by Alicorne

Chapter Twenty Four- The Non-recovery ward



It’s one of the ironies of the Universe that a Hospital is no place to rest. Sunny came with breakfast and sat with Tyllae and me throughout the meal looking so drooping and wilted that I chased her away to take Tyllae back to our cabin and get some sleep! She was so out of it that I actually got her to do it! (A Gold Star day for me!)
I fully intended to just relax with a padd and review some of the Astronomical data we’d been pulling in for the last week and maybe access my files and do some work on the research paper I’d been working on for the last year or so. For a break I planned to send a message to Daddy to let him know when we were arriving. Then, for a treat at the end of the day, I thought I would get in some plain old recreational reading. I’d gotten hooked on one of Sunny’s old fantasy novels and was curious to see how The Fellowship was faring…
It didn’t work out that way, though...
Jerry stopped by around mid-morning to tell me that the bulk of the Sensor repairs were done. We put our heads together about how the forward section of the Switchblade made that suspiciously controlled exit from the wreck of the Secondary Hull.
“You ask me, it was an evacuation!” He said. “Our own saucer section is made to detach from the rest of the ship in the event of catastrophe. Why shouldn’t the Klingons do the same?”
“… It might explain why the shielding was so much stronger in the forward hemisphere.” I said, thoughtfully. “Maybe all their Command and Controls assets are in there. Damn! I wish I had more time to get a better detailed scan! Oh, well. They won’t be going anywhere fast at sublight to get fixed up again, at least.”
“I wish I were an Augment! That Klingon tossed me off like a rag doll!” Jerry laughed ruefully and rubbed his shoulder.
“Well, it’s just like what they say on Equestris…”
“What’s that?”
“‘Tough luck, Buck!’”
“They have a saying back on Earth, too! ‘ Blow it out your Augmented…’”
“Ah, Jerry! Is good to see you here!” Caper stuck his head ‘round the one curtain I’d left up. “Was wondering how are repairs going.”
“All shipshape, Captain! We’re on course and on time for Equestris. I’ll fully realign the Sensors once we’re in orbit where we can better access the Main Dish. I just stopped in to give Starry a heads-up and see how she was doing.” He vacated the chair next to the bed and Caper slid into it smoothly. “I should be going. Stay off that leg, Starry!”
“I’m only using to go to the bathroom. Be damned if I’m using a bedpan while I’m conscious and all four limbs are attached!”
“Which raises question of how one uses bedpan when unconscious!” Caper nodded sagely then concluded, “Must be Augment thing, da? Good Morning, Chief Engineer!”
Jerry gave my good hoof a pat and sped off while the older Pegasus leaned forward and settled his wings.
“So… everything hokay with you and Good Doctor, Starry-pushka? Could not help but notice earlier she was… leetle bit upset, eh?”
I pulled myself into a sitting position. After Sunny left I’d gotten a gown from the Nurse, and a robe!
“She’s fine, Caper. She spent the War on a Hospital Ship near Vulcan. She’s never been in a Space Battle before, let alone hoof-to-hoof combat! Seeing me get mussed up just rattled her a little. You have to admit it didn’t affect her professional performance, she did a bang-up job on Dazzle’s hoof!” I rolled my eyes away and added, “She’s also not much of a Morning Pony.”
“That much I noticed! Oi! If were me, would be drinking ouzo in morning instead of coffee! For all our sakes, Starry-pushka, curb reckless behavior in future!”
I gave the Old Poop a hairy eyebrow! “Hah! I didn’t do anything you wouldn’t have done if you had another quarter-second!”
“Is Captain’s prerogative to be reckless when situation calls for!” Caper waved a dismissive hoof. “’Hah‘, yourself!”
“… And it became my prerogative when you hit the deck like a pile of old laundry! Hah and hah!”
“Was all part of carefully calculated Master Plan to lull Klingon into false sense of security! If took one step closer would have reared up like Manticore to tear off his leg and beat him to death with it. Brash Commander Starry-pushka rushed in to steal Captain’s thunder is all!” He shook his head, waggled a finger at me and tsked. “But am nothing if not magnanimous Pony! So I forgive youthful exuberance. Even went so far as to say nice things about you in Log. See? Captain is absolute soul of discretion, da?” Caper’s grey eyes twinkled as he ground to a theatrical finish!
I listened patiently before quirking an eyebrow at him.
“What you are is a…”
“But Leetle Pooka was big surprise, nyet?” Caper cut me off from saying something that would get me court-martialed on another ship. “Must have happened when Captain’s back was cunningly turned waiting to ambush Klingon Cossack!”
All the kidding left his eyes as he got serious. “Sickbay examined bodies. Klingon Leetle Pooka killed had no mark on body. No internal injuries. Just dead like turned-off flashlight. Alive one second then, hoop-a dead the next.” He hunkered in closer and dropped his voice some as he eyed me shrewdly.
“Have talked with Bridge Crew already. Now I want to know what you saw, Starry-bubula. How does cutesy Leetle Pooka go from having hard time wrestling cookies to dropping beeg Klingon warrior like nothing?”
I sighed. “Better go get us something to drink, Caper. This’ll take a minute!”
Da, da!” He hustled off to the replicator to get tea and coffee. Then I gave him everything I just found out about Faeries! When I was finally done he looked thoughtful as he rubbed his jaw and grunted softly. He fixed me with a stern eye.
“… Must ask, Commander. I know you will give honest answer.” He hunkered back in again. “In light of new knowledge is Leetle Pooka, in your opinion, danger to ship and crew? If we get her mad will we all end up very tidy corpses?”
I’d been dreading that question ever since I woke up and I took care to choose my words…
“I don’t believe so, Caper. Tyllae is not by nature violent or vindictive. She didn’t even get mad when Sunny snuck up on her for a blood sample, though she wasn’t happy about it! Her idea of revenge would be more along the lines of a prank, like putting salt in your coffee or something. Her kind regard our kind benevolently, and have done so for ages. Even when faced with the Klingon she tried everything in her arsenal before breaking out the Big Magic Guns, up to and including trying to warn him off!”
Caper relaxed visibly. He’d come to the same conclusions. Bless his old heart, he just wanted to hear it from me, too.
