Markiplier In Equestria

by xXCondemnedSoulXx

At the Park.

So, there I sat. On the bench next to this pink maned pony giving me playful winks every now and then. I thought it would be best if I just played along, trying to act completely oblivious to her obvious signs. I felt weird, being a human and getting hit on by a pony. The whole experience just felt wrong. I know I’m handsome and all, and she may be a girl but that still doesn’t justify the fact of her being an entirely different species. Sure, at the moment I was a human turned pony with the magic of the pink stach firmly planted across my upper lip, but I was still human and I had under no circumstances had any illusion behind that. I am human, and I don’t feel that way towards ponies.

“So, where are you from stranger?” Asked the nurse. She stared into my eyes with a hint of fascination, but really, could you blame her?

“Well, allow me to introduce myself. My name’s Mark, but other’s around here will know me as Markipony. I’m from..” I was interrupted by the pony that lead me to this strange world. She took me by the hand and pulled me to the side, away from my conversation.

“Mark, umm.. you can’t tell anyone that you’re from another world. Just say that you’re from Manehatten and that you’re in... a... engineering?”

“That works, back on earth I used to be in for engineering, then I switched over to medical school, but then back again..” Again, I was cut off as Pinkie interrupted me.

“Ok, you’re from Manehatten and you’re an engineer. We really should have made you a story before we left the shop.” She exhaled and pretended to wipe away some sweat. “Well, you can go back and chat with Nurse Redheart. I’ll just be over there with Dashie. Later gater!” She quickly turned tail and strode back to Rainbow.

I stood there confused once more, but I just decided to roll with it and play along. I went and sat back down on the bench and continued to speak with the white coated mare. “Well, like I was saying. I’m from Manehatten and I’ve been an engineer for some time.”

“Nice, so what does your cutie mark represent?” She asked with intrigue.

I looked to her with confusion swimming throughout my mind,‘What’s a “Cutie Mark”?’ I thought to myself. I gave off a few nervous laughs and looked around my body. I thought she seen the large, red block style ‘M’ on the front of my shirt, so I plainly said,“Oh, that’s nothing. It’s just a large M for Markipony..”

She spoke up with a bit of confusion,“No, not your shirt silly, your cutie mark.” The mare gave off a few chuckles at my ‘supposed’ joke.

I took a deep breath and let out a loud audible groan,“I’m sorry, I’m new to this whole “Cutie Mark” thing, I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Redheart raised an eyebrow, then she gave a small grin,“So that means you just got your cutie mark recently, though you should have learned about it in school.. Anyways, your cutie mark is right there.” She raised her hoof and placed it on my butt. As her nub touched against my fur, I nearly jumped out of my skin.

I shot my eyes towards the mare and gave an uneasy smile,“Hold on there nurse! You have to understand that I’m a classy lady, so you’re gonna have to at least buy me dinner first!”

She retreated into her mind, processing what I had said, but she soon figured out as to what I was talking about. She made a few audible coughs and looked to me,“I.. I’m sorry, but I was merely trying to point it out. But..” She trailed off for a moment before speaking again. She slowly pulled herself closer and whispered into my ear. “..I do know this wonderful restaurant not too far away.” She gave me a quick wink and eased herself back into her spot.

I gave a few uneasy laughs, thinking over her offer. To me, the whole thing was just... weird. I’ve seen and heard a whole lot of weird things in my time, but this topples everything, by far! I quickly tried to work the conversation off of the offer and distract her with looking at where she touched. As I gazed down at my butt, I found a strange marking. It looked like a tattoo. I looked up and looked to all the others around, noticing that most adult ponies had tattoos on their rears and some others didn’t. I looked back to Redheart and said,“What do these mean?” I was actually pretty interested in the matter, seeing as how they were supposed to actually mean something.

“Oh, then that does mean you’ve never learned about them. Strange. Well alright. When a filly or a colt achieve their cutie mark, it means they have found their calling in life. But there is a tricky side to them, a cutie mark can be rather cryptic and oddly confusing to decipher. Like, Ms.Cheerilee’s cutie mark. It’s three smiling daisies, but it represents the smiling faces of her students. It shows that she loves teaching, and that’s why it’s her profession.” She said through a rather long and boring explanation. “So, if your profession is engineering, how does your mark represent it?” She asked, eyeing my rump.

