My Week As a Teenage Biped

by BludgeonWarrior

Day One, Part I

The sun peeked through the curtains and shined its morning rays on our snoring eccentric. Fruit was so tired and had no clue why. She went to bed at her normal time.... maybe. Actually, she wasn't sure when she came up to bed, or remember what happened the day before. All she could remember was that odd dream she had... Well, the point is, Fruit was tired and her head felt like jelly; she wanted nothing more than to sleep in.

"Ugh...need sleep..." Fruit pulled her covers over her face and tried to fall back to sleep.

"Fruit! Dearie it's time for you to get up and get ready for school!"

"Ugh.." Fruit slowly got out of bed in her usual manner, by rolling off and falling flat on her face. She slowly picked herself up of the floor and on her feet. She yawn and scratched herself as she made her way to the bathroom. She got into the shower and scrubbed herself well, using her choice shampoo of course: lemon cake frosting. She lathered, rinsed, stepped out of the shower and began to dry herself.

Then Fruit looked at the mirror. At first, she was too tired to notice but when she looked again, she froze and her towel fell to the ground.


Fruit stared at her reflection as she came up to the mirror. She felt around her face; it had become flat and less angled, and she poked her now petite nose. She went over to her ears; they were small and now on the side of her head, barely visible due to her hair, still as big, thick and poofed as before. She rubbed her hands on her cheeks....hands?

Fruit noticed them finally and stared at her new palms. She wiggled her new fingers and looked down. Fruit saw that she was now standing on two legs and naturally wiggled her new toes. Fruit then noticed something, or rather lack of something about her rump and turned to see nothing but her olive green butt and an imaginary outline where her tail once was attached.

Fruit turned back to the mirror and stepped back to overlook her strange new body.

"Hmm...... this feels... familiar....oh well." Fruit proceeded out of the bathroom and went downstairs, much to the shock of Mrs. Cake....

"Fruit?!?" She gasped, "Why aren't you wearing any clothes?!?!"

"Clothes...?" Before she knew it, she was pushed back up the stairs by her aunt.

"Quit fooling around Fruit! Now go back to your room and put on your school uniform!"

"School? Uniform? What?" Fruit puzzled as she went back to her room. Now that she was awake, Fruit noticed how different her room was, seeing a dresser, a shelf, and a closet.

"Where'd all this come from?" Fruit opened up her closet and her her eyebrows arose. On all the hangers were assortments of outfits in sorts of different colors.

"Whoa....., wait, why do I have so many clothes? And weren't those optional before?"

Fruit shrugged it off and picked out a skirt uniform. She managed to get it on and looked her self in her mirror that now existed there.

"Eh..., no..." Fruit took it off and threw it on the floor, "Ugh, do I have anything to wear that won't get make me die from over-girlyness?" She went over to her dresser and pulled out some jeans.

"Hmm..., these'll do..." She began to put them on when she heard her aunt calling up from the bottom of the stairs.

"Don't forget to put underwear on again dearie, or you'll get in trouble again!"

"Under...wear...?" Fruit puzzled once more. She threw her jeans on the bed and scoured through her drawers again. "What the slag is 'underwear'..?" She kept on searching until she came to a drawer filled with white, diaper-looking things made of silk.

"Um.....I'm guessing these things are 'underwear..?" Fruit took out a pair and played with the elastic band. After a hilarious little adventure, Fruit managed to get them on. "Ah, there!"

"And don't forget your bra this time!" Mrs. Cake called up again.

"A what now?" Fruit was starting to get annoyed with all these things she didn't understand. All of these clothes and 'underwear', and now a 'bra'? Well, Fruit groaned back over to her dresser and opened the drawer next to the one with the 'underwear' in it. "Wha......?" Fruit reached in and pulled out a bizarre strap thingus with dome thingies, "What is this thing?" Fruit surmised that this... thing she was holding was a bra, since she didn't know what either was.

In about five minutes of untold hilarity, Fruit finally figured out where it goes on her body and had it on. She waited a few seconds before attempting to put her jeans on, expecting her aunt t call up again. After a few moments of silence, Fruit exhaled and started getting her jeans on...



"I just wanted to tell you to have a nice day dearie!"

Fruit now felt bad for yelling and sighed, "Yes Auntie..." She resumed getting dressed and pulled her jeans up. She went back to the dresser and ravaged them for a suitable shirt. Fruit soon found a nice green and pinkish red t-shirt with a picture of a fruit cake on it and put it on. She smiled and reached into her hair, finding that it was still a the convenient little pocket dimension as before.

