//------------------------------// // Pinkamena's Realization // Story: Pinkamena's Realization // by SunShadow109 //------------------------------// Pinkamena’s Realization It was a bright, sunny day in Ponyville and all the ponies were having a glorious time, running errands, playing soccer, and so on. But there was a new pony in town. A pony everypony else wanted to meet. He was a short, stubby stallion, with a large Saddlepack on his back. He was a merchant pony. He was going about his day, selling goods to the pony folk, and making new friends. Though he was making plenty of friends, he wouldn’t have them for long; because he had to be back in Trottingham in a few weeks. As he sold goods, he began to feel a bit hungry. “I think I can go for a light snack!” he said as he trotted towards Sugarcube Corner. As he walked in, he was presented with the sweet smell of Raspberries and cupcakes. Then, he saw two mares sitting at a table in the corner of the building. He slowly walked towards them, trying not to be too creepy and then he said “Hello ladies!” with a voice so kind, and soothing, that they didn’t even notice him “Uhm, excuse me to interrupt your breakfast mares but would you like to purchase some merchandise? I have plenty here that you could choose from! Rubies, Diamonds, Horseshoes, dresses, you name it!” “Oh, hello there! My, how long have you been standing there?” One of the mares said, and she pulled out an earplug. “WHAT?!” the other said as she was banging her head to what seemed to be Dubstep. “VINYL!” the other mare said with anger obviously immediately boiling to the top of her brain. “TAKE THOSE DREADED HEADPHONES OFF RIGHT NOW AND BE POLITE TO THIS FINE STALLION!” “WHAT’D YOU SAY TAVI? I CAN’T HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF MY AWESOME WUBS! YEAAAH!!” “Ugh, allow me to introduce ourselves, this is Vinyl Scratch and I’m Octavia Philharmonica. We are the towns’ musicians. She makes what she calls “Awesome wubs” for everypony, and I make the Elegant, beautiful music for gala every so often! We live together and somehow manage to survive without ripping our ears off. Anyway, what’s your name? “I am Autumn Woodsworth and I am going to be a town merchant for a few weeks!” Autumn said as he pulled a flyer out from his Saddlepack. “What do you mean a few weeks?” Octavia said with a frown. “Well, I was sent here from Trottingham to earn a few bits for our town! We’re really low on money and resources, so I volunteered to travel and gain bits! It would be nice to make some new friends anyway.” “Oh, well in that case give me that scarf that’s hanging out of your pack! I’ll pay 18 bits for it. Octavia said quickly after. “Sure thing! Here you go! Thank you mare! Thank you!” Autumn said, as he gave Octavia the scarf, receiving a hoof-full of bits from the generous mare. “Bless your town Autumn and may good luck be with you!” Octavia said as the now happy stallion trotted to the counter. “Hello? Is anypony there? I would like to order a few Cupcakes please! “HAI!” A bright pink mare screamed as she popped up from under the counter. “GHAAA!” Autumn yelped as he crashed to the floor with a loud *Thud* as his saddlepack hit the floor with him. “Teeheehee! Scared ya’ didn’t I?” The mare said with a giggle. “My my! Aren’t you just a big pink ball of joy?” Autumn said and he gained his balance. “Yeah, I get that alot! So what would you like today sir?” “Uhm, I would like three Rainbow blitz cupcakes and one mug of cider please!” Autumn said looking deep into the Pink Pony's eyes. “Sure thing sir! I’ll be right out in a jiffy!” She said, bouncing into the kitchen. “Something seems off with that mare...” Autumn thought to himself as he sat down on a chair and within seconds, the pink mare came hopping out of the kitchen with a large tray in her one hoof. “Here you go mister!” she said handing him his food and cider. “Thank you mare!” He said as he gave her a small tip. ~~~~~~~ Later that evening, he was in his cabin, reading some books on selling strategies. Then he began to feel hungry again. “Back to Sugarcube Corner!” He said to himself, propping up from his bed. As he waltzed through PonyVille, he began to feel an unpleasant being upon him. He began a trot, feeling scared of what might come out of the dark and eat him. Then he began to run, panting heavily as SugarCube corner came into sight. There was the pink mare, getting ready to close up as she began to flip the open sign to closed. “NO WAIT!” The stallion screamed as he ran even faster to the small shop, the mare, knowing that he’d slam into the door, opened it up for him welcoming him inside. “Hai mister! Back for some more grub? Well you’re lucky! We were just closing up!” “Way to state the obvious...” He said, under his breath “What was that?” The mare said “NOTHING, nothing.” Autumn said, trying to catch his breath “Well, what would you like?” She said giving him a light hearted smile “Uuuuhm....” The stallion began as he tapped his hoof to his chin. “I’ll take a hay sandwich” “Okie dokie loki” She said as she bounced to the back of the counter. She