I gazed down and found my tattoo looked like the design on my shirt, but with headphones with a built in mic off to the side, loosely hanging off of the large red block styled M. I thought for moment and slowly pieced some of those thoughts together. I looked to her and gave a small flex,“Well, the M stands for muscle, manly, masculine, magnificent... me.. um..” I tried to think of other words that begin with the letter ‘M’ that described me as a whole, but none could come to mind at the moment and I thought it’d just be best to set that to the side for the time being and focus on the headset. “That aside, the headphones represent my obviously Amazing voice, had you not already noticed.” I set my cocky tendancies to the side and began to talk regularly. “I do a lot of commentary and with time comes experience. You learn how to emphasize your voice at certain times, and how to basically work your voice the way you want it to sound.”

“Well, I’d be lying if I didn’t say your voice is rather interesting, and the way you move your body to fit the tone in your voice is actually pretty intriguing.” She looked away from me and gazed down at the small colt known as Pipsqueak. “Well Pip, ready to head back?” She softly asked the spotted colt.

He looked to her with disappointed eyes, and a large frown plastered across his face. “But Nurse Redheart, I haven’t finished playing yet! Can we stay for just a little longer?” He pleaded to the mare. She looked down to him and let out a light sigh. He quickly puckered his mouth, giving her adorable puppy dog eyes. Personally, I can honestly say my heart exploded from the crazy amount of cuteness that just developed before me. “Pretty please?”

“Alright, but just a little longer. We’ll leave in twenty minutes, you still have stuff to do once we get home.” she explained to Pip. He eagerly jumped for joy and sprinted through the park, returning to his friends playing in the field. “Ah, that Pip. Too much energy and not enough space to play.” She watched him play as we sat there on that bench. She seemed rather motherly towards Pip, but maybe that was just because it was her job as a nurse.

Time passed rather quickly as we sat there on that bench, chatting about anything that came to mind. She was growing on me and I rather liked her being around. Don’t get me wrong, I still felt the same about interspecies relationships and felt no inner need to breach that barrier. She was just a good friend, and within a world of techni colored ponies, she seemed to be the most I could relate to at the time. Sure, Pinkie was nice and all but she was just a bit too.. all over the place for me to get too familiar with, as for Rainbow Dash, I’m not even too sure if she even liked me. So It was a nice change to the utter madness that I’d been thrown into. The twenty minutes passed, but we still sat there and chatted. Our conversations didn’t end until she looked over to Pip. When she did, she realized they both had somewhere to be and things to do.

She turned to me and she hurriedly stood from the bench,“Well Mark, it was nice meeting you but I need to get Pip back home. Maybe I’ll catch you in town sometime?” She asked.

I looked to her and I felt saddened by her departure. “I’ll only be here for the day, but after that I have to go back.” I didn’t want her to leave, but I knew she had to. An idea shot into mind and I grinned at the thought,“Hey! Are you doing anything later?”

“I’ll be free around three o’clock, why? What do you have in mind?” She asked with a warm smile.

“Maybe we can meet up later and hang out?”

“That’d be nice, We’ll meet up at the public library around three thirty.”

“Ok, I’ll see you then... then.” I gave a quick laugh at my poorly pieced together sentence. She smiled and as she turned around to face the exit of the park, she said a few words that rang throughout my head the rest of that morning. Short and bitter. It was just too awkward to process. Maybe she meant it as a figure of speak, or maybe literal. For my sake, I hoped that it was just my mind playing with me, laughing as it watched me twitch on the inside.

Her lips parted and words began to form. “It’s a date.”

I stood there, dumbfounded by her words. She sped off with Pip before I could finally regain control of my mind and body. I stood there in the middle of that park, next to the bench, lost within my mind. I looked to the skies and shot my nonexistent clenched fists into the air. “AGH!” I cried to the sky in frustration.

I took a deep breath and looked to my watch. Twenty-two hours remaining.