Of Pink and Time

by Redante

Chapter 5

Twilight Sparkle was send into a immediate blind date with the oaken segmented floor. A dull smack, a wobbly vision and a upcoming headache, the outcome.

"Now dear ladies. You'll move as I have already seen. But still. Refrain from trying anything." The colt, having identified himself as the Aristocratic Jackie Pie, gave a soft chuckle as he closed the double door behind him.

And silence returned to the room, with the soul exception of Twilight groaning as she rubbed her forehead softly.

"Oh my...Are you alright Twilight?"

"Yes...Fluttershy? Oh my gosh! How'd you get here?!"

"Uhm..I don't know Twilight..Sorry.." The yellow Pegasus whispered. shying away behind her mane. The purple mare sighed softly; The pegasus was probably scared to kingdoms of fright, the poor girl.

However, her eye fell on a thin, black and sleek device resting on top of a table. Ensuring the pegasus mare was truly okay, she made her way over to it. At closer range, she was able to tell this device was quite advanced, even more then Pinkie's laptop...thing. And it also appeared to use the same 'chat-thingy' or whatever Pinkie calls it, to communicate with people. (Recklessly) Regardless of time, space and dimension.
As her magic levitates the device and rotating it to a more readable side, she observed a conversation going on it..:



PCT: This is a broadcast to my future self!
PCT: Ha ha ha! Spoilsport!
PCT: Right. Thankfully magic does not need a 3 inch optical adjustment.
PCT: Alright. I'm going to send a mare on a mission to retrieve an artefact from a different dimension.
PCT: Good idea? Yes or no?


TS: It really depends, this one is rubbish.
PCT: It does not take one eye to see that you are NOT my future self.
PCT: HA ha ha! Eye spye diffrentionals!
TS: No I am not, And who are you?
PCT: Seriously, look to the left of the text.
TS: Right.
TS: But how come you know how to use the device in this dimension?
PCT: Because my first one was stolen by interdimensional thieves!
PCT: I chased them through the building but was outsmarted by the sudden appearance of a window.
PCT: Ha ha ha! Window of opportunity.
TS: They stole your equipment?
TS: Wait, what universe are you in?

And as the words were transported through the Wireless Interdimension Communication link. (Wi-iC) The awareness of being simultaneously was transferred too. Speeding along the link way towards a different dimension an then bursting into existence as fragmented date without compatibility.
Quickly converted into the equestrian language and streamed out into the pixlestic existence of words in the chatroom.

While, of course, Awareness found a more sentient being to envelop; Phil Can Trotten. CEO Manehatten Adventurer's club. A now-one-eyed unicorn with an rich orange mane combed back to allow an eye patch to be fitted over his left eye.

He was a peach-ish-tanned coloured stallion sitting on a leather pillow and sipping a refreshing soda.

"Ha, ha, ha! Dimensional rift-a-vu."

In a moment of utter silence, the door to his office opened to show way for a sharp dressed mare. In turn, he diverted his attention towards the mare as she entered.

"Ah, Miss. Spottington. Please seat yourself over here."

Due the implications of losing the ability to observe a third dimension in view, along with the judging of distance. Phil was pointing at the small saloon table instead of the second leather pillow slightly to its right. Hesitatingly, the mare seated herself on the table.

"No not THERE-" His hoof pointed at a completely empty spot to the left of the table. "-but HERE!" His hoof was once again pointing at the table.

The mare muttered a silent "Oh." as she seated herself on the pillow.

"Ha, ha, ha!"

"Sir? you wanted to see me?"

"Yes Miss. Spottington. Regarding the break-in from last week."

"Ah, yes. Security detail sir?"

"No, can you feel that?"


"This...Obvious detached feeling, It's like I'm seeing through my own eyes while being aware that I am something AND somewhere else..."

"Sir, I don't think that any of this has to do wit-"

"I'm having this since the past two days! And-Ohh! Here it comes again!"

"I'm sorry but you are truly not making any sens-"

In a flash of invisible inter-dimensional workings. The awareness was once again transported towards twilight Sparkle, Whom was patiently waiting for PCT to answer her questions. Unfortunately, Phil was aware of his awareness changing forms and dimension and thus your prior assumption regarding the fact one CANNOT switch awareness for the awareness was theirs all along, wrong.