returns with a tray with a sandwich and a cupcake on it. “I didn't order a cupcake” he said puzzled. “Oh its just some leftovers i thought you could have” She said handing him the tray. “So how much do I owe you” “Its on the house” She said with a giant smile. Autumn took the tray to an empty table and started on the sandwich as the mare waited across the room for him to finish so she could close up shop. He finished the sandwich and devoured the cupcake and got up and left out of sugarcube corner with the mare following him out. She shut the door and flipped the sign to closed. “Have a safe trip home” She said with a smile. He walked for a bit and became dizzy and then slightly drowsy. Then everything went black. ~~~~~~~ He opened his eyes to an extremely dark room. “Wha-Where am I?” He said as he tried to move. He was strapped down on a what felt like a metal table. “Where am I?” He sputtered as he struggled to move once again. He heard a giggle come from the darkness. “Who are you? Where am I?” He began to tremble in fear, shaking the table. “I’m Pinkie Pie!” echoed from the darkness. “Where are you? Where am I? What do you want? The fearful stallion said “I need your help...” Said Pinkie Pie. “With WHAT?! Autumn said, again trying to break free from the shackles “Making CUPCAKES!” Pinkie said with a voice so full of glee, it made Autumn shake even more intensely. “Wha-what?” He said “Why do you need me to help make cupcakes? Hell, I don’t even know how to make Ramen noodles!” “Teehee! Silly, you don’t need to bake, I just need your help gathering some ingredients!” She said as she arose from the darkness. “Okay, but why did you tie me down like this?” Autumn said looking into the cheerful pony’s eyes. “Oh sweet Celestia. This can’t be happening! “What can’t be happening?” Pinkie pie said, tilting her head slightly. “I’ve read a story of a witch who baked other stray ponies but I thought it was just a folktale to scare fillies to not go out after dark” “Don’t worry! I’m not a witch, and I’m not going to bake you into cupcakes! “Phew!” Autumn gave a sigh of relief. “Buuuut we are gonna have some fun” she said with a murderous smile. “WHA-at?” Autumn sputtered as he began to tremble. “I’m going to bake you into a CAKE!” Pinkamena said, clapping her hooves together and doing a little jig. “Oh-oh Celestia” Autumn said, watching the pink pony dance in place. “NO!” He screamed “Gha! Boy, you scared me there buddy! Don’t do that! I can get scared easily!” Pinkamena said with a frown. “OH! What’s your name? I haven't learned your name yet...You have one don’t you? My name’s Pinkamena Diane pie, but most of my friends call me Pinkie Pie. “My name is Autumn Woodsworth...” Autumn said with distraught “Well, hai Autumn!” Pinkamena said with a slight giggle. “Please, Pinkie... Let me go! Please! I have so much to live for! “Well, you also have stuff to die for! For example, you’re going to please many ponies at the Applejack’s second family reunion! “What do you mean die for?” “Well, I’m going to bake you into a cake so that I’ll have enough food for the party!” Pinkamena said Autumn just stares at her with fearful amazement. “Enough chitter chatter! Let’s get down to business!” Pinkamena said as she flicked the lights on. Autumn just gaped at the horrifying image that was presented to him. There were organs, done in pastels, filled with helium on the back of chairs, which were made of the bones of passed ponies. There were rabbit heads and pony skulls hanging on the walls of the room. There were three realistic looking pony dolls sitting in the chairs. “Oh you like my work?!” Pinkamena said pointing at the dolls. “This one’s my friend Rainbow dash she was the first to go out it was quite fun she lasted a while! Then here we have Fluttershy its sad that all her animals are alone now but i think they’ll live, oh and I forgot I also have her bunny, Angel, he followed me so i had to take care of him! Ain't he cute?! and lastly we have rarity sporting her latest and last work of art. I really feel bad for her! She was making this one for Princess Celestia, buuuut her number came up and, well you know. “Why do you do this?” Autumn said, with tears filling up in his eyes. “Because it’s what I love to do!” Pinkamena said doing another jig. “Well, I better get the supplies ready! We’ve already spent 10 minutes talking to each other and I haven't even gotten any work done!” She bounced into another room and then bounced back out pushing a large cart with a cloth covering it. “PLEASE! NO! MARE, I DON’T DESERVE TO DIE! I’M SO YOUNG, I STILL HAVE A LONG LIFE TO LIVE! PLEASE DON’T KILL ME! PLEASE!!!” Autumn pleaded as Pinkamena yanked the cloth off the cart, revealing several rows of sharp surgical tools. Again, the horrified stallion pleaded as Pinkamena just watched and giggled at her victim. “PLEASE! PLEASE! I DON’T WANT TO DIE! PLEASE! LET ME GO I WON’T TELL ANYPONY! YOUR SECRET WILL BE SAFE WITH ME! PLEASE DON’T KILL ME-E-E-e-e” Autumn gave up pleading after 5 more excruciating minutes of horror. “Okay, stop pleading! It’s not doing you any