Dream Walker

by Rocktavius Dashylight

Barnageldin Revelations

Wow, what a crazy dream! You were leaning on the computer table in the middle of episode 15 of season 2. You looked at the keyboard to find the escape key when you noticed something. Twilight and AJ staring strait up at you!


You stalled before answering. This is odd.

"Earth, my planet." You had an idea.
"Remember when Pinkie Pie went crazy? Look." You showed them the episode and they were in awe. They realized what you said was true.

"So, what happened back there?" Twilight asked again.

"These 2 guys wrote a fanfic about what just happened. A pegasus named Morning Mist and an alicorn named Blue Sky fight an Arneggeddon, or what you call Barnageldin. Trixie chose boasting and was possessed by darkness to get more power. Sooner or later, she wanted out, but couldn't get out. When you defeated her, per say, her dark self ran away. Same thing happened with Luna. This darkness is in a world called Fadrealm created by Redeye. If he possesses a pony, he gets power from them and then can form into them. looking into the red eye will bring darkness on you. So when i say blind, blind!" A single tear started falling down your face. Who else will fall victim? What happened to Luna and Trixie?

Twilight spoke up. "I remember the Barnageldin, i was taken over, but by force. I thought the 10 elements, 6 of harmony, and 4 of light, defeated the darkness!"

"Wait, have you battled DISCORD?"

"Yup," Applejack responded. So the episodes don't go in order.

You said the only thing that made sense, "Discord returns, for a third time."

"Wha-how?" AJ responded

"Someone, i mean somepony has caused chaos. I do have a reason of being there! To stop the darkness!"

"Wha-" AJ said again.

"We have to get back to...
Before you spoke the next word, you were back in ponyville, shrunk again, riding on Twilight's back.

"So, whatcha been up to lately. Haven't seen ya in forever, and that's like, forever."

"Well, I've been just livin' life. After what happened, I don't think I want anymore of-"

"Blue!" The two turn thier heads and look at your small build.

"Do I know you little one?" Blue said, a bit confused.

"Yes, well, no, well, sort of. I know about you in my world, and I need your help."

"Well, yes, I'm suprised you know my name, but i doubt you know about me." You sigh, ready to prove her wrong.

"Um, I don't think we have time," Twilight commented, getting antsy.

"Hold your horses! You're not in that much of a hurry," Rainbow Dash said.

"Actually, we have a-"

"I got this, Twilight" You take a huge breath. "Your-name-is-Blue-Sky-and-you-with-three-others-defeated-the-Barnageldin-and-you-were-only-half-possessed-by-Redeye-and-when-you-fought-it-the-being-became-Stormy-Sky. You-went-to-great-measures-to-save-your-friends-and-you-found-the-power-in-Twilight's-secret-books. Now we need your help. The books have vanished and it seems I have their power. We need all 10 of you to defeat Redeye and-" It wasn't until you were interupted that you saw the pony's mouth wide opened.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, WAIT!" Blue said pointing her giant hoof at you. "Yes, you know about everything about me, but you have made some mistakes. For one, I have two of the books right...wait, where are they?" She despretly searched her bag.

"You stole books FROM MY LIBRARY!?" Twilight yelled at the blue pony.

"Uh, ya, anywho...AND, Redeye was defeated. He is no more!"

"So, Luna and Trixie have been taken over by, nothing?" you ask the blue pony towering above you.


"Discord. He still holds a part of Redeye. Somepony must have set him free...again."

"About your power," Rainbow Dash requested, "Show us what it can do."

"I...I...I don't know how to control it. And that seems completely off topic." You started bouncing as Twilight was getting impatient. She moved her hooves like Mr. Cake did in Baby Cakes.

"I used chants, but I doubt you used any of them, due to the reason they disappeared," Blue said.

"The powers come at the right time, I don't choose when. I've had out-of-body experiences, I've read a mind, and I've gone into dreams and taken ponies with me to mine. I've also teleported."

Rainbow Dash looked at Blue with a smirk and asked a random question. "Hey, small fry, you gotta name?"

"Ya, it's, uh...I don't remember."

"We'll call you...DREAM KEEPER."
That was a nice name, you had to admit, but you liked Dream Walker better. You'll tell her later, now wasn't the time.

"So, where is this alleged Redey......" Blue stared behind them.

"Why, hello, Blue." Again, everypony turned around and saw a dark figure staring at them. The dark alicorn's red eye shined.

"No, this can't be!" Blue shouts in disbelief

"TWILIGHT!" Her horn glowed and Blue's eyes went blank.

"What the hay?!" Blue said, rubbing her eyes.

You turn around to see what-AJ! How long has she not been with you? "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO APPLEJACK!?" You yell at the dark alicorn.

"So, the human speaks." As the two of you hold gazes, you notice the eye doesn't effect you. "If you join us, with your power, you could rule the world!" The notion seemed ubsurd, but made sense at the same time. Just imagine it. No! You can't. They know you can stop them, so they're trying to stop you. "I'LL NEVER ABANDON MY FRIENDS. NOW WHERE! IS! APPLEJACK!?"

"I will not tell you until you join our army."

You have a plan, but hopefully it goes well. You whispered to Twilight to go get the Elements ready. "Ok, I will join your army." The alicorn laughed her evil laugh, and the two of you vanished.

"Why that no good traitor!!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Wait, Rainbow Dash, I think the human has a plan," Twilight spoke.

"HOW? YOU saw what he did! He joined the very evil he was claiming to be trying to defeat! All that human is is a lyin' traitor!" From the way Blue spoke, Twilight could tell she was mad too.

"You two didn't see what really happened? The human made Redeye go away from us and seems to be rescuing Applejack." The realization hits them like a brick. "He told me to prepare the Elements. Lets go"