//------------------------------// // A Kingdom Prospers // Story: Sunlight and Moonbeams // by Azreale //------------------------------// Sweetie Belle sat down on her haunches in Twilight’s library. The Princess of Friendship turned to the younger sister of the Element of Generosity and smiled. ”So, you really want to learn about this, huh? What for? You don’t strike me as the type of filly who would be interested in history.” Sweetie Belle rolled her sea foam green eyes at the thought. “Miss Cheerilee gave us an assignment to learn the most interesting thing we can about Equestria’s history and make a presentation about it. The history of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s parents sounded pretty cool, so I chose that, and I figured you of all people would be the pony to ask about it.” Twilight winked at her. “Right you are, Sweetie. Celestia has told me a lot of her past, even some information not even released to the public ear.” Sweetie gasped. “If you want,” Twilight asked, teasingly, “I can share them all with you.” “Oh, please, please, PLEASE, Twilight?! That sounds like it would make for a fantastic presentation! I know I could get an A+ from Miss Cheerilee if I could reveal some secrets told by Ponyville’s own Princess!” Sweetie Belle begged. Twilight smiled, glad that there were young fillies still taking an interest in their lands history. “Of course, Sweetie. Give me a moment to settle in though. This story is quite long; it will take a while to tell. Get comfortable, and have a notebook and quill handy. You’re in for the long haul.” ~~~~~~~~~~ If one were to look at Queen Solaria, one would think of calm sereneness. Her motherly gaze would always look lovingly on her subjects, her eyes as bright gold as the sun she commanded, her mane a glorious ebb and flow of red, orange, yellow and rose. Slow to anger, quick to cool down, she would defend her subjects down to her dying breath. She was patient, loving and welcoming, and the denizens of Equestria could always count on their Queen to listen to their pleas. If one looked at her husband, however, one could scarcely believe the two could stand each other. King Astras was stark, imposing and unforgiving. While Queen Solaria already towered over most normal ponies, King Astras was even taller. With a neatly trimmed mane of blue and purple, dotted with stars, he glowered and stalked everywhere he went, never seeming to smile. The King of the Moon was not known for his unending patience as his Queen was. And right now, the King’s patience was growing very, very thin. “Why have the griffons not returned our missives yet? It’s been two weeks. That’s plenty of time to think about this.” Astras paced around the table, banging his hoof on the ground every time he turned. His Queen smiled serenely. “Give it time, my sweet. The griffons realize the threat of the draconequus as well as we do. They threaten their kingdom as well. Do not fret. Time will tell what will become of this situation.” Solaria stood and walked to her husband’s side, rubbing her face against his, her left wing nestling him close. Astras sighed and calmed down; an ability he could only demonstrate when in her presence. He smiled at his wife’s touch and nuzzled her affectionately back. “I just don’t think they realize the severity of the draconequus. They are the harbingers of chaos. Their very name inspires fear into the hearts of our citizens.” “Yet they have not chosen to strike yet, and may not choose to strike at all. That is a battle for another time, my sweet. Come, it is coming time for your moon to rise and bathe Equestria in its mysteriousness. This is a conversation for another day.” Solaria motioned for Astras to follow suit. He did, visibly more calm. “I thank the Gods I have you here with me, my dearest. I don’t know how I could rule without you.” “You would have a lot of angry nations with you, that’s for sure!” Solaria laughed, her face brightening as much as her sun, her eyes shimmering. Astras marvelled every time he saw her. “Should we bring the girls along? They would hate to miss it. You know how they get about missing the Risings.” “Right you are, my sweet. Go on ahead – I’ll grab our daughters and head on out to meet you.” He gave her a curt nod and said no more, the two walking their separate directions, soon to meet up for the daily Raising of the Moon. It was Astras’ favorite time of the day. ~~~~~~~~~~ “Why do you always go out to play with that weird noble colt rather than me?” Luna screamed in frustration at her elder sister. Celestia just turned up her nose and huffed. “He has a name, you know, sister.” “I know that! You just go play with him because you have a crush on him!” “What?! I do not! That’s a lie! He’s just really smart, and you’re not, so nyeh!” Luna scowled at her. “Whatever, like I even care if you have a crush on some would-be royal. If you like him so much, why don’t you go marry him?” “MAYBE I WILL!” “FINE!” “FINE!” The two fillies were fighting and hitting each other with things levitated with their magic when their mother walked in on them, a stern look on her face. “What’s going on in here?” She asked, an unimpressed tone leaking through her normally sweet demeanor. “Celestia won’t play with me.” “Luna’s saying that I’m in love with a boy.” “I did not, I said you have a crush on a boy.” “Same diff!” “Is not!” “Is too! Celestia also called me dumb!” Luna stomped on the ground. At that, Celestia immediately shrank away from her sister and mother’s gazes with wide eyes. Her mother raised an imploring eyebrow. “Is that true, my sunlight?” When Celestia didn’t respond for a moment, Solaria took the hint. “Say you’re sorry, both of you.” Both fillies had an exasperated look on their face. “But Mooooooooom!” “Now!” Solaria dared them to defy. Luna looked to the floor and faced her older sister. “I’m sorry,” she started, kicking her right hoof back and forth, “that I said you had a crush on a boy.” “I’m sorry that I called you dumb. I promise I’ll spend more time with you, if you still want to be my friend.” Luna piqued up. “Of course I’ll still be your friend!” Celestia ran into Luna’s arms and the two heiresses of the kingdom hugged it out. Solaria found herself reminiscing of her childhood days before remembering the task she came in for. “My daughters, your father will be doing his Raising in a few moments and wanted to know if you wished to watch.” She namely looked at Luna, whose eyes went bright at the thought. “OF COURSE!” The dark sapphire blue filly screeched as she made a beeline out of the playroom door and turned right, sprinting down the long hallways of the Equestria Palace to where her father was. “And what of you, my sunlight? Do you wish to attend?” Celestia pondered for a moment before shaking her head. “Sorry mom. I know Luna loves to watch the moon being raised, but it just doesn’t strike me as interesting. That’ll be her job in the future, not mine.” Solaria smiled gently at her daughter. “Right you are, my sunlight. Very well. I shall leave you in peace. You know where to find us, should you change your mind.” Solaria nodded and walked out of the room smiling, yet as she turned to close the door behind her, Celestia could have sworn she saw the briefest shadow of a frown on her mother’s face. ~~~~~~~~~~ The fact that Astras was kept waiting for so long didn’t deter him, even though he always hated waiting. For his beloved daughter, he would wait a lifetime for. The sheer look of joy that was on her face when she saw him raise his moon – no, he mused to himself with a smirk, their moon – was far too precious to miss. A flurry of hoofsteps was heard running frantically through the halls. “DAD! DAD! WAIT! DAD, I’M COMING, WAIT!” For such a small size, Luna bellied a voice that could rival a stallion’s. Astras turned and watched his youngest sprinting in, almost tripping over her own hooves, before jumping into his arms. Astras hugged her tightly and nuzzled her face. “How was playing with Tia today, my moonbeam?” He asked, setting her down gently. She beamed back at him. “Fine. She promised that she’s gonna play with me more!” The King smirked. “That’s great to hear, sweetheart. Shall we begin?” He motioned to the platform where Luna so longed to stand on her own. She nodded and trotted forward, climbing the steps. Astras followed suit, glancing behind him only to gaze lovingly at his Queen who had come to join them. Solaria’s eyes were calm as she gazed back at him, a gentle expression set upon her features. Luna took her place at Astras’ side as she waited for their moon to be risen. The platform was large enough to fit four ponies comfortably, and had the inscription of the sun on one side, and the moon on the other. Astras positioned himself in the middle of it and took a deep breath, flapping his wings once to take to the