good...” Pinkamena said, poking his cheek with a sharp scalpel, just enough to put a small hole in his face. “Ouch!” He yelped as he flinched away. Pinkamena just giggled and licked the blood off his face. “Yummy! Your blood tastes like snozberries! She nicked him again, in the chest and then grabbed a cup to place under the wound. “This’ll be a nice ingredient to put in the punch! What pony doesn’t like Snozberries?” “Augh!” Autumn yelled as he looked away from his chest “Now!” Pinkamena said and she grabbed a large dull knife. “I’m just going to go ahead and take your cutie mark okay!?” She said as she placed the knife in his right flank. “Please..NO!” He said quickly. Too late. Pinkie pie immediately began slicing at his cutie mark, and the more he screamed, the wider her smile grew. “Don’t squirm too much now or i will damage your leg..” He just held in his screams of agony and tried to hold as still as possible, until he kicked his leg hard enough to hit pinkamena right in the face, but also put a giant gash in his leg. “AAAAAAAUAAAUUAGH!!” He screamed as an extreme amount of blood flowed from his slashed leg. “Ooooow! What’d you do that for?” The pink mare said as she stood up “quickly and wipes the blood from her snout. “You....you...” Autumn stuttered, still trying to hold in his screams. “Boy I oughta... let you go right now!” pinkamena said as she ran towards Autumn. But she stopped herself before putting a large, cut right down the middle of the stallion’s head. “No...No...Pinkie..” She muttered, taking a step back. “You can’t do this...remember what your mother told you...” She began to stare off into space, trying her hardest not to kill Autumn. Autumn’s eyes grew wide, not in fear, but in sympathy. He began to think of how Pinkamena may have been as a foal, and how it could be reflecting on her now. “Now lets get back to the fun” Pinkamena said as she grabbed a scalpel from the cart. “P-p-pinkie! Please stop this...please pinkie! you don’t have to do this! I can help you-AHHHHHHH!” Autumn screamed again as Pinkamena made a secasism from his lower breast down to his bottom of his abdomen almost reaching his groin. The smell of urine started to emanate from the pony. “Eeeeewwwww! Now I’ll have to clean this all up!! -.-” Pinkamena said as she stepped back from the urine dripping to the ground. His eyes closed quickly, without notice. He blacked out. When he awoke again, pinkamena was pulling a very large syringe from his chest. He flinched. “Are you serious?” Pinkamena said as she looked at him angrily. “You’re the second most rude pony to do that to me! Piss on my floor and then go to sleep?!” Pinkamena said as she whipped her hoof across his face. “UNGH” He yelled and his head cracked to the side. “Can I at least have some anesthetic to numb the pain? I want to go in a somewhat peaceful manner.” ‘Aw! But that would take the fun away Autumn! Why would you want to do that?” “This is NOT fun, you crazy whore of a pony...” He said as he spit on her. “Why I never-” Pinkamena said as she abruptly chopped his tongue off. “GHAAAAAAAA!” He screamed as his mouth immediately began pouring blood every time he took a breath. Autumn looked at Pinkamena with the most questioning and and fearful look she’s ever seen. “I....I..” Pinkamena stuttered. “NO” She yelled. “I MUST DO MY WORK” Pinkamena said as she began to pull the organs out one by one. “ou...hiuy....uyuoo.....” Autumn sputtered as blood flowed from his mouth in a pulsing manner. “Don’t try to talk Autumn, you’re just going to lose more blood and we don’t want that to happen do we?” “I want you to last long, so we can have more fun times together!” “muu...mumb....num...” Autumn managed to mumble as he gained pinkamena’s attention once more. “Numb?” the pink pony said with question in her voice. Autumn just nodded his head with tears and blood pouring down his face, enough so she could tell what he was saying. “ I have this neosporin!” She said with a sly smirk. Autumn just stared at her attentively. “Augh, alright” pinkamena said as she grabbed another syringe from the cart. “but ONLY because I cut your tongue off!” She said as she jabbed him with a novocain needle. They both sat there for 5 minutes, waiting for the novocain to take affect. After Autumn alerted her that it has taken effect, she began to resume the “Harvest”. About ten minutes of silence passed as Autumn was slowly dying from the massive amount of blood loss of his abdomen. He finally straggled a few more words out to Pinkamena “Pe....pem....pen...pa....pap..” Autumn said as long strands of sticky, old blood were oozing from his mouth “What now?” Pinkamena said as she rolled her eyes “Pem?” “pap?” “OH! I love this game!” Uhh, uhm, a SEAL! No, a DOLPHIN! uuuh, OH APPLEBLOOM TRYING TO GET HER CUTIE MARK?!” “Ooh, paper?” She finally said with a giggle. Autumn shook his head. “Pe....pemm...pnencc.....” He muttered as he attempted to point to a pencil on the table. “Pencil?” Pinkamena asked Autumn shook his head again “Uhm, okay well i have all the ingredients for the cake, so now we just have to sit here and wait for