“Putting salt in Captain’s coffee would be bad enough, da? A Brig offence! … But what Brig would hold Leetle Pooka? Leetle Pooka is like very powerful child… Nyet! Is wrong.” He waggled a negative hoof. “Leetle Pooka is not child. Leetle Pooka is honest and uncomplicated and wise enough in strange-to-Pony way of thinking. Maybe she understands us better than we do, nyet?” He broke off for a second and wrapped his arms around himself, wincing just a little as his healing wound pained him before shaking his old head. “No, Leetle Pooka is not danger to anypony here. Do me beeg favor, Starry-Pushka. Send Faery to see me. She will be allowed to come to Bridge in future… for only leetle social calls! After all, if had acted on warning sooner Klingons would never had chance to beam in!” He glanced at the chronometer. “Must go now. So far have stayed one step ahead of well-meaning Yoemare with hoof-full of padds and want to keep it that way rest of morning!” He rose and stretched arms, legs, and wings. Looking around to see if anypony was about, he leaned in and administered a quick, paternal kiss to the top of my head before pausing to shake an admonishing finger at me.
“Be good, Starry-Pushka! …And thank you for keeping My Ponies safe! Will come back after Watch, hokay?”
There were tears in my eyes but I kept them in check for the sake of Capers dignity. Yeah.
“Hokay! Oh, there’s just one thing I need you to do!” I motioned him in.
When he got close enough I gathered the old Pegasus up in a hug, ruffling his feathers maybe… but he didn’t seem to mind!
After that I did manage to get a few minutes to myself. I was poring over the readouts from the Astrometrics sensors, trying to puzzle out why two separate stars in our target sector would be five and ten light-years out of their respective charted positions! Civilian Traders didn’t have our sensors, granted, but it didn’t seem possible they couldn’t have been off that much!
A theatrical whisper interrupted me!
“Oy! Starry! Ya awake er what?”
I sighed quietly. “Come on in, Merry!”
The Communications Officer tromped in and gave me a punch on the shoulder before throwing herself into the chair with her best all-around grin!
“Oy tol’ Skipper me war wound was ouchin’ me a bit so Oy could nip down ta see howyerdoin’. E’s a bonzer sort, ain’t ‘e? Eh, eh?”
“He’s the best.” I agreed. “Is your arm hurting? I remember you got slashed…”
“Nah!” She shot her sleeve up to show me. There wasn’t even a scar by now. “Roight as rain! Got ’urt more when Oy busted the other one in the chops. Bleedin’ fangs! Nurse ‘ad ta disinfect me ‘oof before she patched me up. Did a roight proper job of it, too! See?” She stuck her powerhouse right hoof under my nose and waggled her fingers. The skin and fur over her knuckles were smooth and unblemished. Sunny’s Medical Ponies do great work!
She flopped back into her seat, her arms draped over the back of the chair.
“So!” She said with a horsy grin. “You ok? Kin Oy getcha anythin’?”
“Nope! I’m just fine. I’m only killing time till the nerves in my leg heal up. I’ll be back on the job tomorrow, easy-peasy.” I assured her.
“Roight! Never say die, say ‘kill’! Eh, eh? Crike, but you shore gave me a proper scare yesterday! Never saw nopony lose that much ketchup and live, much less git up and command a ship! Gotta be sumpin’ t’all that Augmentation bizness after all! Eh, eh? Ya served that Klingon wog out roight and proper, too! Good job, that!” Merry beamed at me proudly!
“You didn’t do so badly, yourself, as I recall!”
Merry scoffed. “Nah! Oy jus’ got in a good ‘it is all! Granite jaw, but a glass neck. Eh, eh? ‘E weren’t nuthin’ special! ‘At bitty lil’ knoyfe sure weren’t gonna save ‘im none! (The Mare in my head wondered what Merry considered a big knife!) Oy’m jus’ sorry Oy weren’t more ‘elp with that Kruze feller. Woulda loiked ta twisted ‘is ‘ead clean off meself fer what ‘e did to the Doc, an’ ‘at’s a fact!” She lost most of her grin, becoming apologetic, even hangdog. “Fact is Oy reckon Oy shoulda left ‘im alone. When Oy was thinkin’ on it afterward Oy realized you’da ‘ad ‘im cold without a-gitten’ so much as a scratch! … Sorry ‘bout that, Starry, Oy really am!”
“It’s all right, Merry.” I waggled my eyebrows and added, “No worries, Mate!” We both giggled, which seemed to ease Merry’s conscience quite a bit because she threw herself back into her seat with a decidedly relieved expression!
“Roight then! Oy’m roight ‘appy ta ‘ear ya say that! Would’ve ‘ated ta ‘ave ya ‘old it agin’ me. Don’t reckon Oy could take ya in a straight foight! Eh? Eh? Tell ya what! Nex’ time Oy’ll jus’ ‘ang back till ya give me the ol’ ‘igh-sign an’ Oy’ll come bustin’ in then! Eh, eh?”
“’Next time’? You must be out of your, ah, flippin’ mind, Filly!”
If there was anypony even trying to sleep in the ward Merry’s guffaw would’ve jolted them out of any pretense!
“Yeah! Me ol’ Mum always said Oy weren’t quite roight in th’ ol noggin! Figgered Starfleet’d be a good influence on me, bless ‘er ol‘ ‘eart! Well Oy moight not be th’ sharpest tack in th’ carpet, but Oy knew enuf not ta git in ol’ Tilly’s way! That lil’ Sheila’s a proper, bleedin’ terror when ‘er dander’s up! Liked ta peed myself when she pulled ‘at switcheroo on the Bridge! Glad she’s on our side! Eh, eh? Oughta take ‘er wit me nex’ Shore Leave! We’d ‘ave a right proper pub crawl, then! ‘Specially we foind ourselves a Klingon pub! Eh? Eh? Would’n be two scorched stones left standin’ ‘gainst one another boy th’ time it was all done, Oy bet! You tell ‘er nex’ time ya see ‘er that Oi’m gonna get ‘er a ‘ole crate a cookies fer doin’ such a bonzer job! …Oh, ‘eck! Oy gotta be gettin’ on back! “Ere! Ya got a message fer yer Dad just send it along upstairs. Oy‘ll make sure me people git it sent out, straightaway! No worries!”
She bounced out of her chair and came round the foot of my bed, flipping the blanket off my hooves before I could even squawk!
“So ‘ow we doin’ ere? Hmmm… Crike! Lookit them gunboats! ‘Ere! Ya feel that?” She fluttered her fingers along the bottom of my hoof, looking absurdly pleased with herself as I squirmed and tried to stifle the giggles!
“See! Yer gonna be just apples! No worries!”
