//------------------------------// // Desperate measure- The summoning // Story: Equestrian Throwdown // by Hex Mark //------------------------------// It was very strange, certainly terrifying to Lyra Heartstrings, who had just entered the ornate colosseum. Just setting hoof into this place frightened her to no end. The unicorn stopped for a moment, a brief hesitation, but hesitation nonetheless. “Lyra, are you sure you want to do this?” another pony asked, startling the green unicorn. “Bon Bon?! How long have you been following me?” she asked, her face turning a light shade of red. “Enough to know your plan…You are trying to sign up for this year’s Gauntlet…To summon a monster and watch it fight its way to the top or die trying…” Bon Bon explained, and Lyra sighed sadly, looking down at her hooves. “If it scares you so much, why are you trying to participate as a summoner?” the mare asked, and Lyra looked up. “Because I don’t have any choice! I need a way to make money- and the unicorns who send out their monsters get paid per victory.” She explained, but held her head in frustration. “It’s the only way I can pay 10000 bit debt in time…” she added, and Bon Bon sighed. “You’re research on humans, again?” she asked, but did not wait for an answer. “How many times did I tell you that kind of research was a waste?” Bon Bon asked, flinching when Lyra stomped a hoof. “It’s not a waste! I just have been having bad luck is all!” she shouted, but took a breath. “Sorry…it’s just…They are so fascinating. I would give just about anything to meet one- to learn just what makes humans tick…Once I pay off my debts, I will keep working towards this goal.” She smiled weakly. She wasn’t assuring Bon Bon, she was assuring herself. Working up the courage, she trotted over to the counter. Behind the counter was a sleepy looking pegasus mare. “Huh?” she asked, letting out a loud yawn before sitting up right. “Oh! A new applicant!” she smiled before looking in her drawer- pulling out a sheet of paper and a booklet. “Here is your registration form, and here is all the information you will need. Oh! And don’t worry about most of it- that won’t apply to you. You want to read the summoner’s info on page 45.” The mare smiled, and Lyra nodded. “Th-thank you.” And with that, Lyra moved over to a bench and climbed onto it, leaning back in her usual manner. While she began to sign the registration forms, Bon Bon climbed onto the bench next to her, sighing. “Do you have to sit like that? It looks very uncomfortable, you know.” She asked Lyra, who smiled. “What can I say, its fun.” She replied, finishing up signing her name before flipping to page 45 of the manual she was given. Her smile remained, as she read along what happens with the summoners. “Each summoner is to cast the spell upon registration. The monster who is summoned is usually based off of the summoner. The games vary from each year, but the summoned monsters will compete against one another. The summoners are paid for every challeng the monster survives- plus 10 percent of the winnings of ponies who bet on their monster.” She read aloud, surprising Bon Bon. “Does it say how much the base pay is?” Lyra’s friend asked, and Lyra checked, only to pump her hoof in slight triumph. “The base pay is 200 bits per round.” Lyra replied, and closed the booklet. “If I am lucky, I’ll be able to pay off my dues in no time.” The unicorn smiled, going back to the counter, where the mare had fallen asleep yet again. “Hey! I’m all done with the form.” She woke the pegasus up, who blushed in embarrassment before taking the forms. “Alright, Lyra Heartstrings. Just wait on the line for the rookies to summon your monster.” She instructed the unicorn, pointing to the line where a few other unicorns have been standing. Some were confident, some terrified. Lyra was glad for the opportunity, and as she waited, Bon Bon walked outside the building, looking infront of her to see a group of six ponies. She recognized them perfectly. “Oh! Twilight, it’s so good to see you.” She immediately greeted the leader of the group, who had a concerned look on her face. “You couldn’t stop her, could you?” she asked, and Bon Bon sighed sadly. “She wouldn’t let me talk her out of it…I could tell by her voice- she is desperate.” She replied, near tears. “She was so desperate to pay her debts she’d participate in this blood sport.” She added, shaking like a leaf as Twilight quickly hugged her, feeling her sob into what passed as her shoulder. “I know how you must be feeling…It sucks, the idea of being unable to help your friend. But you can still be there for her. She is taking one of the biggest gambles of her life- and she will need all the support she can get.” The purple unicorn tried to comfort Bon Bon, who sniffed and wiped her eyes. “Come on, Bon Bon. We’ll all go and cheer her on- she would love that.” Twilight suggested, and all seven ponies walked in. “Well, if it isn’t Twilight Sparkle…Did you come to try to beat me in these games?” a familiar voice called, and the purple unicorn looked to the side to see a blue unicorn with a purple hat and cloak. “Even if you showed her up back in Ponyville, The Great and Powerful Trixie will prove far too much for you. I have dominated these games for three years- and she intends to win her fourth.” Trixie boasted, but would immediately be shot down by Twlight Sparkle. “Are you kidding? Twilight would kick your flank in this competition!” Rainbow Dash retorted, looking over at her. “Come on! Why don’t you prove it to her?” she asked Twilight, who sighed softly but smiled. “We’re here to support Lyra- not to pick fights.” She replied before gesturing for the group to follow her- completely ignoring Trixie as she began shouting in annoyance at Twilight’s refusal to join the games. Finally, it was Lyra’s turn to summon her monster. She stood infront of the circle- where all the unicorns before her had summoned theirs from. Looking to the side, she watched as two ponies in particular had particularly fearsome creatures- one was a manticore, the other was a minotaur. Compared to that, there were creatures that were much less intimidating. But that only served to hurt Lyra’s morale. What if I summon something completely pathetic? I will certainly lose that way... she wondered, but then her thoughts wandered to yet another fear. Or if I summon something so strong I lose control- then I’d do a lot more harm than good…Oh dear Celestia, why is this happening?! she asked herself, but soon heard a voice call to her. “Lyra! Don’t worry- just give it your best shot, and you’ll be fine!” Bon Bon cheered, and Twilight Sparkle joined in on the morale boost. “Just remember, whatever you summon cannot hurt you. You will be in control, no matter what you summon!” the purple unicorn reassured her. “It will be super awesome!” Rainbow Dash added, while Pinkie Pie bounced up and down. “OOH! OOOH! I bet it’ll be super fun to see what you summon!” she giggled, and Rarity smiled. “Whatever it is, I just hope it has a bit of elegance in it.” The white unicorn suggested, while the orange-yellow earth pony adjusted her hat. “And it’ll be real tough.” She wagered, while Fluttershy hesitated but decided to throw in her own two bits to this. “And…even in all of this…it should be nice…I guess…” the yellow pegasus finished, and Lyra smiled, wiping tears from her eyes. “Thank you, everyone.” She thanked the two before looking at the circle, closing her eyes and focusing her magic onto the center. She did not verbally chant the spell, rather, she was praying for a miracle. Please, Celestia. Please allow for a winner to come and help me… she thought over and over, until finally the room was enveloped in a blinding flash of light. ((to be continued))