//------------------------------// // The Crusaders // Story: A Rainbow In The Sky // by SobStory //------------------------------// "And then she just hits me across the face, I know Rarity gets mad at me but I never knew she would hit me, it's like she was someone else. Although, she did calm down with the dresses. She's actually starting to deal with... You know." The three little fillies all had sad looks across their face. They were all sharing stories about the older ponies. It was Apple Bloom's turn to tell her story. "Things just haven't been the same since Applejack left. Big Mac and Granny Smith have been having problems around the farm, it's sad. Sometimes Ah think she's going to come back, so Ah wait. But no matter how long Ah wait, she ain't coming back. Ah just hope she's alright." Sweetie Belle hugged Apple Bloom, then they both turned to Scootaloo. "What about you, Scootaloo?" Scootaloo looked at them, she had a mad look on her face, and tears in her eyes. "What about me? I don't have anything going on. I don't have a sister or any pony to worry about. Because unlike you two, I have no pony, well, at least not anymore I don't..." Scootaloo shed a tear, she continued, "Some nights I think back to what she said to me.. I haven't gone to sleep in one month without crying. All I dream about is that day... Sometimes it's a good dream, as if she survived. But then I wake up.. It's like a cruel joke. I just wish we could have done a lot more things together... It felt like I lost my sister.. I just wish she was here, to tell me it's going to be alright." Scootaloo tried to hold back but it was too much, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom hugged her and tried to make her feel better. They all cried into each other's arm. After that, they all went back home, except for Scootaloo. She got on her scooter and went to go see Rainbow Dash. "Sometimes I wake up, and I always feel like today's going to be different, but it's not. You're not here.. It hasn't been the same since you left. And I just wanted to tell you that I miss you.. Sometimes I have dreams where you're here and you take me with you to go flying, and it's amazing because I'm flying with you, all by myself. And I just..... just can't deal with the fact that you're not here.. And I can't forget those words you said to me... I just want you back here... I need you. Oh please... I love you, Rainbow Dash. You were more than a role model, you were a big sister to me. You taught me not to be afraid, to be tough and to believe in myself... I promise to you, one day, I'll be the fastest flyer in all of Equestria, I'll do everything to live up to your legacy. I'll make you proud, Rainbow Dash, I swear... And I'll make sure to make every pony happy again, for you." At this point, Scootaloo left a rose and said good-bye, she even waved back. On the grave, there were already a pile of roses, most dead, most fresh. It was about 30. On Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom called Big Macintosh and Granny Smith. They all went outside and saw Applejack coming up to the farm, they all ran up to her and welcomed her back. Applejack must have ate at least 100 apples that day, she'd been starving. That night, Applejack slept with Apple Bloom, this was a brand new day, and tomorrow she'd be sure to go and see her friends.