“What are you doing?! She‘s not to move that leg!” Doctor Willowbark stuck his head around the door frame and glared at Merry who hurried to tuck the blankets back around my hooves!
“Roight! Gotta scarper! Seeya, Boss-Lady! Oi’ll find me own way out, Doc! Cheer-o!”
Willowbark fussed around for a while, making me lie still while he used the bio-bed to get a full readout of my well-being. After that he took the blankets off and wanted to physically check my leg himself. I bared as much of my leg as I wanted… from the knee down… and he felt his way down the length.
“Hmm… your leg is warm all over so the circulation is fine. Can you feel this? …And this? … How about now?” He’d taken a stylus from his lab coat pocket and poked my leg here and there. He worked in this fashion all the way down and drew the stylus lightly across the surface behind the hard bottom of my hoof. I worked my face to suppress a smile but I couldn’t help but wriggle a little.
“Yes. It tickles. That’s already been established.” I said flatly.
“Don’t get upset, Commander. Anypony but an…” He paused, obviously about to say ‘Augment’. “…With anypony else there would have been a real chance of damaging the healing nerves. You’re coming along amazingly well. Not surprising in your case, isn’t it?” He smiled thinly with expressionless eyes as he tapped my knee to provoke a reflex. …I suppressed the temptation to ‘accidentally’ kick him in the guts.
“What about ‘my case’ , Doctor? Specifically, I mean.” I fixed him with my eyes, just daring him to say it!
“I’m glad that you’re healing so well, Commander, that’s all.” He said, utterly professional and scrupulously courteous. … But he made it a point to carefully disinfect his hooves after touching me. “Please don’t exert yourself any more than necessary and call me if you feel any pain or numbness. Lunch will be along soon.” He gave me another thin smile and went back to whatever he was doing.
I watched him leave. The temperature in Sickbay seemed to drop about five degrees… Two. Hundred. Twenty. Years. It’d been that long since the Eugenics Wars, but some Ponies never want to forget. A part of me wanted to stalk after him, grab him by the lapels and explain to him that my ancestors left Earth because they didn’t want to fight anypony because of the way they were born. They were trying to prove an Ideal no less profound, in their eyes, than the Federation that came later. They weren’t out to conquer the world, they wanted to build one of their own, damnit, without forcing anypony to accept their views!
Let me guess! He lost distant relatives to Khan and Greene and Thorson! Well, boo-hoo! I lost two Grandparents, three Aunts, four Uncles and over a dozen assorted Cousins to a mixed bag of assorted Orions, Rigellians, Tellarites, and to Equestris itself! (Not to mention all the thousands of Augment Cousins back on Earth!) In a population less than one thousandth of Earths those losses are that much more magnified, let me tell you! … But you don’t see me on the warpath for the sake of it! If I had a puny, little body or a horn on my head and/or a pair of wings I’d be acceptable, is that it?
I let myself seethe for a little while before I was distracted by an almost inaudible ‘pop’! (Score one for Augmented ears, Willowbark!) Tyllae settled into my lap and yawned.
“Wassa matter, Starry? Wassa wrong?” Our Favorite Fey patted my tummy and yawned again, looking up at me with troubled eyes.
“What are you doing up, kiddo? I thought you were pooped?” I patted her tiny head with a forefinger.
“Tyllae still is!” To illustrate the point she did a whole-body stretch and yawned yet again! “Tyllae was sleepy-sleeping with Sunny when Tyllae felt Starry get all upset. Tyllae came to see whassa wrong. Whahoppen?” She looked around the room.
You know… I almost told her! I thought about launching into a minor tirade about Pony prejudice and injustice. … But why burden the little thing with all that? To what end? To make me feel better? Tyllae might comprehend but she wouldn’t understand. And if she did I couldn’t help but think the knowledge would taint the little Fey somehow. As far as she knew Ponies were Good. On the other hoof… she already knew that Ponies are Good but not Perfect. Hell, she acknowledged that Faeries aren’t Perfect either already. Faeries have their own problems so why should I burden her with pedestrian Pony ones?
I hadn’t realized I was looking at the little Fey until I noticed her peering back up at me curiously.
“Starry? Tyllae wants to help fix! Yep, yep, yep!”
“It’s nothing, kiddo.” I assured her. “I’m just being a Silly Pony is all. …What are you, an empath or something?”
Tyllae sighed! “Issa lika ‘per-vert’? Talk so Tyllae unnerstands, Starry! Starry alla time asking question! Tyllae thinks Starry issa ‘per-vert’, too!”
I laughed. It felt good! Hell, maybe that was Willowbark’s problem! For all I really know he just doesn’t approve of Lesbians! (The Mare in my head pointed out that liking Fillies is not an intrinsically bad thing in and of itself. ‘Pervert’ is just a derisive title applied by others who don’t feel the same way. Like ‘Augment’ or ‘Superpony’.)
“It’s ok, Tyllae, promise!” I paused to sketch an ’x’ across my breast. “Like we say back Home, ‘It takes a lot of different minerals to make a rock.’”
Tyllae looked dubious. “Uh-huh. …What is Starry not telling Tyllae?” She cocked her head at me… and yawned.
“Go back to Sunny and go back to sleep, Squirt! I’ll be ok, really!”
“Nuh-uh! Tyllae gonna stay an keepa eye on Starry-fibber right here!” She gave a jump and slid down my gown into her Favorite Spot. She poked her head out. “ ‘Sides! Warmer inna here!”
Yeah. Sickbay seemed a lot warmer now! Little things teach the best, after all.
“Suit yourself, kiddo! I’ll be quiet and good. Sleep tight!” I gathered my robe up tight. I hoped the Little Fey could feel emotions. I loved her so much just then!
The contented sigh from my cleavage affirmed the suspicion. I stroked the barely discernible little mound softly. Sleep well, Little Spirit Of Hope.
Take that, Willowbark!
… Astronomy kept my busy after that. At this range it was hard to be certain but there were some indirect indications that something was happening in subspace out there. I did some mental math and the Mare in my head frowned at the results. What could be making normal space act like that? I made a note to discuss this with my Department tomorrow. At the very least Hermes should take a closer look, if only to clear up the discrepancy in the star charts!
Xantippe walks so softly I never heard her come up. I didn’t even notice the black-and-white face peering around the edge of the curtain until she quietly cleared her throat.
“Hey, Xantippe!” I said quietly, mindful of the sleeping Fey. “Come in! Quietly, though. I’m packing a sleeping passenger! ” I hooked a thumb at my chest.
