving now: kindness. This kind side of Fluttershy was nothing Harold had ever seen before. Even as he tried to resist being guided gingerly into her home, Harold couldn't help but wonder more about this side. Fluttershy seemed to give off this atmosphere that was, in a way, so familiar to him. In one minute, she was cowering before an unknown bipedal creature who appeared in her front yard; the next minute, she was caring for him. In fact, she had almost immediately gained his trust. Harold knew, because he allowed her to touch him. Back in New York, Harold was constantly enduring the barrage of beatings at the hands of Drake Singer, his two dumb lackeys or the teachers for drifting off for a split second. He even endured some of the rough tugging from the maids at home as they tried to change him in or out of different suits, uniforms and tuxedos. To this day, Harold would allow only the people he could find trustworthy and comfortable to make direct contact with him. And yet, somehow he allowed Fluttershy to make contact with him. Harold didn't know the reason why he could trust her. Maybe it was because of the way she was concerned for his infliction. Maybe it was because of how her voice was like warm silk, soothing and soft to tame even the most wildest creatures in the world. Maybe it was because... because her kindness somehow reminded Harold of Lana. A smile grew across Harold's lips, the thought of comparing Fluttershy with Lana giving him a soothing feeling. BONK! "OOOWWW!" Harold was too deep in thought to notice the oncoming doorframe. The human's height was slightly taller that Fluttershy's, just about a size and a half, but he was tall enough so his head could touch the doorframe. And Harold did so by unknowingly running into it and hitting it on his forehead, the very same place where his migraine first acted up. Harold yelped and gripped his head, wincing from the pain as he hissed in pain. The impact on his forehead caused his migraine to intensify by tenfold. Fluttershy gasped and covered her mouth with her hooves. “Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! If I’d known you were too big for the door, I wouldn’t have cause you so much more pain and--!” "It's alright, Fluttershy," Harold interjected, raising a hand to quiet the pegasus. "It wasn't your -AAH!- fault. I should've been paying more attention where I was going." Harold backed up, nearly staggering while doing so and examined his height compared to the size of the door. "Besides, I'm not too big for the door. I only hit my forehead on the side of the frame. It's no big deal, this is something I can handle." Fluttershy sighed with relief. "I suppose that is good to hear," she said. "But we must get you inside, quickly. We can't afford to let your migraine worsen by the minute." "Umm, alright." Harold gently massaged his temples with his rotating thumbs. A pair of caring frontal hooves wrapped around Harold's arm and gently tugged him along, guiding him into the interior of the cottage. Something inside Harold aside from the Conflicting Voice told him he should trust Fluttershy. He couldn't describe what it was, just a warm little hum whispering softly in his ear. Harold stopped for a moment and turned to Fluttershy, who followed suit with his actions. "Uhh... thank you for what you're doing for me, Fluttershy," Harold said shakily. He never thanked anyone else for being kind to him before and his social skills were as rickety as an old rope bridge. "You're welcome, Mr. Harold," Fluttershy replied. "I'm just glad I'm able to help out." Fluttershy gently led Harold into her cottage, Harold ducking away from the doorframe to prevent a repeat of the incident a minute ago. As Harold finally went into the foyer of the cottage, Fluttershy tilted her head, smiling while she wondered about the human. She knew he was like her timid self in so many ways, but all the while, she also saw kindness deep down inside of him. He seemed formal by calling him "Miss," and appeared to be a long ways from home. For some unknown reason, he even trusted her completely the minute she became concerned when his head was in severe pain. Why this was, she didn't know. As soon as Fluttershy went inside the cottage, she closed the doors behind her. ===================================================================== Twilight boosted her speed to Mach Six. Her past few months of learning how to fly from both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had paid off so well. Fluttershy taught her how to delicately hover without wearing out her newly-earned wings while Rainbow Dash taught her how to fly as fast as an average pegasus, even faster at certain times. It was at this certain time that Princess Twilight Sparkle flew at those high speeds, a glint of determination shining in her eye. She had to hightail it to Cloudsdale to search