//------------------------------// // Over the Library // Story: From Above. // by Blazing Reverie //------------------------------// It was always meant for me to watch them from above. My sire and dam gave me powerful wings and even better eyesight to do what I love to do. Watch and learn, feel through the hearts of others what I’m to coward to feel for myself. My gazing filled my life with fulfillment, joy and sorrow that sometimes merge together to the very core. And that night was no exception. With the moon on my feathers and Ponyville under my hooves I circled silently over their unsuspecting heads. A beautiful night it was, I must say; such a perfect moment for those who long for someponie’s beat. And it was exactly what she was doing, lying on the greenest grass just outside her beloved library, her legs gracefully folded over the ground in a fawn like fashion. Her big, sparkling violet eyes were filled with the glimmer of unicorn magic. Swirls of violaceous sparkles leaving that horn on her forehead, twisting, turning, transforming in a beautiful musical pace. The mist of light she created danced in the shape of a far galaxy, twirling beautifully through the fresh breeze of a summer night, turning into Her. A magnificent alicorn of beautiful long legs opened her sparkling violet wings, gracefully bowing her swan like neck slowly, as if she was looking right at her faithful student. Twilight Sparkle looked at her image with devotion, and to me it was evident there was more than plain admiration in her gaze. Love. The gentle swing of the illusion’s wings was followed by a deep sigh from the unicorn’s chest. Love was such an oddity, capable of the most intense of joys as well as the deepest of sorrows. And what the prized student felt, seemed to me like a mix of both. Would she, the Princess, know exactly what Miss. Sparkle felt for her? Surely. As I allowed a cloud to hide my silhouette from her inquisitive eyes, I could recall perfectly the sight of that spark of joy in the Princess’ eyes whenever she read the scrolls from her student. The secrecy of the night was perfect for Twilight to materialize her dreams into figures made of flaring mist. The unicorn lifted herself on four hooves, biting her lower lip while she concentrated her magic, causing her representation of Celestia to grow into a carbon copy of the Princess, twirling around Twilight in a non-tangible embrace the unicorn received with eager expectation, sad eyes and a beautiful soft smile. And in a slow dance of floating rushes of magic, the one made of mist and the magic student leaned towards each other’s lips. The desire deep within Twilight’s heart was, at least for now, only to come truth trough tis illusion of a first kiss. Another loud sigh, Twilight’s beloved dissipated, turning into sparkling mist that disappeared into the night. Such sadness I saw in the unicorn’s soul. And so it was my moment to flap my wings and let the wind direct me elsewhere, hoping to find more delight to let my eyes feast on. Little did I know what was expecting my eyes just over that peaceful place, the night had just begun.