The Misfits Club

by Lord Saddler

Welcome to Detention

“Saturday…March 24th, 1984. Fillydelphia High School, Fillydelphia, Equestria. Dear Mr. Voyare…we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice the whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was that we did wrong. But we think you’re crazy to make us write this essay telling you who we think we are, what do you care? You see us as you want to see us, in the simplest and most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, a athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. Correct? That’s the way we saw each other this morning. We were brainwashed.”

Celestia sits in the expensive and royal chariot with her father who at the time was the King of Equestria. She is an immortal Alicorn Princess who at the time was rather snobby and she is wearing rather a rather expensive looking and royal dress with two beautiful diamond earrings with short vibrant pink hair. She looks over at her father melancholically complaining

“I can’t believe you won’t get me out of this! I mean it’s so absurd I have to be here on a Saturday!”

Her father gives her a look of mild sympathy proclaiming

“I’ll make it up to you. Honey, ditching class to go shopping doesn’t make you defective.”

Celestia rolls her eyes almost exasperated by her father and she steps out of the chariot walking up the stone steps to the high school.

Inside one of the humble chariots parked in front of the schools sits Starswirl who is classified by the schools population as a general nerd. Starswirl is a small pale blue unicorn with short snow white hair dressed in a green sweatshirt and his mother sits next to him with a disappointed look on her face. His mother looks over to him

“Is this the first time or the last time we do this?” She asks rather agitated staring at him

“Last…” Starswirl says in an upset and dejected voice looking away from his mother.

“Well get in there and use the time to your advantage!” His mother says in a prodding and aggressive voice.

“Mom, we’re not supposed to study; we just have to sit there and do nothing.” Starswirl says, again sounding upset and annoyed at his predicament.

“Well mister you figure out a way to study!” His mother shouts not caring for his excuses any longer gesturing for him to exit the car.

Starswirl sighs leaving the chariot sadly moving towards the high school to serve his detention.

A old run-down chariot sits in front of the school and it holds Big Macintosh who is a large red Earth pony with light blonde hair and a freckled face wearing a letterponys jacket with a lot of patches on it. He gives off the appearance of a stereotypical jock. Big Mac is staring at the floor of the chariot absently with his father in the car. His father turns to him trying to “comfort” him.

“Hey, I screwed around… stallions screw around, there’s nothing wrong with that. Except you got caught, sport.” His father says trying to pep talk him slightly

“Yeah, Mom already bucked me, Alright?” Mac says annoyed about his father even talking to him about the situation.

“You want to miss a match? You want to blow your ride? Now, no school is going to give a scholarship to a discipline case!” His father berates angrily and aggressively

Mac exits the chariot angrily walking to the entrance of the school away from his father.

From across the field, a draconequus named Discord is wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses as he walks across the field. He has an peculiar appearance with an eagle talon as one hand and a lions paw as the other with mismatched red and yellow eyes and a small tuft of a grey beard. One leg is that of a lizard while the other is a goat’s leg with two strange different wings and a long skinny body. Discord walks out onto a brick road ignoring a speeding chariot that stops right in front of him, it does not run him down as he continues to the school.

Luna, a blue alicorn wearing all black clothing with a black hoodie and long messy blue hair covering her face steps out and shyly approaches the school in a sort of awkward trot.

Macintosh enters the large library that is to serve as the detention center. There are six tables in two rows of three with three chairs at each table. He approaches the front table that Celestia is sitting at and points to the far left chair at her table with his hoof. She shrugs indifferently as he takes his seat there looking over at her anxiously.

Discord storms into the room lifting his left arm gliding his talon over the items at the checkout desk taking a few for himself before approaching the table behind Celestia and Big Mac where Starswirl is sitting. He approaches Starswirl standing above him gesturing threateningly for him to leave his chair.

Starswirl instantly complies with Discords demands scurrying to a table across the room. Discord quickly pulls out a second chair to use as his leg rest placing both of his disorderly legs on to the other chair leaning back.

Luna enters the room making a quick retreat to the back of the room at the last table with her hood up she sits down looking over the others in slight paranoia. Celestia and Mac exchange a glance and burst out in a quiet snicker while Starswirl looks back at her with a perplexed look.

A large burly griffin enters the room with a stack of papers in his left hand. His name is Richard Voyare and he is the detention supervisor. He looks over the group with a face of utter disgust.

“Well, well….Here we are! I want to congratulate all of you for being on time today” Richard says with a sarcastic smirk on his face.

Celestia suddenly raises her hoof “Excuse me? I think there’s been a mistake. I know its detention but….um…I don’t think I’m supposed to be here” She exclaims as-a-matter-of-factually

Richard ignores her outburst continuing his monologue quickly checking a clock “It is now…seven oh five. You have exactly eight hours and forty two minutes to think about what you have done, to ponder…the error of your ways.”

Discord ignores his monologue mumbling something before spitting out a ball of saliva and catching it again in his mouth. Celestia watches this and seems as though she is going to puke from the display.

Richard again ignores the students “You may not talk, you will not move from these seat. And you” He says giving a stern point at Discord grabbing his leg rest chair forcefully pulling it out from under his legs. “..Will not sleep!”

Discord gives him a malicious look before putting his legs up onto the table disregarding Richard

“Alright people, we are going to try something a little different today. We are going to write an essay of no less than a thousand words. Telling me who you think you are.” He says delivering out paper and pencils to the small class.

“And when I says essay…I mean essay. I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times…Are we clear Mr. Discord?” Richard says obviously aiming the warning mostly at him.

“Quite” Discord says playing with a small object not concentrating on Richards words.

“Excellent, maybe you will even learn something about yourselves and see whether or not you want to come back next week.” Richard says disdainfully holding his talons behind his back.

Starswirl raises his hoof into the air and then promptly stands “I can answer that right now sir, that would be a no, a no for me sir.” He says proudly as if he had achieved a goal.

“Sit down Starswirl…” Richard says disrespectfully eying him.

Starswirl takes a quick seat in his chair embarrassed about being called out like that seemingly trying to hide his own face.

“Any questions?” He looks around the room dubiously until Discord raises his hand lazily.

“Yeah, I got a question…Does Princess Celestia over here know you raid her wardrobe?” Discord asks in a calm and collected voice.

Celestia flushes staring at the ground anxiously while Macintosh snickers quietly next to her.

Richards face twitches slightly before he says calmly “I will give you the answer to that question next Saturday…” Richard suddenly makes a clawing motion towards Discord “Don’t mess with the eagle young man, you’ll get the talons”

Richard then exits the detention room swiftly as he came leaving the room of misfits to themselves. The group looks at each other distastefully wondering what horrors await the brutally long day in the library of the high school.