you to die I guess.” She said unlocking him from the shackles. “You can’t walk anyway so don’t even try to get away.” She said, pushing the table with the Pencil and Paper towards Autumn. He then picked up the pencil and began to scribble, almost illiterate words onto the paper. After almost 10 minutes of watching him scribble, he finally nuzzled the paper closer to Pinkamena, indicating that she should read it. So, she tried to read it, but almost failed because of all the brown, dried up blood on the paper from his mouth. It read “I know how you feel, being alone isn't easy.” After she began reading it, he blacked out again. She then stared at him for a long while beginning to cry, and then grabbed another adrenaline shot. He awoke again, on the floor with a face full of blood. Pinkamena looked at him with a sad/knowing facial expression. She then gave him a quick hug, but released when she heard gurgling sound within his throat. “No...NO!” She screamed “Please...Please don’t go!....I've never had a friend stay with me this long before...” She said as Autumn looked at her and began crying. Then, his pulse slowed, and eventually stopped. “No...” She said with the tears rolling down her eyes. “NO! NO! DON'T YOU GO ON ME! I CAN STILL SAVE YOU! I CAN STILL SAVE YOU!” She quickly threw him up on a proper operating table and once more, ran into the back of the room to get some Defibrillator. She ran back out and immediately bolted his chest repeatedly until he came back. She then rinsed his mouth with water to get the blood out. but after she did, the water just flowed through his ribcage and over his lungs, causing him to have a horribly coughing spell. He then blacked out again. ~~~~~~~ When he awoke, he was in a hospital, with, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadence, and saw a sobbing pinkie pie in the back of the room next to Nurse RedHeart who was trying to soothe her “I DID THAT?! HOW?! HOW CAN I BE SUCH A MONSTER?! I’VE KILLED ALL THOSE INNOCENT CREATURES FOR NOTHING!!! Pinkie Pie said, screaming in terror. “It’s okay..It’s okay...everything's going to be okay...He’s fine pinkie! Look, he’s fine! He’s okay now! You didn’t kill him! Nurse RedHeart said patting Pinkie Pie on the back. “Autumn? Is that your name?” Twilight said, giving Autumn a reassuring smile. “Mhhm” Autumn mumbled. “We used a very powerful spell to give you your tongue back, though it may hurt when you move it. We cannot replace your organs yet but we have you all hooked up on machines to keep you alive, and you can’t feel anything because we have you loaded on anesthetics. Princess...” She said, giving a slight nod to Princess Cadence. “Y-yes Princess Twilight” Cadence said as they lined up in front of Autumn. “Here goes!” Twilight yelled as both of their horns began to glow, with an immense light. He felt a very violent shaking within his body and he blacked out once more. When he awakes for the last time, he sees Princess Twilight and Princess Cadence panting on the floor in front of him. He looks down, amazed to see that his body is back together! No more blood, no more missing organs, to more lack of tongue! He was back to his normal self again. Though when he looked up, he saw standing in front of him, Nurse Redheart. Who look very concerned. “Ah I see that you are awake now that's good we can confirm that the operation was a success” She said confirming he was stable. “You should rest here for a bit while I go check on the princesses.” As Redheart walked away Autumn noticed that there was something missing in the room but he couldn't figure out what. He sat up in his hospital bed and examined the room. It was a bright white room mostly empty with only 3 mares in it Princess Twilight and Cadence, and Nurse Redheart helping them back onto their feet. He scratched his head and began to think of what was missing... then it came to him with a chill down his spine. The one who put him in this bed the pink mare named Pinkie Pie. “Uhm, where did Pinkie go” Autumn asked with a concerned voice to whoever would answer. “Oh, some guards came and took her out not sure where you might want to check the guard station nearby later but right now you need to relax to make sure your organs are back in place right so lay back down and don't worry about it.” Redheart said fixing his sheets. “But” he knew there was no point in arguing so he laid back and stared at the ceiling. All he could think about is pinkie yes she did cut him open and nearly killed her but he knew it wasn't really her and she was just troubled if she didn't care she would have left him there to bleed to death but she didn't she saved his life. He thought to himself that he has to help pinkie and he turn on to his side closing his eyes like he was told even though he was mostly restless... ~FIN~ *Note* This was created in one night :P Written and edited by: SunShadow109 /) |Youtube →http://www.youtube.com/user/SunShadow109 |DA → http://sunshadow109.deviantart.com/ Rando Mane Aka Random0Gamer |Youtube → http://www.youtube.com/user/TheRandom0Gamer |DA → http://random0gamer.deviantart.com/