//------------------------------// // The rest // Story: The fall of the Ponies // by Noyman Jayden //------------------------------// (Author’s note: We are currently working with M Night Shyamalan on a movie deal. Stay tuned.) Across Ponyville the clocks read 10:00PM (some a little off like 10:01 or 11:00 in timezones) because that was the time. It was time for many to sleep, but for one to wake. It was evil long thought pony dead Silverface, who had faked his own death in order to become evil. “Now they think me to be death, so I can roam freely.” Silverface laughtered. “To the time and place!” Silverface flew to Twilight library and hiding in bushes. “Twilight!” Spike shouting. “I think you have drinking problems!” He laughed because Twilight trying to drink non alcohol beverage but spills it everyplace. “AHHAHA” she laughs too but sarcasm. The window was Silverface who looks like creepy and stalker because that is what he was. “I will be Spike and Twilight soon to follow.” His laughter made Twilight aware and exclamation points above her head as she walks to window to look. Silverface hides with effectives before sight so he isn’t seen. “I could have sworn I hear maniacal laughter.” Twilight sighed and returned to drinking with Spike. While she was windows, Spike spiked her drinks with moonshine and whiskeys. Sad insued. A short time after later, Fluttershy in her cottage smelled burning and “OH NO!” her voice. She runs to outside for what happens and sees Spike and Twilight and Angel drunk off their flanks burning down her cottage for no reason other than I thought it would be funny and someone should draw it please. Twilight and drank Spike went back to treehouses where Silverface no longer was because he got lost in confusion and was now at Sugar Cube Corner where Rainbow Dash lived. “Rainbow Dash you are better than friends now be my side.” “Ok” Rainbow said because it was true. Then Silverface and Dash starts shoting ponies and everyp0ony dies and evail prevails.