The Zebra entered on tippy-hooves bearing a laden tray covered in a Starfleet-blue cloth. “Dear me, now I see. I shall be as quiet as can be. To give your spirit a lift, I come bearing a gift. To help you recoup, Bob sends salad, sandwich and soup. Looky, there’s even a cookie!
Almost at once an elfin head poked over the top of my gown, little antennae up at attention!
“Cookie? Tyllae loves cookies!
“What happened to being ‘super-duper pooped’?” I turned my head to look at the tiny, four-legged eating machine.
“Tyllae can sleep much, much, much better with a full tummy! Yep, yep, yep!” She flitted up to hover over the cookie, a big oatmeal job with walnuts in it, and rubbed her little forehooves in anticipation.
Xantippe set the tray down carefully across my knees and took a seat. “I seem to have made a boo-boo since I did not bring enough for two!”
“It’s ok. I don’t need so much while I’m living in such a weak gravity, anyway. I can certainly live without that cookie!” I picked up the packet of salad dressing and tugged it open. Blue cheese! Yum!
“Aww! Issa very, very, very good cookie, Starry! Starry should have some. Tyllae will share!” She flitted down to grapple the thing. She stood it up on one end and eyed it critically, turning it round and round ‘til she had it just right. She raised one little hoof… and rapped it sharply, dead center! It fell apart in three perfect sections with nary a crumb lost! Neat trick, that!
“Nicely done, Hon!” Xantippe applauded. “But none for me. I’m big enough already!” With one hoof she gestured demurely at her hips, casting her eyes down in Zebrican modesty.
“Thatta buncha stinky-bugs!” Tyllae declared, flitting the cookie piece into her lap. She hovered up and gave her tummy a companionable poke. “Tyllae knows Appley-Bob thinks nice, nice, nice Zeeba looks jus fine! Yep, yep, yep!”
Xantippe looked pleased even as she blushed. “I hope what you said is true but unless he told you how is it that you knew?”
Tyllae had settled down into her lap and was just about to tuck into her cookie. “Tyllae knows! Plain assa wings! Why can’t Big Ponies see?” She prepared to take a big bite but stopped, thunderstruck. She actually dropped her cookie! “Waitwaitwait! Big Ponies can’t see can they, Starry?” She peered up at me to see if it wasn’t true.
“No, kiddo. We’re not Faeries.” To Xantippe I added, “She’s an Empath and at least a little bit telepathic… among other things.”
Xantippe cocked her head. “I do not see, the word is unfamiliar to me.”
“She can read and interpret emotions and feelings without relying on body language or expressions, can’t you Squirt?”
“Of coursa can! … But Big Ponies can’t? Poor Big Ponies!” She scritched behind one ear thoughtfully. “…Probly why Big Ponies talky-talk so much alla time!”
“You’ve been around all this time and you never realized that?” I tossed my salad some, spreading the dressing around. “Nice to know you’re not perfect. I was beginning to develop a complex!” I winked and speared a forkful and began munching.
“Hay!” The Fey said defensively, “Tyllae stayed hid an never talked to Big Ponies… like Faeries s’posed to! An Tyllae never said Tyllae wassa perfeck! Tyllae is jussa Faery, no more anna no less! … But looky likes even Faeries can learn, huh Starry?” She looked uncharacteristically thoughtful for a moment, then looked back up at me, stricken!
“Then Starry does not know how very, very, very much Sunny loves Starry! Sunny does! Trust Tyllae!”
I gave the little Fey a rub with my free hoof. “We’re not Empaths, kiddo. But, believe me, the idea comes across loud and clear! Sunny and I know precisely how we feel about one another. Ponies just have other ways of knowing, ok?”
Tyllae looked relieved and picked up her cookie again. But it simply was not to be! Xantippe leaned on the edge of my bed and rested her head on her forehooves.
“Tyllae, dove!” She asked coyly. “How does Bob feel, Like or Love?” The Mare in my head wondered if I looked that sappy where Sunny was concerned and went to sit in her Command Chair. …I made sure there was a tack on the seat!
Tyllae opened her mouth to answer and stopped short. She rolled one eye back to me and considered. “…Big Ponies have ‘other ways’ so Tyllae is not sure is right for Tyllae to blabber-mouth, right Starry?”
I nodded and mumbled around a delicious mouthful, “Better not to mess around in pony’s private lives, kiddo!”
Tyllae nodded and drew herself up. She cleared her little throat. “Tyllae should not grant you wish….” She peeked my way then raised a hoof to hide her muzzle and whispered to the smitten Zebra, “But Tyllae thinks Xantippe is Bobs favorite dish!
Xantippe looked so absurdly pleased that I actually rolled my eyes!
The Zebra leaned in close and whispered to the smug, little Fey. “From your lips Celestia’s ear! Thank you so much, you little Dear!” She straightened up and shone brighter than the gold hoops in her ears. “And, no matter what any Pony says, that was quite an elegant turn of phrase!”
“Suck-up!” I gave the giggling Fey a nudge. “…And what did I just say?”
“What? Tyllae did not say anything nopony already knows! Tyllae did not hurt anything! Nope, nope, nope!” I sighed and took another bite while she tucked into her cookie.
“Now I feel I should leave you with your meal!” Xantippe rose and gave me a bow with clasped hooves and downcast eyes. “The Captain has led me a merry chase, but now I will catch him in his home base! I let him scurry as he would since the exercise would do him good. Fun is fun but now I’m through, both of us have a job to do! Good bye, Starry! Have a nice day, little Tyllae!”
Tyllae beamed and waved as she left, her mouth too full of cookie to do anything else. I glanced at the chronometer.
Right after lunch! Oh well, he made it through the morning at least.
“Cappy Caper does not really mind! Itsa game for him to passa time!” Tyllae giggled and floated up a spinach leaf to dip in dressing. I rolled an eye at her.
“… You’re going to Zebra-talk for a while now, aren’t you?”
“Tyllae likes how Zeeba talk!” She had to think for a moment before continuing, “Though for her issa easier than how to walk!”
“Well for Xantippe it’s a matter of reflex anymore.” I kept a straight face. “…For anypony else it would be a chore!”
“Now Starry jussa being silly!” The Fey laughed, nearly losing control of her latest snack!
“As goofy as a Faery, maybe?” I upped the challenge a little.
The little mite chewed and swallowed before launching herself into the air to begin circling my head.
