Fluttershy hosts a Tea Party

by TheAvalonCode

Good Morning Fluttershy!

Fluttershy hosts a Tea Party
By TheAvalonCode

Chapter One: Good Morning Fluttershy
It was a pleasant morning in Ponyville, where a quiet yellow pegasus slowly woke from her slumber inside a quaint little cottage on the outskirts of town. Sunlight seeped through the closed curtains of Fluttershy’s bedroom. The pegasus in question was lying in her warm bed, trying to cling to the remnants of the soft sleep she was just in. In a few moments, she pushed the covers off her body and yawned, stretching wide to get a crick out of her back. She fluttered her wings a few times to get the slight bed-stiffness out of them and then crossed the room and gently moved the curtains to reveal the beautiful sunshine in the danced across her garden. Fluttershy beamed almost as brightly as that same sun. She had always loved bright days and sunlight, since it meant that all of her animal friends would be active and awake.
The yellow mare shook off the last of her sleepiness and settled in front of the mirror. Seconds later, her faithful white rabbit, Angel Bunny, bounded over from his small bed, picked up a small hair brush and took to brushing out the bed-mane style that had taken to Fluttershy’s pink bangs.

It’s so nice that Angel helps me out with this, Thought Fluttershy, although I should do it myself more often.
The pegasus smiled at her little friend and struck up a light conversation, half to herself. “Now then, we have to remember that we are having Twilight and the others around for a tea party today.” She smiled a little wider at the thought of her friends, but her joyful expression dropped slightly when her mind settled on more recent events. “After all, we haven’t seen each other in so long, since we have all been so busy.” The mental list of reasons her friends were busy floated to the top of Fluttershy’s thoughts. “Rainbow Dash is training to get into the Wonderbolts since its nearly recruitment time, Pinkie got a promotion at Sugarcube Corner and is taking lots of commissions, Rarity is handling all of those contracts from Canterlot, Applebuck season has just hit so Applejack is rushed off her hooves and Twilight has all of her princess duties to take care of…” She sighed and looked gloomily at her reflection. Angel finished his brushing and snuggled against her neck. “Yes you’re right Angel; I really should get around and invite them. But first, I need to feed all of you and have breakfast!”

Jumping up from where she sat, Fluttershy felt filled with a new purpose. She knew that today would be just perfect and happily hopped to the stairs. The sudden movement meant that Angel had to cling on to her neck to make sure he didn’t fall. After making her way downstairs, Fluttershy woke all of the various fauna that resided in the small animal homes inside the cottage. She then poked her head out of the door and called the other animals that lived outside. Before long, there was an assembly of birds, ferrets, mice and other little critters in front of her. Fluttershy always made sure to have a large stock of nuts and fresh vegetables around for the animals and her, from which she pulled out a number of nuts and berries for breakfast. Then another few sets of the food were given to the animals, after which she would slice a few vegetables and feed those to the herbivores in the group. Walking outside into the sunlight vastly improved Fluttershy’s mood and she soon fed seeds to her chickens and leaves to her goat.

Next, the butter coloured mare made sure to brush her teeth (holding the toothbrush with a delicate wingtip), made sure she had enough bits to last through the day, put on her saddlebags, said goodbye to the animals and began to make her way into Ponyville. It was slowly becoming a rather hot day, thanks to the weather team, and it would be a tiring walk into town. Fluttershy decided to make her first stop at Sugarcube Corner, where she could rest and have a drink of water or tea before heading out to find the rest of her friends. At the same time, she could invite Pinkie and buy a few snacks for the Tea Party. The sunlight warmed Fluttershy to her core as she trotted down the dirt path and something told her that it would be a thoroughly lovely day.
End of Chapter One