But that would be extremely silly as awareness never does change from person to person. only observe them at times. Stupid.

Twilight blinked a few times as she heard faint hoof steps behind the closed shut door. She was still contemplating on how useful this conversation had been as the door opened to reveal Greendiana once more. flanked by her most trusty black-clad burly minions.

"Hello once more my little prisoners, I presume you find the clocks and décor enthralling?"

A moment of silence passed as the doors closed again. and Greendiana slipped the black device into her mane.

"Nothing? Still coping with side effects yet to be named? Shame."

"What do you want of us Greendiana?" Twilight had taken a defensive stance before Fluttershy.

"What. You still don't know?"

A series of shrugs and 'uhm's where exchanged. The green mare looked at the scene with half-lidded eyes.

"Fine." She took a step forwards, her minions positioned behind her.

"The sole reason of you being here is that I want to be the main dimension."

"That's it? loads of guards, THREE different dimensional personalities AND all of us trapped here just because you want to be 'mainstream'?!"

"You see, we live with the knowledge that -we- are merely a figment of reality; a simple entity living in the minds of those knowing."

She rolled her eyes.

"And with these.." She held the Slick black device "...We can change the roles! Even time itself!" Her expression fell into a scowl "..Such like Future Pinkie Pie found out."

"And what do you expect to gain out of all this?" Twilight was far from impressed and Fluttershy far from shelter.

"Oh, It's kind of simple; you, need to be gone for us to become 'real'" The green mare's smile grew. "And ANYONE involving these devices will be trapped here as well!"

"Yet you can't do anything because-"

"-You still hold the elements, and no, not the jewellery, but the essence! I require the essence to actually be able to even transform the universe and trap you here, such as you did with the nightmare."

"Oh yes, I'll have your pretty princesses and anyone else we don't need...uhm...Removed."

Twilight gasped.

And the slick device lit up as Greendiana's laughter shook it out her hair. Plopping it unceremoniously in front of Twilight.


PCT: Help! I've become the phone!
PCT: Ha, ha, ha! Awari-fail-y-fi-cation!
PCT: P.s. They forget to lock the door behind you.
PCT: P.s.s HA, HA, HA!

Without hesitation, Twilight had fluttershy's tail in her mouth, the door behind them splintered and Greendiana bewildered.

The only problem was that the minions gotten into chase. And the fact that Greendiana was now barking commands to the rest of her minion-istic entourage. The only thing that twilight could do was running. Along with fluttershy flopping in half-flight along her.

The Mare of night had subdued two aggressors that had the nerve to attack her. The two shady ponies slumped to the ground, professionally rendered unconscious by two hard-feathered wings to the snout. She let out a grunt as more pretentious guards arrive.

She grumbled "More of you?" before letting out a squawk as a nine-foot-long pole arm missed placing an guillotine impression on Nightmare Moon's neck, who awkwardly back winged away from another strike that miracously spared the walls. The black mare landed on her rump as she hit the nearby corner.

The creature was...surprisingly much Pony. except that it was a he, and he was pink. And wielding a nine-foot-pole arm in his maw. And that was one suiting top hat he wore.



He dropped the Polearm out his maw.

"I said-"


And the pink colt was send sailing over his array of surely thugs. One getting topped by colt's hat. Nightmare Moon' mad laugh was soon paired by a maelstrom of magic, regardless of how many thugs managed to get their tommies rattling at her. The gun mares and colts where send flying from and fro. as the black mare utilized both hooves and magic to protect and serve pain.

And continued her dash down the halls, lead and ponies hot on her tail. The pink colt had managed to crawl back onto his hooves, and noticed a shaking surely thug wearing HIS hat on top of THEIRS.

"S..sir?" The colt had been mysteriously spared the trashing.


The order was quickly completed in the most clumsiest motion ever seen.

Spike rounded another corner without much ado. He had found a room, empty. Much like most the rooms in this...place. He figured that a building this size has to have a second level, if not a basement...or gem stash.

And Rarity. Somewhere.

The purple dragon sighed as he checked his wristband...ish thing that Pinkie attached to him moments ago. It had the same function as the laptop she has.



NMM: Kicked flank. run into a slight resemblance of the Pink one.
NMM: Being chased right now. Fun times.
PP: Yay!
SS: Well, Nothing here, empty rooms and stuff.
SS: Gonna take a closer look in this one..
NMM: Good luck with that.
NMM: Try to avoid ponies having firearms attached to their form.