"Cool, my mane still works!" Fruit felt around and pulled out her licorice socks, and then her banana shoes. She noticed that they were only two of each now and was saddened. She shook it off, and put her socks on, then her banana shoes, and stood up off the bed.

"Hmm..." Fruit examined herself in the mirror and for some reason, she couldn't stop thinking of how her jeaned hugged her hips. She sighed it off and finally headed downstairs. She was in Sugarcube Corner, but it was... different. Fruit couldn't put her hoof, err.... finger on it.

"I guess Auntie left or something..." Fruit looked around and saw a strange bag on the floor. It was in the same colors as her green and pinkish red hair.

"I'm guessing this is mine..?" She picked it up and put it on her back. It was kinda heavy and she began to lose balance, being on two legs now.


Fruit fell over on her back and like an upside-down turtle, couldn't get back up.

"Ugh! Urgh! URRGGGHHH!!!" She flailed wildly, trying to get back up and off the floor. Eventually, Fruit got to her feet.

"Ugh... huh? AHHH!" Fruit looked at the clock, it was past eight! She grabbed a brownie from the display, shoved it in her mouth, and ran out the door, but stopped when she got outside. Fruit had to take a good long look at this new Ponyville...

There were roads. Not like the dirt roads like before, by roads of concrete. What was even more bizarre were the weird carriages driving by. They were all sorts of different colors and shapes, and Fruit could see others inside them, but nopony was pulling.

"............Cool..." Fruit walked down on a stone path on the side of the road, presumably for walking. Her banana shoes squished and squashed the whole time as she walked..

"Okay.... so, I'm going to school.... why?" Fruit pondered out loud, "I thought I was done with school when I turned twenty-one? And I'm twenty-three! Aren't I?"

Fruit stopped at a crosswalk and took off her backpack. "Lets see..." Fruit searched through her bag, which was filled with books and all sorts of other junk, "Annnnnnd... there!" Fruit pulled out her student ID and looked it over, finding her new height, weight, shoe size and all that other stuff until she finally came to her age.

"WHAT?! SEVENTEEN?!?! I'm seventeen?!?!"

Fruit reacted in the most logical way for her; she ran around screaming and flailing her arms.

"AHHHHHHH- Whoa!!" She tripped over her bag and landed face first on the ground. She groaned as she got her face up and spat out some dirt and grass.

"Ugh... yuck..." Fruit rolled over on her back and groaned again, "What happened to me...? I'm a weird... not a pony thing, I have to wear clothes all the time, and I'm seventeen again and going to high school! Is this a different dimension? Did this happen everywhere? Am I the only one who knows? Is this real, or just a fantasy? Am I dead? Is this, ugh... my head hurts..."

Fruit reached into her hair to hold her head, when she felt something nipping her fingers.

"Huh?" Fruit pulled her hand out to find Jinjo hanging on to her fingers.

"Jinjo!" Fruit smiled and jumped to her feet. She then saw Jinjo had changed too. "Jinjo? Your leaf ears are gone..." She twiddle her finger on Jinjo's now normal bat ears. Jinjo replied with a squeak and a shrug of his wings.

"Oh, it doesn't matter! I'm just glad to see you!" Fruit giggled and hugged him, pushing Jinjo into her bosom. Jinjo didn't mind at all, since Fruit's chest was nice and soft now. Once she was done huggling Jinjo, Fruit put him on her shoulder. She liked that; she had room there for Jinjo to sit now.

Fruit sighed, "What happened to us Jinjo? How did we get here? How'd we change into these? Why do I keep thinking about how big my butt looks?!?"

After taking a quick look at said rear, Jinjo shrugged again.

"Yeah, I thought as much..." Fruit smiled and walked back to her bag, "Wait....." She stopped and remembered her dream. Jinjo squeaked on her shoulder, wondering what she was thinking.

"....I think... we're... humans... Just like my dream..." Fruit pondered, "...but why? Why am I human? How do I know what humans are? Is Pinkie human too? I hope she's here..."

After a squeak from Jinjo, Fruit continued to her bag, "Well....guess we're going to school!!" Fruit picked up her bag and ran down the street, Jinjo flying behind her, neither aware of the mundane dangers that await them...