for Rainbow Dash, Spike hugging her back while his face turned greener than his lime green spine. "Whoa! Slow it down, Twilight!" Spike yelled out over the wind. "I cant handle this sort of air travel!" "I can't slow this down, Spike!" Twilight shouted back to the airsick dragon. "Princess Celestia's chariots will be in Ponyville shortly and I need to get Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy before they get there! You just need to keep your lunch down, we'll be at Cloudsdale in a minute!" "But that's exactly what you said five minutes ago!" Spike's cheeks suddenly inflated and he covered his mouth, following a sickly gurgle from his stomach. He swallowed down the blocked vomit and winced a disgusted face. "Oh boy, I think that leftover sapphire and turquoise soufflé surprise wants to make a surprise exit." "Just hang on, Spike! Once we find Rainbow Dash, we'll be heading down to Fluttershy's afterwards!" Twilight yelled back. "She'll get you all better, I-- WHOA!!" Suddenly, Twilight found herself making a beeline towards the backside of a flock of geese. The V-shaped flock had recently returned from their winter vacation from down south, where the buffalo tribes from Appleloosa hunted these majestic birds from the sky for the sport of obtaining feathers for their tribal caps. Twilight quickly dove to the left, swerved around a couple of clouds and flew back into her destined path but not before she heard the geese squawk at her something that would be translated by Fluttershy. She was pretty sure whatever the geese honked at her were goose-related curses. "Whew! That was close!" Twilight turned and looked to her back. "How are you holding up there, Spike!?" Spike held on for dear life on Twilight's back, his claws digging into her mane for support. The baby dragon's airsickness worsened up when Twilight swiftly maneuvered through the airborne obstacles, his little arms quivering like jelly. Spike, however, had enough strength to pull himself up back on Twilight's back and into a slump, appearing to be paler than his previously pale color from the incident. Spike shakily raised a clawed thumb up. "I'm just doing super," he grumbled, letting himself melt in Twilight's back. Twilight managed to stifle a giggle. "Don't worry, Spike, we're just about there!" A minute and a half passed quickly as Twilight and Spike soared through the open skies of Equestria at the speed of sound. Twilight swerved and dodged around every cloud and every flock of birds she encountered on her flight, while Spike struggled to keep his lunch from spilling at dizzying heights. It wasn't long before Twilight and Spike finally managed to reach their destination, a city of clouds floating a mile or two above the ground. A lot of soft white buildings were built on the pillowy ground, held up by strong pillars made up of the same cloudy material. Waterfalls poured from the edges of the clouds, one of them being a rainbow-colored waterfall. The city of Cloudsdale. This aerial city happened to be the hometown of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, two of them among Twilight's circle of friends whom she sought out desperately for the emergency. Fluttershy hadn't visited Cloudsdale ever since the day she fell to the ground for the first time, so Rainbow Dash had to be around the floating city somewhere. Some of the pegasus ponies who flew by at the time Princess Twilight arrived to Cloudsdale turned tale and zipped back to the city and spread the news of her unexpected arrival. Twilight gently eased off of her speed as she approached the center of Cloudsdale, fluttering her wings just as Fluttershy taught her how to do. With the gentlest of ease and royal graciousness, Twilight landed exactly in the center of the Cloudsdale square and kept her wings unfurled. Every pegasus around her bowed to her presence with respect, causing the lavender alicorn to sigh. Twilight still couldn't get over how everypony so near and far to her would treat her like they would to both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Ever since her coronation, Twilight began to feel uncertain about holding the high title of the Princess of Magic and Friendship. The bowing and being called "highness," "majesty" and on rare occasions, "liege" was becoming quite as comfortable as lying on a rock-filled mattress. She still insisted on being treated as Twilight Sparkle, not Princess Twilight Sparkle. Spike slowly felt himself slide off of Twilight's back, too weak to even hold on to her soft coat. Out of reflex, Twilight quickly lit her horn up and gently placed Spike back on her back and materialized a seatbelt around his waist area. "Be careful you don't fall, Spike," the alicorn instructed. "You are a baby dragon, but you're no pegasus. You'd fall all the way through the clouds and down to Earth unless I conjured up some