“Big Pony thinks is as smart as smart can be. But when comes to talking ability, Tyllae rhymes circles ‘round Big Starry! Hee-hee!” The little fink did precisely three victory rolls over my head!
“Oh sit down and have some sandwich, you little…”
“Yayyy for Tyllae! Tyllae win yet again!”
“Yeah, yeah. Tyllae one, Starry zero! Now get back down here and eat!” I plucked the tittering bug out of the air and set her back onto my lap. “…And that last one wasn’t a proper rhyme. You were using the wrong tense of the verb!”
The little tyke stuck her tongue out at me twice by way of having the last word (‘Pbfft’ rhymes with ‘Pbfft’, after all.) and I gave her a tickle to show no hard feelings. …But when the Mare in my head told me I had a good sort for being a good sport I pasted her with a cream pie! Enough was enough! Tyllae giggled.
Since I was sitting up Tyllae curled up under the blankets in my lap after lunch. I’d given up on the Astrometrics reports and was composing a nice letter to Daddy when a discrete cough behind the curtain got my attention.
“Commander Starry-Eyes? Are you awake?”
“I sure am, Evee. Come in.” I put my padd aside, wondering if being in a coma wouldn’t be more restful after all. The Mare in my head… after having her shower…reminded me that I should count my blessings for having so many friends. I had to agree… and sent her a nice bouquet of flowers. She sniffed them appreciatively and smiled before munching on a daisy!
Lieutenant Evee stepped out from behind the curtain and stood hesitantly.
“My watch ended early since I had to cover during the, uh, after-action. I thought I’d come by and see how you were…” She trailed off and fidgeted. I wondered what was up.
“I’m fine, Evee. My tap-dancing career, should I ever try to have one, is in no danger. Have a seat! Oops! Better keep your voice down, though. Sleeping Faery on board!” I pitched my voice lower.
“Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t know! Maybe I should come back later.” She lowered her voice and seemed to be on the verge of seizing the chance to leave, her nerve deserting her. After her performance on the Bridge I just had to know what could have her so shaken!
“No, no! It’s ok. She just had a huge lunch and is dead to the world. Probably wouldn’t wake up for a Klingon Dreadnaught! Please, have a seat. My Augment Senses tell me that there’s something on your mind.”
She sat down quickly… at attention… and looked alarmed.
“ ‘Augment Senses?’ , Ma‘am?”
“It’s a joke, Evee! Sheesh! Lighten up!” I gave the young Mare my best ‘Sunny’ smile. “And you can call me ‘Starry’. After all, I’m hardly in uniform right now. Besides, after that little episode yesterday, I don’t think we have to be quite so formal any more. You did a hell of a job!”
But the hapless Lieutenant didn’t relax. She turned her eyes away and stopped herself from drying her palms on her knees by clasping her hooves in her lap. “It’s about that, actually. I…um…” She took a breath and looked straight at me. “I understand that you recommended me for a citation.”
“That’s right. I wasn’t so out of it that I didn’t notice that you fought the ship while the whole Bridge was engaged in a firefight. And you took out a bigger ship with superior firepower to boot! We all appreciate… Starfleet appreciates… what you did. Hell, I‘d hang another medal on you myself if they gave me the chance!”
“But that’s just it, Commander!” Evee looked at me urgently. “I didn’t deserve that medal… or this citation! I don’t.” She added miserably.
“Hay!” I reached out and took her hoof. “Take it easy, Evee. What’s wrong?”
“They made me a hero for Charon. For what I did on the Boromir. I didn’t deserve it, but they never listened to me! Commander… I didn’t fly that ship to save it or the Federation. When it came down to it I flew like I never did before to save myself. Those Romulans… and those Klingons… were trying to kill me! I was trying to save me! I’m not a ‘hero’,” She spat the word. “I’m a… a…self-centered coward!” She whispered the last word, shame bringing tears to her eyes and only the iron in her will keeping her erect. I had to admire the Earth Pony in her!
I gave her hoof a squeeze, knowing she’d never forgive herself if she collapsed into tears during a hug. “Oh, Evee!” I said softly, carefully choosing my next words. So this is why the young Mare never talked about Charon! Poor thing!
“Look!” I began, hoping I wasn’t going to make things worse. “… I’m not going to pat you on the back and give you a soothing talk about Survivor’s Guilt. I’m an Augment, we’re experts in Survivor’s Guilt! I’m not going to sit here and tell you to feel better about yourself. I will tear up that citation depending on how you answer this next question, though. Fair enough?”
She raised tortured eyes to me and waited.
“Right!” I fixed her with my eyes and asked. “Turn it around, Evee. Suppose those Romulans… or those Klingons on the Switchblade… had captured you. Tortured you into flying their ship to kill the Boromir or the Hermes! Suppose they told you the only way they would let you live is that you would have to kill all those Ponies. Would you have flown their ship like that just to save your particular life? Tell me, Lieutenant. Would. You. Have. Done. It?”
I’m a Pony of my Word. If she even had hesitated I would have ripped that citation to quantum particle waves and not Caper, Starfleet, or the Federation President would keep me from doing it! But she came back right away, the look of shock at the idea fading away to one of dawning realization… and relief.
“No! …No. …I wouldn’t.”
“…. Then what kind of ‘coward’ is that?” I sat back on my bed. “There’s a difference between being scared and being a coward. Starfleet doesn’t put computers in charge of fighting, or commanding, their ships. Machines don’t get scared. But neither can they reach down inside themselves and pull up the guts to win against the odds. You can. You did, because you’re afraid! …And you’re more altruistic than you let yourself believe!” I fussed a bit with the blankets. “There you are! I’m no psychologist but I think you did right for all the right reasons. The citation stands, Evee.”
Poor kid. In the chaos of the last stages of the War Starfleet needed every able-bodied Pony it could get. Evee, with her guilt and shock held tight within, just fell through the cracks of the System. No Psychologist or Counselor ever got to her and she carried on like a true Earth Pony with a job to do, Celestia and Luna love her!
Evee sagged in her seat just a little bit, just for a moment. Her eyes were bright when she lifted them to me again but her voice was steady and calm. “I understand… now. Thank you, Commander.” She essayed a weak smile.
Somehow, I must have twitched, (Or was it somehow connected to the subdued puff of pink radiance and the almost-audible ’pif’ and ’pop’ that happened just then?) A napkin ended up falling on Evee’s knee. She discretely dabbled her eyes while I reached for my padd again.
“I should be going now, Ma’am. I’ll see tomorrow on the Bridge then?”
