A Blank Flank's Heart

by ShadowVoltstreaker

Melody the Goddess

I land outside The Shady Oak after 5 minutes of flying, it wasn't far away, I just forgot where it was is all.

I quickly trot to the door, open it, and enter. I push past the velvet curtain and go into the main area where I stop at the main desk to be seated by the waiter.


At present, there are candles lit on the individual tables that occupy the area in front of a large stage covered by a dark red velvet curtain. To the left is a door that holds a sign that reads, "Employees Only" and to the right is a fire escape.


The waiter pony looks up from his clipboard and asks, "May I have your name?"

I tap my hoof on my chin trying to remember what name I used the last time I came here, "well if I tell him Vague Blaze and I'm not on there.. then I switch it tell him Voltzs it'll be kinda weird won't it? Unless I used Voltzs first… but I hate using that name unless I'm conducting business.."

"Uhm.. sir?" he says, earning a 'Huh?' from me. "Your name?"

I sigh and mumble in an inaudible tone, "Voltzs.."

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that." He says and leans in.

"To troll or not to troll… that is the question at this moment.." I feel a grin cross my lips as I shout, "Voltzs!" into his ear, making him drop the clipboard and fall to the ground.

And it seems I also earned some unwanted attention to those inside. I couldn't tell before because their heads were turned, but now that they're facing me I can see their eyes staring at me. Then I hear them begin to whisper amongst each other, "Did he say Voltzs?" "Is Voltzs eating here?" "Is that really him?"

I begin to panic and quickly take the waiters napkin out of his suit, drape it across my flank, then quickly pick up the clipboard, and make a run for it to the "Employees Only" section. I heard a few screams and a few glasses hit the ground and break, but I ignore them and continue making my way towards the door. "Just a little further…" the door opens, and behind it I can see a familiar looking pony shouting, "Hurry up!"

I spread my wings and make a quick dash for the open door and speed through, the pony then shuts the door and locks it, stopping the hoard that lies behind it.

I sigh and land, "Thanks for the hel—" Is all I can say before two light pink hooves wrap around my neck and sling me around. "Mel-o-dy!" I shout as she swings me around. But as soon as she hears her name she stops and sets me down.

"Yes Vague?" she says in her usual sweet voice.

"Thanks for the save." I say after catching my breath.

"Oh don't worry about it! Anyways what are you doing here? I thought you were on a.. date." She added extra emphasis on the word.. date.

I smile, "I was, it actually ended a little while ago."

She takes my hoof in hers and begins to move down the hall, "Well I want to hear all about it! I'm not going up for 10 minutes so you have until then to tell me how it went!"

Melody.. She's a Pegasus, like me. Her coat is a light pink, her eyes are a soft light blue, and her mane and tail are a bright yellow. I've been her manager for 4 years, and it'll be 5 starting a month from now. From the time I've known her, she's been kind of a special case. She's very caring, yes, but she can occasionally have mood swings, and it's impossible to predict them. They're usually just small ones, and thankfully, according to her, I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing one of her real mood swings.

Nor would I want to.

We make our way into, from what I can tell from the outside, a dressing room. My assumptions are proven correct as we make our way past rack upon rack of clothes and shoes, before stopping in front of a sofa, made for two, in which melody casually plops herself into. She then taps the spot beside her and motions for me to join her.

I smile, and lay myself out on the ground, much to her dismay, "You never would sit with me in this chair.." she pouts.

"You know that things like that are really awkward for me." I chuckle, "Besides, this way I can quickly get out of the way of any incoming.. what'd you call them?"

"Glomps. And you can't escape them, it's impossible!" she boasts.

I roll my eyes, "Anyways, you still want me to tell you about how the date went?"

"Of course I do!" she squealed and moved herself a little closer to me.

"All righty.. But I gotta tell you what happened before it." I took in a deep breath, "After the show I did I went down into my room and talked with my manager for a little, and he told me "Don't you have a date there Voltzs?" to which, upon hearing, I quickly left and made my way to the Café."

"I can't believe you forgot about your own date! I mean, you even asked her out yourself!" she face-hoofed.

Chuckling I reply, "Yeah well I was pretty ticked about forgetting." After taking a slight pause I continue, "As soon as I arrived at the Café I ran in and looked around for her, and much to my dismay, she was nowhere in sight…"

"I wouldn't be either if someone who asked me out stood me up.." she mumbled. "But wait, if she left how'd you still go on a date?"

"I'm getting there." I cleared my throat, "So, after a long sad flight back home I realized that I forgot my saddlebag, which had my keys inside. So, I went back to the venue I was at and, as soon as I got down to the room, Cut, my manager, was standing there with my bag behind him and a wide smile on his face, he said "If you woulda listened to me before you left then you would've realized that you left this." After giving him one of my signature replies he reminded me that my date starts at 7:30, and it was still only 7:24." I took a deep breath.

"If it weren't for Cut, then you'd be lost." She giggled.

"Yeah, and I'm really thankful to him for all that he's done for me." After exhaling I continue, "Well after flying at a speed that would stun The Wonderbolts themselves, I arrived at the Café and went inside. At one of the booths.. was Lucinda, the mare I asked out, who was giggling."

"Why was she giggling? Did something happen?" Melody questioned.

"Well.." I chuckled half-heartedly, "Before I went over to Lucinda, I kinda ticked off the Café owner by making the door bell go off about four times.."

"Ugh, you never can be serious for one lousy second can you?" she retorted, much to my surprise.

"W-well, it got her to laugh.. and I apologized to the owner, so I think everything went very well." I stuttered out.

"You just got lucky. Now, how was the actual date and not the events leading up to it?"

I blink twice and just chalk that up to a minor mood swing, "Well in my opinion the date went great! She's so sweet.. cute.. funny.. and smart! Oh yeah, and she said that she's heard you sing before."

"She has? And how'd you get on the topic of me anyways?" she moved a little closer.

I chuckled weakly, "We were talking about our jobs. She told me she was a Script Supervisor, and I told her that I was an assistant manager, and your manager."

"I see.. well, how's she like my singing?" she asked nervously.

I got up, stretched and smiled, "She said that she loves your singing. Apparently you're very well known.. which means this job is also one that ponies know me for.."

Giggling she replied, "Someday you'll get used to the publicity Vague."

I rolled my eyes, "That's like saying I'll get a cutie mark.."