wings for you." "I know, but in the meantime, could you conjure up a barf bag for me? I can't... really..." Spike couldn't finish his sentence as a sickly gurgle rose from his stomach and up to his mouth. Twilight flinched and quickly conjured up a single paper bag and levitated it into Spike's claws. The baby dragon lurched forwards and heaved his lunch, earning a few disgusted grimaces from Twilight and most of the pegasus ponies, even making some of them physically sick from the sight. When the terrifying part was over, Spike released his barf bag and moaned, lying flat on his adopted sister's bag. Twilight used her magic to make the bag and its sick contents vanish into thin air. Shivering from having to carry a sick dragon on her back, Twilight quickly scanned the area for any sign of either Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash. There was no such luck. With a quick ahem! and standing in a regal posture, Twilight began to address the citizens of Cloudsdale in her Royal Canterlot Voice. "ATTENTION, CLOUDSDALE!! HAS ANYPONY SEEN RAINBOW DASH AROUND HERE!? IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT I FIND HER RIGHT AWAY!!" The pegasus ponies raised an eyebrow in confusion. They turned to one another and muttered if they knew what the definition of the word, "imperative" meant. Most of the pegasus replied they didn't know, some just shrugged their shoulders while others shook their heads. Twilight facehoofed herself and slowly dragged her hoof down her face, a deadpanning look wiped on her visage as she remembered a similar time when the word "imperative" also confused Spike. Twilight took in another breath so she could use her Canterlot Voice again. "IT MEANS IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT!" A wave of "ooh" passed through the crowd and the pegasus ponies grew a relieved smile. Then they turned and gave Twilight a series of mixed answers, ranging from "no" and "I don't know," a shake of their head and the shrugging of their shoulders. Every answer given to Twilight had no doubt made her sigh with disappointment with dissatisfaction. "Uggghhh... she must be sleeping in a tree again or something," Twilight groaned as she spread her wings out. "Come on, Spike. Let's go see if Rainbow Dash is reading Daring Do in her room, or at least doing cloud duty in Ponyville." Twilight trotted a few paces and readied her wings for her to fly. She only brought herself a couple of feet above the ground when all of a sudden... “WWWWHHHHHAAAAAA!!!! LOOK OUT!!!” Before Twilight could even turn to react to the warning, a cyan blue blur with a rainbow contrail crashed into the princess, knocking her and Spike to the cloudy ground and rolled twenty feet before stopping in a pile. Spike was thankful that Twilight managed to strap him down to her back with a materialized seatbelt; although, thanks to the rolling, Spike felt even more sicker than ever to the point where his face was on the borderline of white and light pale purple and lime green. Pegasus ponies everywhere gasped as they saw their princess tackled to the ground and turned their narrow glares to the culprit lying on top of her. She was a cyan blue pegasus, her wildly-styled mane colored with the six colors of the rainbow. While the colors of red, orange and yellow on her mane were visible from the top of her head, the other colors of blue, green and violet hung down on the lower part of her mane. Her Cutie Mark was a simple white cloud with a tri-colored lightning bolt dyed in stripes of red, yellow and blue. The cyan pegasus slowly pulled herself up from the pile and looked down to the fallen forms of Twilight and Spike. She let out a nervous chuckle as she looked around and was subjected to angry glares from her fellow ponies. "Uh, sorry about that, Twilight," the pegasus said. "I guess I did one too many backflips with that last trick." Twilight groaned as she tried to lift herself off the ground, gazing at the pegasus with a stink eye. "Rainbow Dash..." "Here. Let me help you up," said Rainbow Dash. She extended a couple of hooves to Twilight and lifted her up off the cushiony ground, the alicorn nearly losing her balance from the impact. "Sorry about that the rough landing, Twilight. I was trying to perfect this move to show the Wonderbolts for next month's Grand Galloping Gala and I can't seem to get that last backflip right." "That's pretty obvious," Twilight replied flatly. "For somepony who recently made lead pony in the Wondebolts Academy, your moves are still comparable to a dilettante daredevil." "Oh, lighten up, egghead," Rainbow Dash said. "I've got all month to practice my trick. Sure, I may have a long ways to go before I can make it as the next Wonderbolts captain, but that's why I take most of the time to practice. You know what they say..." "Practice makes perfect," Twilight interjected. "I