“Wild horses couldn’t stop me, Lieutenant!”
Evee smiled a stronger smile and rose to leave. Just as she was going to duck out of sight behind the curtain I called out.
“I’m glad to know you, Evee!”
She paused and gave me a positively radiant smile.
“Me, too! Starry!”
Tyllae squirmed her head out from under the covers when she left and flitted up just in front of my muzzle.
“Tyllae was good an didn’t butt in, Starry! Tyllae kept all quiet an lissened. Tyllae thinks Tyllae unnerstands alla bout ‘Other Ways’ now. Starry was very, very, very good to poor Evee. Evee feel much, much, much better ‘bout self now!” I collected a huggle and a nuzzle as a reward.
“You didn’t do so bad yourself, kiddo! That napkin was very considerate of you.”
“Aw, fuffles! Evee tried so very, very, very hard to be brave for Starry an not get all sobby. Was just a little thing for Tyllae to do. Tyllae was trying to be all Faery-quiet an sneaky but Starry still saw Tyllae. Awg-mint eyes are very, very, very sharp!”
“Well we were made to be that way, weren’t we? Besides, I know my Faeries and knew what to look for! You’re probably still just sleepy is all. You’re not getting much sleep down here, aren’t you?” I let her land on my palm and gave the little mite a nuzzle of my own.
She chose that moment to yawn again! “Oh, Tyllae will just sleep extra-good tonight. Will Starry be able to come back to sleep with Sunny an Tyllae tonight, Starry?”
“We’ll have to wait and see when Sunny comes on shift. She’s got the second Watch tonight since Doctor Willowbark is covering for her today.”
Tyllae peered comically at the chronometer. “How long till then, Starry?”
I glanced up. “Just a little more than two hours, Squirt. Want to catch another nap? If anypony else comes by I’ll put a gag on them! I promise I’ll be quiet. Hopefully Sunny’ll let me go back to the cabin as long as I promise to take it easy an you can have another nap until dinner. Sound like a plan?”
“Sound like a sooper-dooper idea, Starry! But don’t worry about little Tyllae. Tyllae likes to talk with all Starry an Tyllae’s friends!” She bounded up to deliver an elfin kiss before diving back under the covers in my lap. I tucked her in and gave the little lump a pat before taking up the padd again. The Mare in my head grumped a little about the fact I wasn’t getting anything accomplished today. I looked up the way Evee left, though, and considered… Well, maybe I did get something constructive done today at that! I sure hoped so.
I managed to get that letter done and forwarded it Communications where, as promised, it was put at the top of the list of outgoing traffic. Daddy would get it in just a couple of hours. I spent a little while feeling homesick and spent some time wrangling out how I could squeeze a few hours leave out of our stay to go see him. Sunny wouldn’t be able to go unless she volunteered to confine herself to lying flat on an antigrav gurney the whole while. I knew she wouldn’t hesitate to say yes, but I also just knew she’d find some way to get off it once she got there! I was wondering if anypony onboard had a gravity-nullifying spell in their repertoire when my ears caught a familiar footstep… and an odd rattling noise.
Bors stuck his head around the curtain and peeked.
“Ah! Good afternoon, Mrs. Eyes! We thought we’d drop by and pay you a visit to while away the time!” He’d cut back to wearing just one ribbon under his chin. This one was a hideous shade of metallic chartreuse.
“Hey, Bors!” I winked at him. “What’s with this ‘we’? Or have you finally gone senile and developed schizophrenia?”
Bors squealed a laugh that made Willowbark stick his head through the door in alarm. “Four out of five voices in my head think that is very funny, Starry! The fifth one, though, says you should wait and see who I brought with me!”
Mr. Sekkack followed the Tellarite in and nodded civilly to me. “Greetings, Commander. I trust you are feeling well.”
“I’m very well. Thank you for your concern. I’ll be back to work tomorrow morning. What brings you two here?”
Bors noticed just one chair and scurried away to the next bed to liberate another. Sekkack took up position at the foot of my bed and stood at ease with his paws behind his back.
“My colleague has informed me that prolonged inactivity has a detrimental effect on many otherwise active Pony patients. He suggested that we come here in an effort to, ’lift your spirits’. I came because I was curious. Are you a Spiritualist, Commander?” His always serene face was guilelessly innocent as always… but there was this (Dare I say it?) almost playful twinkle in his placid, brown eyes. If I didn’t know better I would have sworn he was making a joke!
I suppressed a grin to keep from offending the Vulcan. “Ah, no. He was talking about spirits in the metaphorical sense of sadness. Unless that’s a Ouija board he’s got with him!”
For Bors had come back pushing the chair in front of him, the metallic box he’d been carrying sitting on the seat. It had some lurid lettering on it written in a Tellarite script I’d never learned. Whatever was in it rattled with every motion of the chair.
“A Ouija Board?” Bogan scoffed. “I’ve heard of those. Really, Starry! If you need to contact the next world you need to use bones! Everybody knows that! And you talk about my mental condition! But what can you expect from backwards, unsophisticated Ponies?”
“As far as that goes I know somepony who might be able to tell you exactly what goes on in the Other World. Speaking of whom, we’d best keep our voices down… Oops! Too late!”
For Tyllae had wriggled her way out again to do another full-body stretch complete with a shuddering yawn. After a moment, fresh as the proverbial daisy, she waved at the two newest visitors. “Hi-hii, Mr. Bogan! Hi-hii, Mr. See-kack!”
“Ah! The little being with the legendary appetite! We missed you at lunch. There was enough food to go around for a change!” Bogan poked a furry finger in the Fey’s direction.
“Hah!” Tyllae snorted. “There was prolly lossa food till Mr. Tellar-Piggy got a hold of it! Poor, skinny Tyllae came here an ate with Starry to keep from shriveling all away!” She darted out to prance on all four hooves around Bogans ample midsection before flitting a safe distance away, giggling!
“Tyllae!” I scolded. “Be nice!”
“Aww fiddlefluff, Starry! Bogy-Bogan is having fun with Tyllae an Tyllae is having fun right back! Right, Mr. Bogy?”
“Precisely! At last, someone on this ship of Ponies who understands the nuances of civilized discourse!” He presented his fist to the Fey who flitted over and bumped it with one of her tiny hooves while I just facehoofed!
In the meantime, Sekkack had quietly drawn up the existing chair and made himself Vulcanly comfortable. …Meaning that he sat rigidly at attention with his paws in his lap.
“Greetings, Little Tyllae. I regret that we have disturbed you.”