air. Luna watched, breath taken as always. The King’s horn glowed with dark blue magic as his wings continued pushing him up, up, up into the sky, the moon in the horizon rising ever so slightly as he did so. Solaria beamed proudly at him, her heart full of love. The stars begun to pull across the sky and the moon climbed higher and higher until it was completely set. Astras fluttered down gently. Luna gaped at the sky, now filled with carefully crafted stars, each one hoof made by Astras himself. Solaria joined her husband on the platform and leaned against him, the two rulers admiring their land. “You know, my sweet, our life is truly perfect, isn’t it?” Solaria whispered. Astras gently shut his eyes against her. His heart overflowing with love for his soulmare, he rested against her. “It truly is, my dearest. It truly is.” Luna made a disgusted sounded ick and ran off the platform and back inside, presumably back to the playroom. Solaria lifted her head and gave Astras a peck on the cheek. Their three thousand years together had always been blissful, and only made more so by the arrival of their daughters just one hundred years ago. She could rest her body against his for a lifetime and never get tired. Yet a cough behind them interrupted their thoughts. Astras turned. A messenger Pegasus stood waiting, awkwardly. “Your Highness, a letter just arrived bearing the royal seal of Griffonia. It’s marked as urgent. You should come read it when you have the chance.” The Pegasus bowed to the monarchs and backed away slowly, turned around and trotting away once he reached the door. Solaria turned to Astras and smiled. “See, my sweet. I told you they would reply. Come, let us read it together.” She walked down the platform and motioned for her husband to follow with a tilt of her head. And even though Astras knew he should have been eager to read the missive, all he could think about was his perfect world. ~~~~~~~~~~ “So King Astras was super scary, and Queen Solaria was all nice and regal… kind of like how Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are now!” Sweetie Belle chimed in. Twilight stopped her story and took a deep breath. “Now Sweetie, Luna is not scary. She’s just not used to our ways. She’s been gone a very, very long time. And Astras had to take on the military operations, because Solaria wouldn’t. She was too loving, too gentle. If both of them were soft, the kingdom couldn’t prosper. One of them had to be harsh.” Sweetie Belle thought of this for a moment. “Yeah Twilight, I suppose you’re right! That makes sense. So even though the two were so different, they just kind of… worked?” Twilight smiled at her. “Right. They worked. You know what they say, opposites attract, and that couldn’t be truer when it came to Solaria and Astras. They were two sides of the same coin, and yet they just… worked.” ~~~~~~~~~~ Solaria winced before the coming storm. She knew she should raise her mouth to speak, but it would only make things worse. Astras needed a few moments to vent his anger before she could calm him down. The letter disintegrated before her eyes in a cloud of smoke. Astras took a deep breath, his eyes ablaze with pure, unbidden fury. “THEY REFUSE THEIR AID?” Astras reared back and kicked the chair he was sitting in. It fell over with a loud crack, the wood splintering ever-so-slightly. Solaria winced as if she’d just been struck. The rest of the eight ponies that made up their Royal Council sitting around the room frowned and shuffled ever so slightly. The tension and awkwardness hung in the room. Astras stood and resumed his pacing that he halted earlier. Solaria could swear there were grooves being made in the floor. The King shook his head as he walked, mumbling something to himself that no one else could hear. Solaria stood, too, and took her place beside her King’s side. “My sweet… are you alright? Please, calm yourself. Let us talk this over rationally with one another. I’m sure the griffons could be persuaded to lend their assistance… they must know that if Equestria falls, they’ll be soon to follow.” Astras huffed and pulled his chair back into position with his magic. “Hmph. The griffons are too stubborn. They think they could conquer the world with just their puny forces. They probably think that they could conquer Equestria single hoofed.” He spit on the ground in disgust. Solaria sighed at the poison laced into his words. “Please, my sweet. The