know; I'd say you do need more practice. Look at what you did to Spike." Twilight gestured her hoof to Spike, clinging to her back like a scared cat stuck on the branch of a tree. His pupils were the size of pinpricks and his teeth grit with fear and shock. "Ah, don't worry about it, Twilight," Rainbow Dash chortled, waving her hoof down. "I'm sure that Spike will look back on this one day and laugh. But enough about me, what brings you up to these parts of the woods?" "I got a letter from Princess Celestia just a few minutes ago. According to the confidentiality, Princess Celestia said..." Twilight looked around her scenery, where the pegasus ponies looked at the two of them with a mixture of blank faces and wonder. She leaned forward and whispered everything written in the letter into Rainbow Dash's ear, which made her eyes widen with surprise. "Oh, so it's that sort of emergency?" Rainbow Dash asked in a whisper. "Yes, and Princess Celestia has already sent chariots to escort us to Canterlot. That's why it's important that we get the girls together at Ponyville square and meet them without being a minute late," Twilight explained. "That reminds me, have you seen Fluttershy anywhere today?" "I have yesterday. She said something about giving her blue jay some physical..." Rainbow Dash twirled her hoof, trying to remember the pronunciation of the right word. "...reha... rehabilitation today. She should still be at her house right now." "Then we have to get to Fluttershy's house immediately! We need her with us by the time the chariots arrive and we can't afford to keep them waiting! If we keep the chariots waiting, then we'll keep Princess Celestia waiting, and possibly Princess Luna too!" Twilight thrusted her hooves up to Rainbow Dash's face and grabbed her by the cheeks. She lowered Rainbow Dash's face at an even level with her face. "And trust me when I say that Princess Celestia does not like to be kept waiting during emergencies like this!" Suddenly, Rainbow Dash shot her hooves out and broke free of Twilight's restrain on her face and hovered over the clouds. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down there, sister, there's no need to freak out over this!" Rainbow Dash replied. "Look, I know you're really worried about meeting the chariots, but you've really gotta relax! You don't wanna get totally stressed out over this like you did that time, do you?" Twilight cringed at the reminder of that day when her fears of tardy work got the best of her. She could still vividly remember the day when she cast a "Want-It, Need-It" spell on her doll, Smarty Pants to create a friendship problem which nearly got her into some serious trouble with Princess Celestia. If it wasn't for her friends' intervening, Twilight would've been demoted to magic kindergarten. "Alright, here's how this is gonna go down," Rainbow Dash said. "We're gonna go get Fluttershy and bring her to town. If we go right now, then we can hightail it back to the town square so we can meet the girls and not be late when the chariots are sent out! It's simple!" "I don't know, Rainbow Dash," Twilight replied uncertainly. "What if the chariots arrive in Ponyville by the time we get to Fluttershy's cottage?" "Hey, don't worry about that. We can totally get down to Fluttershy's in three minutes flat." "Are you sure about that?" Twilight asked uncertainly. "Because the chariots will probably take about fifteen minutes to reach Ponyville." "That depends," Rainbow Dash replied. "How long did it take you to fly up here?" "About four minutes." "Then we have plenty of time, Twilight. If we leave now, like right now, we can even beat the others to the square!" Rainbow Dash flew straight up in the air, did a loop-de-loop and began to hover five feet from the ground. "Come on, Twilight! What are you waiting for, Hearth's Warming Eve? We're burning daylight here!" Twilight's uncertain face grew to a confident smirk. This was the Rainbow Dash she knew well; she would do anything to help her friends out in such a coming crisis, such as keeping Twilight's uncertainty in check. Rainbow Dash may have failed to see the situation with Twilight's anxiety before, but after the Smarty Pants Incident, she vowed to help her friends and keep them in check. After all, Rainbow Dash represented the Element of Loyalty. She was the mare who helped keep the alicorn's confidence with herself when she and Fluttershy volunteered to teach her how to fly. It was what friends did best for each other. Without a second too soon, Twilight spread her wings and shot up into the air and quickly descended downwards to the outskirts of Ponyville. Rainbow Dash followed suit and the two winged ponies made a beeline towards Fluttershy's cottage. What they were unaware of at first was the surprise visitor awaiting treatment for his head from the Element of Kindness herself.