The little Fey flitted over to hover in front of Sekkack’s squat muzzle. “Issa alright, Mr. See-kack! Friends are always welcome! Tyllae can always sleep later! Yep, yep, yep!” Knowing Tyllae, I was ready to warn her off. But the little thing darted in to actually hug the Vulcans furry neck before I could speak!
“Tyllae! Don’t! Vulcans are contact telepaths…!” I broke off in horror as she wrapped her tiny forelegs around as much of Sekkack as she could manage and nuzzled the Vulcan!
“It is quite all right, Commander.” The Vulcan said quietly. “Under any other circumstances you would be correct. Tyllae, through some fashion I cannot fathom, is able to keep her rather intense emotions from causing any discomfort.” He presented a palm for the Fey to land on and reached up with his free paw to delicately scratch the elfin mane with the barest end of an exposed claw-tip. “She is a very considerate being. As well as being a more talented telepath than you may give her credit for. We have had several interesting discussions she and I.”
The Mare in my head mirrored my gape then declared that now she could die since she’s just seen everything!
“Well,” I stammered, not sure what to make of this latest display. “Tyllae is just full of surprises we keep finding out about. It’s getting difficult to keep up with the pace sometimes!”
Tyllae flitted back to sit on my shoulder. She gave me a companionable pat. “Starry should not worry so much! Tyllae may be a Faery but Tyllae is not a stoopid Faery! Nope, nope, nope!
Tyllae lissened when Starry told Tyllae ‘bout Vulcans. Tyllae made sure to be good an be polite to nice, nice, nice Mr. See-kack!”
Sekkack nodded gravely to the Fey. “Your discretion is deeply appreciated, Tyllae.”
“See?” She pointed a hoof at Sekkack. “Tyllae learned how to be good with Vulcans! Tyllae goes see Mr. See-kack late at night when Tyllae wakes up while Starry an Sunny all sleeping. Mr. See-kack only sleeps a little at night so Tyllae keeps company. Starry would like Mr. See-kack’s room. Issa very, very, very warm there! Tyllae tells Mr. See-kack alla ‘bout Faeries an Mr. See-kack tells Tyllae alla ‘bout Vulcans, too! Yep, yep, yep!”
I must have looked surprised for Sekkack spoke up. “I was unaware that you did not know this, Commander. Since you are one of Tyllae’s guardians would you prefer that she no longer does so? I assure you that she is no imposition. Indeed, she would not even enter my cabin the first time until I invited her precisely three times.” He cocked his head ever-so-slightly. “Apparently it is a ‘Faery Rule’. Another example of her fascinating… and complex… code of behavior. I never would have suspected that such an outwardly chaotic being would possess so many voluntary restrictions.”
“Um…” I bit my lip as I thought how to word what came next. “Tyllae is a fully functioning adult so neither Sunny nor I can tell her what not to do. As long as she isn’t intruding upon your privacy I have no objections. My only concern is that Tyllae, being a very, uh, gregarious sort likes everypony. She naturally assumes that everypony…and non-pony… likes her as well. I’m afraid that she does not understand that Vulcans are incapable of…”
“Starry!” Tyllae flitted up to scold me! “Shame, shame, shame! Starry must not put nice Mr. See-kack inna place where nice Mr. See-kack is forced to say things against Vulcan Rules! Tyllae thinks Starry does not know as much as Starry thinks Starry does! Starry told Tyllae that Mr. See-kack is never happy or sad or anything! But Tyllae knows what Tyllae knows ‘cause Tyllae is a clever, clever, clever Faery! Yep, yep, yep!” She gave Sekkack a secret, knowing look before turning back to me. “That is all Tyllae will say ‘cause Tyllae respecks Vulcan Rules like nice, nice, nice Mr. See-kack respecks Faery Rules!” She flitted over to stroke Sekkack’s cheek with a tender hoof before settling back onto my shoulder with a self-righteous look.
I turned over the implications of this and shot the Vulcan a shocked glance! Sekkack regarded me impassively… except for the tiniest glimmer of something in those seemingly cool eyes! I was on the verge of asking something that would have been culturally awkward… to say the least… when the Vulcan saved me from embarrassing the both of us.
“In any event the reason for our visit is to indulge in a recreational activity designed to distract you from your ennui, as is apparently the social custom among those who suffer from it.”
I was still reeling from the sudden bombshell delivered by tiny, tiny hooves. (The Mare in my head staggered off for a quick, strong drink. …A slug of ’Auld Hornsgleam’ would have been just the ticket then!) I blinked.
“Say what now?”
“We are going to play a game.” The Vulcan stated patiently. “It is based on Tellarite base-six mathematics (Tellarites have six digits between their two paws.) so the permutations should be quite mentally stimulating.”
Bors, who hadn’t missed a word of what Tyllae had said, had maneuvered my table across the bed and sat staring narrowly at Sekkack. He tugged absently at the ribbon on his chin and didn’t stir as the Vulcan turned his gaze upon him.
Well,” He rumbled. “What else can one expect from someone who lives on a diet of cookies? All those chocolate chips have gone to your brain, Little glow-bug!”
Tyllae, for her part, stuck her little tongue out at Bors and gave him a raspberry and a giggle! “Fatty-fatso!”
“Bah!” The Tellarite dismissed the Fey with a hairy paw. “Let us introduce an element of rational thought into this gathering! The game is called B’iv and it is a planetary pastime on glorious Mother Tellar! The rules are simple but don’t let that fool you. The strategies are complex!”
He opened the box and decanted dozens of triangular ceramic tiles, each one inscribed on one side with numbers ranging from zero to eleven. It played like dominoes in that we each had six tiles set up in front of us and had to draw from the unused pieces until we had a playable tile. The scoring was by multiples of three rather than five and there were several tiles that would allow exceptions to the rule. It was complex but not too terribly so. Unlike Sunny, who prefers… of all things… wargames and role-playing sims, I genuinely enjoy playing dominoes so I picked it up quickly and managed to give Bors a few thrashings. Sekkack, not surprisingly, played conservatively and won as often as he lost. He seemed neither to like or dislike the game and was content to add what he could to the camaraderie simply by just being there. …Though none of us there would go so far as to say anything so gauche. Tyllae flitted above the tableaux urging us to add tiles here and there to make shapes she would supply fanciful descriptions to. Just for fun she would poof down and ‘accidentally’ knock one of our tiles over so the rest of the players could see and retreat into my mane giggling like the idiot she most decidedly was not!