The purple dragon gulped as he opened the door to reveal his darkest fears come true..

"EMPTY?! Oh come ON!" The dragon fretted. "I will not believe that thirty-two rooms are just here for decoration!"

"They will not."

And Spike found himself surrounded by ghastly Sorcerers. And a pink ear-Unicorn Pinkie Pie.

A familiar white unicorn was levitated besides her. Spike simply blinked.
"You will fight me now?"
The purple dragon scowled. They took fair lady Rarity, they shamelessly levitated her as some sort of blind bag, and then they dare to challenge, THE Sir Spike?! How foolish are these pests?
“We shall! Engarde!”
“Very well. Now we will duel.”
She smiled for the moment, but her expression fell as the purple dragon managed to conjure up a lance seemly out of no-where.

Applejack snorted as she had made a complete round of the room for the twenty-third time this time. Rainbow dash had positioned herself in a pile of convenient pillows. And Future Pinkie Pie seemed to have frozen in time as her huge grin and eyes where aimed at the double-door.

" Alright! Ah am tired of prancin' around like a stuck sewer rat! Pinkie Pie, For pete's sake! Could we do somethin' productive?!"

"Yeah!" The Rainbow maned Pegasus chimed in "We've been waiting for like...hours! And I...really...wha?" The two ponies where now intently staring at the screen Pinkie was giggling at.

*MEMO: NR. 43*

FPP: Oh I thought you would KNOW that?
AA: I cannot look PAST the FUTURE.
FPP: That is why it rocks to be me.
FPP: I'm from a further point in time, I've been through your antics.
FPP: And I'm more productive.
FPP: And all I had to do was wait!
AA: I refuse to believe this futuristic nonsense!
AA: Insufferable!
AA: Incomprehensive!
AA: I, will have your head Future Pinkamina Diana Pie!


Future Pinkie Pie burst into a fit of laughter. Pinkie Pie burst through the door in a fit of laughter. Joining her, three Burly minions are send bowling into the walls.

"Pinkie Pie style!"

Not even a moment later, two pink mares where leading the small group of saved ponies . Among these, Applejack, found herself even more confused than ever; asked ‘What the hay this was goin’ on about Pinkie?!’. As Future Pinkie Pie explains her story, the four mares head out into the hallways at a casual pace.
“..So that time they nearly won with all of us separated in this…this…massive thing…Building! And they were about to dissolve reality and us into theirs! Meaning we’d be poofed into mystery and sadness! So I managed to steal a laptop of theirs and travelled back in time…Just in time!”

Both Pinkies giggled at the same time.

“However, when I jumped in time, so did they. It was an unintentional thing, but they are well aware of what I did. And are changing time on the go!”

She shook her head as the troupe rounded a corner and found themselves facing the stairs again.
Ascension was equally quick.

“…But I’m still unsure of how I can defeat them..”

Nightmare Moon had successfully escaped her pursuers, could finally rest a moment, raise a mock-concerned eyebrow at the purple dragon’s ‘last words before chivalralious acts . And now found herself conferring with a certain white mare at an different dimension.
And how she wished the mare could go and-


NMM: You’re not funny, you know.
PC: But I do love you!
NMM: Erg.
NMM: Could we skip the pleasantries please?
PC: And get straight to the act? Oh my~
NMM: You wanted to talk to me!
NMM: So spit it out, you miserable excuse for pillow stuffing.
PC: Oh that!
PC: Redeadne keeps telling me how he finds the dimensional stability in jeopardy around the fourth floor. He says it looks like a…depression in gravity of sorts.
PC: I have no idea if that is reason for concern or not.
NMM: Atleast it gave me a goal.
NMM: I’m curious to what that may be, well, off to find a set of stairs or so.
NMM: And find out what is all this ‘depressing’ about the fourth floor.
NMM: Maybe a section of you.
NMM: If that is the case I’m going to puke.


PC: I have no idea what Redeadne means with ‘Don’t let anyone near it unless they want an spacial face-lift with a fifth degree of agonizing growth-pains.’
PC: Nightmare hun?
PC: Oh horsefeathers!


With that, Greendiana smirked as she closed the laptop. Spyification sure was handy for a change of pace.