//------------------------------// // Scootaloo // Story: A Rainbow In The Sky // by SobStory //------------------------------// It was amazing, Applejack was rounding up all the ponies, my promise to Rainbow Dash was almost finished, just needed two more two more ponies, Twilight and Pinkie Pie. Twilight was probably going to be easy, yet pretty hard to convince, but Pinkie is what I'm worried most about. She'll never got over Rainbow Dash, hell, even I haven't got over her, but I don't want Applejack or any pony else to know. Soon, we reached the library, Applejack knocked on the door. "Twilight!! It's me, Applejack, Ah'm back!" Spike then answered. "Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy! Wow, it's been forever since I've seen you guys. How are you guys, have you been getting better?" "Well Spike, that's part of why we're here," Applejack answered, "Is Twilight here?" Spike nodded and let us in. We saw Twilight in her bed, she was sleeping. The three mares all looked at each other and grinned. "GOOD MORNING, TWILIGHT!" The 3 said in unison. Twilight sprung outta bed and looked up. She saw us all and smiled. "Girls! You're all here, gosh, it's been forever since I've seen you guys, especially you, Applejack. Spike told me you had left, where'd you go?" Applejack didn't wanna answer of course. Then we all got to the point. "Look Twi, we all got back together for a reason, we're here to move on with out lives and get over Rainbow Dash. We've all agreed that it's way past mourning and that we should just accept it now, and we wanted to know if you'll join us, Sugercube?" Twilight looked at us and spoke. "Get out.." We were all confused. "But Twi-" Applejack was cut off, just like with Fluttershy. "GET THE HELL OUT! NOW!" We all gasped, no pony would've said that before, especially not to her friends, and coming from someone like Twilight, it was a shocker. She then spoke again. "YOU COME INTO MY HOME JUST TO TELL ME TO GET OVER MY DEAD FRIEND? TO JUST FORGET ABOUT HER?! How dare you? You guys are cruel and heartless. Spike, start packing up, we're leaving." We had never seen Twilight so angry before, it was shocking. And now she says she's moving away, just 3 minutes ago we were all laughing and smiling. But I had enough, I was going to speak up for once, not for me, not for any other pony, but for Rainbow Dash. "How dare we? HOW DARE WE? Look, all day we've been going around trying to get the gang together again, we did everything, we've reasoned, we sat down and talk, we helped each other. What did the Princess send you here for, Twilight? To learn about friends. You're not the only one who lost Rainbow Dash, okay? In front of you are 6 ponies who have to deal with this dilemma and are making through. We need you too, Rainbow Dash would've wanted you to come with us too, she'd want you to move on. Please, come with us and do what she would've wanted. Would you rather focus on her death or instead think about all the great times you had?" Twilight was looking straight at me, she was shocked that I said all that, she then started thinking about it. "You're right, you're all right. I'm sorry girls, it was just hard. But you ponies are right, we all have to move on at one point, I'm with you guys. Spike?" Spike just smiled and hugged her. We all huddled together. "I guess now we're just down to Pinkie Pie." Twilight said. Every pony knew this was going to be difficult. But we all stood confident and went on their way to Sugarcube Corner. "For the first time in one month, Pinkie Pie smiled. She was still holding Rainbow Dash's picture and was looking at the sky. "A rainbow.." She then shed a tear and kissed the picture.