I was enjoying myself so thoroughly that I managed to ignore Willowbark as he came by to take discrete readings from my bio-bed. At some point during the session he simply turned it off and I ignored that, too!
The game broke up when Tyllae hopped into the air, waving madly! “Hi-hii, Sunny! Come an play!”
A refreshed and decidedly non-disheveled Sunny soared into the room. “Sure n’ I thought this is where ye’d got off to! Right! Pack it in, boyos! After I examine this patient I’m a-dischargin’ her. From all accounts she’s doin’ naught but takin’ up valuable bed space!” She gave our favorite Fey a nuzzle and shooed the others away with the firm authority of a true autocrat! Again and forever, Alicorns!
Sunny’s ‘examination’ consisted of an abbreviated version of Willowbark’s tests, tickle included, …and a long kiss behind drawn curtains afterwards! For the record I felt about one thousand percent better!
“G’wan wi ye then!” She gave my bottom a pat to scoot me on my way. “Draw a uniform n’ get back to cabin… at a sedate n’ calm pace, mind… n’ take it easy for rest o’ th’ night. Dinner’ll be sent round if ye dinna feel up t’ comin’ t’ cafeteria.” She said with an adorable twinkle in her eye
“Galley, Sunny! It’s called the Galley! How long have you been aboard?”
I got another swat that would have atomized any anemic mosquito with a terminal condition for that! “None o’ yer sass now! I’ve gone over yer chart wi’ Doctor Willowbark n’ he concurs that, aside from bein’ a wee bit on th’ weak side, yer in the bloom o’ health. Bless Celestia n’ yer bloomin’ Augmentation! At this rate ye’ll be right as rain come mornin’!”
“ ‘Weak?’ “ I was indignant. “ I’ll show him ‘weak’! I’ll tie that prejudicial so-and-so into a Granny knot to show him how ‘weak’ I am. Where is he? Lemme at him!”
“Oh, hoosh, ye great ninny!” Sunny said. “Yer foolin’ nopony wi’ yer savage ways! Cut th’ poor Laddie some slack. He did a bonnie job on your not-so-wee leg, after all. Everypony gets a chance, as ye recall! He’s entitled t’ his opinion n’ who knows? He might come around of a day if ye keep on bein‘ yer charmin‘ self. See n’ if I’m not right! Now scoot, Lassie! Not all o’ us have time t’ be playin games all day. Git, git! Hup, hup, hup! Hubba, bloody hubba, fer all love!”
“All right! All right! I’m going! This is me going! Sheesh!” I paused for a moment then, “What do you mean ‘my not-so-wee leg’?”
“Oh, sufferin’ Celestia in an eclipse!” Sunny facehoofed tragically! “Not this again!”
“I’m perfectly proportioned for somepony my size… aren‘t I?” I protested.
Sunny took a breath and counted to ten. “I’ll no be arguin’ wi’ yer proportions. I’m verra fond o’ them, as a matter o’ fact! But…!” She fixed me with a glare! “If ye dinna get yer Cutie mark outa me Sickbay this instant I’ll put this through it!” She raised one booted hoof dangerously and I scooted away to the replicator!
I got dressed quickly in the bathroom, thinking about what Sunny said. I hurried out and caught Dr. Willowbark just as he was about to leave.
I cleared my throat to get his attention and he looked at me with guarded eyes.
“Yes, Commander?”
“I… well, Sunny told me that you worked on my leg…”
“Yes, I did. A tricky job given your… situation. Still, you came through it admirably well. I would even call it a tribute to your, ah, ‘designers’.”
Oh, I could quite easily rankled at that. But Sunny was right. And he did do a great job. I put all that in my eyes, wishing I had Sunny’s trick of making them say sooo much. Instead, all I could come up with was, “Um, yeah. Look, I just wanted to say ‘thank you’. …And I’m sorry for being such a thin-skinned jerk. Not very ‘Optimal’ of me, wasn’t it?” I essayed a lopsided, wry smile.
Willowbark held my eyes for a moment, then looked away. He never lost that carefully neutral expression. Well I did what I could.
“Good night, Doctor Willowbark. Thanks again.” I turned to leave.
I stopped and looked.
“I… heard what you said to Lieutenant Evee.” He paused and looked sheepish. “The acoustics of Sickbay are set up like that. To make it easier to monitor patients when we can’t see them.” He paused again and shot me a glance. “You did good, Commander. Very good. I’ve made a note for Doctor Fisher, our Psychiatrist, to arrange a talk with her. It’ll be very casual. Doctor Fisher is very discrete. He’s quite the expert! But we wouldn’t have known, but for you. She might have carried that baggage around for years. It probably would have become something ugly.” He looked at me fully. “That’s not something that can be designed into a Pony, isn’t it? You’re more a Pony than a Process, after all.”
It wasn’t quite an apology or an admission that one was necessary, but it was something from the heart.
“It all was a long, long time ago. Wasn’t it Commander?”
“Yeah.” I agreed. “ Way before my time.”
“Mine, too.” He conceded and dropped his eyes. He took a breath and straightened his lab coat. When he looked at me again there was something different in those eyes.
“Have a good night, Commander Starry-Eyes. I doubt you’ll have any problems with that leg at this late date. But if you do, be sure to let me know. I’ll be… happy to help.” A fleeting phantom of a grin quirked his lips for a bare nanosecond and the ghosts of Khan, Green, and Thorsen were buried that much deeper… as far as I was concerned, anyway.
It wasn’t Friendship, and it sure as hell wasn’t Magic! At least it was a Fresh Start and that’s still a Good Thing whenever you can get it!
I tossed him a quiet smile and a nod. “Sure thing, Doctor. If it hurts you’ll be the second one to know!”
He smiled a crooked smile at that truly lame attempt at being funny. “Fair enough, Commander! Good night.”
I collected Tyllae and ambled my way back to our cabin, exchanging greetings with all the friendly, familiar faces. As I went my heart swelled and swelled and I felt sooo good that Tyllae tugged my mane.
“Whassa goin’ on, Starry? Starry is very, very, VERY happy alla sudden!”
I gathered the little tyke up in both hooves and gave her a careful smooch before sticking her down my collar where she rode with her head sticking out. Ponies giggled and waved back at her as we went along.
“Tyllae, have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE this ship?”
Tyllae tapped her chin with a forehoof as she thought. “Nope, nope, nope! Not today anyway.”
“Well, I do! Celestia and Luna, I do!”