griffons are not monsters. They can be reasoned with, unlike the draconequus. Why don’t we travel to their kingdom? Talk it over with them. Make them see the dangers of not allying. They may not understand that there may not even be a war. We just need to secure their aid in case there is.” She put a gentle hoof on Astras’ shoulder, making him visibly relax all of his muscles. “As always, my dearest, you think more rationally than I. That is an excellent plan. We shall send a missive ahead and warn the griffons of our impending arrival, and make them see they need us.” The two rulers looked at their Council. “Well, our friends?” Solaria addressed them, “Do you believe this to be the best course of action?” The Council glanced around at each other, nodding in agreement. The elder unicorn noble that spoke for the group raised his head. “Yes, your Ladyship, we believe this to be the best course of action possible. An excellent idea, as always, your Highness. I’m sure the griffons will be able to see reason if they meet their allies face to face.” Solaria smiled brightly at her friend. “Thank you, Starry Night. Your word is always valued highly amongst our ranks. Astras and I will take off in three days’ time. We will send a letter to them and head off. They will see we are reasonable ponies, won’t they, my sweet?” Astras nodded gruffly. Solaria smiled and continued. “Excellent. It is decided then – in three days, Astras and I will fly to Griffonia and convince them to join us!” Solaria raised her head high, a bright light seeming to emanate off of her body. Astras grinned and nodded his head in agreement and the Council went up in applause. Yet Starry Night stared at the door with wide, sad eyes. Solaria took notice and walked over to the elder unicorn. “Starry, my friend, whatever is the matter?” Starry Night shook his head and put it down. Solaria heard a small sniffle. “Take off to where?” Luna mumbled, her head peeking out of the curtain in the corner of the room, lower lip quivering. Solaria took a cautious step forward. Astras sighed and walked to his youngest, resting his head on hers. A few tears escaped Luna’s eyes and darkened Astras’ coat. “Now, now, moonbeam, it won’t be for that long. It’s only going to be for a few weeks at the most, nothing too bad…” Luna looked up at him, her eyes wide and wet. Solaria heard an awkward shuffle around the room. She turned and gave them all a meek smile. The Queen saw Celestia stick her head through the door frame as well in a panic. “Mom, you aren't seriously leaving, are you? You can’t leave us here!” Solaria hurried to her daughter’s side. “Now, now, my sunlight. Calm down. We aren't leaving forever. Your father and I need to go on this trip. If we don’t convince the griffons to become our allies, our kingdom may weaken under the forces of the draconequus. You know that, don’t you?” Celestia nodded sadly and hung her head in silence, but Luna still roared on in defiance. “NO! I WON’T LET YOU LEAVE! WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF US?!” She yelled to her dad in between sobs. “Moonbeam, we wouldn't leave you alone – we would have one of the nobles to care for you. You know all the members of the Council. You know they all love and care for you.” Astras grinned at the other ponies in the room. In turn, each of them smiled, even stuffy old Tuxedo Top Hat, who never did anything but complain. Luna still wasn’t satisfied. “No! I don’t wanna be left alone with a bunch of your old friends! I wanna be with you, dad! Who will raise the moon if you’re gone?” Astras stroked her mane gently. “Now moonbeam, I can still raise the moon from Griffonia, and after all, your mo-“ “NO!”, Luna interrupted. “If you’re going away, you’re taking me and Tia with you.” The Princess looked up at her father, daring him to object. Astras turned to Solaria with a gaping mouth, silently begging her to jump in at any time, but she just smiled and laughed. Looking down at her eldest daughter, Celestia nodded in agreement to Luna’s statement, and all three ponies glanced at their mother, waiting for approval. “Well,” started Solaria, pausing for a moment, “I suppose we have no choice, do we Astras?” Astras sighed and shook his head, already turning to leave the room. “We leave in three days’ time, daughters,” Solaria smiled at each of them, “So pack your things and be on your best behaviour. The sake of our Kingdom is at stake."