Convergence Series: Journeys

by TheGreatEater

Chapter 35: Luna Fears: Pt 3, A Voice in the Dark

The moon was torture. The first century she was left alone with her rage, hatred, and wishes of revenge. Then Nightmare Moon left Luna, and she never felt more alone. After three hundred years she had walked every square inch of the moon, and had recently finished building a castle as something to do.

Eventually she ran out of things to do, and fell into a crippling depression. She had played chess against herself, checkers, she even tried playing plays with her as all the roles. But with nothing left to do, she had just sat in her tower looking at the world as the seasons came and went. Ponies were never went to be completely alone. And being exiled, banished, as well as completely and utterly alone was a punishment worse than death.

Luna’s coat turned pale white as she was forced to relive the worst millenia of her life. The mind shattering loneliness of being abandoned on the moon. She wept for anyone to save her, that she was sorry for her actions, and that she’d do anything if anypony would set her free before she fell into a near comatose-like depression. She didn’t think that even Celestia had a full grasp on the horrors that she subjected her sister too. Even as bad as Nightmare Moon was, nothing deserved the punishment that she was forced to live through.

When she was finally released from the moon Nightmare Moon took over her again as she flew back to the moon. Albeit much weaker do to the Elements of Harmony’s banishing spell. Luna after she was healed from this had nightmares of what could have happened if she had succeeded in her goals. But those nightmares were nothing compared to the terror she hid after her freedom.

For the world had passed her by, a thousand years of progress, social reform, and cultural as well as economical changes had caused her to be a relic. A throwback to a time that was long forgotten to all but her sister. She was seen as sad and reclusive to those who served her Night Court, and to those who didn’t she had to overcome fear and prejudice from those who still saw her as Nightmare Moon. And as much as she tried to get them to see that she was just an Alicorn, a thousand years ruled by only one Princess who was seen as omnipotent, and herself delegated to a boogiemare that ate children and gave birth to nightmares was hard to overcome.


During one of her rare incursions into the day time she accidentally knocked into a noble while trying to get to see her sister. The noblecolt, a unicorn with an orange coat and grey tail and mane looked at her with disdain. “I seriously don’t know why your sister freed you. After all you’re Nightmare Moon, a horrid throwback from the past and you should have stayed in the moon. Rather than come back to where you’re not wanted nor needed.”

“HOW DARE THOU!” Luna roared in the Royal Voice.

“Again with the thou’s? Everypony thinks it. After all if you weren’t evil your sister wouldn’t have sent you to the moon where you belong.”

“But! We aren’t evil! We are a princess just like or sister.” She stated her tears flowing down her face.

“No your sister is a princess. You are still a monster trying to prey upon her memories of her dear Luna. Nopony likes you, nor wishes for you to be around. Now begone!”

It was at this moment that her sister came in. But instead of what actually transpired, the fog corrupted the memory. Preying upon the fears that have eaten away at her since she had come back. “Sister! What have you done?”

“Nothing sister! We just wanted to see thou.”

“And instead you cause problems. Just like the last time.”

“What are thou saying?”

“Simple. I should have never let you come back from the moon.” Celestia replied as her horn shone brightly. Before casting the spell on a cowering Luna. Sitting all alone on the moon once again.

Just as she lost all hope of ever finding freedom from her she heard a voice call out to her, “I’m here for you darling, were going to finish this thing together.”

“What?! Whose there?” Luna said looking around the cold abyss.

“I’m here for you darling, were going to finish this thing together.” The voice repeated itself.

Feeling a thread of warmth flow through her she felt as if there was something out there trying to pull her away from the horrors of the moon. It was a voice that she had heard before, but for the life of her couldn’t put her hoof on where she heard it before. But like a drowning pony reaching for something to keep them afloat she mentally clung to that warmth and voice.

“Ok who ever you are. Thank you!” She whispered as she felt herself being drawn to the guiding light. Pushing herself to the limit she felt herself being pulled from the nightmare scape that she was trapped in and saw the fog shift for the last time ending with her in Rarity’s forelegs.

“Is this real?” Luna asked shivering, pushing her body as close as possible into Rarity.

“Of course Darling. I couldn’t live with myself if you were to end up trapped in that dreadful place. So I went back to ensure that you, your sister, and Twilight passed these trials. You and I are going to finish this thing together and I’ll be with you to the end. I won’t leave you behind. I promise.”

Nodding while closing her eyes she whispered. “So what’s going to happen next?”

Stroking Luna’s mane like she did with Sweetie Belle when she wasn’t feeling well she whispered comfortingly in her ear while giving her a comforting nuzzle to the side of Luna’s head.“Well you’ll meet your dark side. Whom if I’m not mistaken will be Nightmare Moon. Then after that you’ll meet the purified form of your dark side. That will show you the good memories and fix the damage you’ve garnered while doing the trials. I don’t know what’s past that since I willingly left before moving forward. So that’s something we’ll find out together.”

“Hmmmm. Ok. We have to tell you that we did horrible things in my past. When we were Nightmare Moon, we did things that if you hear it you will hate me. We don’t want to loose you, you’re the only one who came back for us. The only one who thought enough of us to save us.” Luna replied meekly. Tears falling down her now white coat that rivaled her sisters in color.

“Listen darling, all that was in the past and you payed a price for it that I can never begin to imagine. So no matter how bad it was, no matter what it was you did. In my eyes there is nothing to forgive and nothing that can be said to make me turn away from helping you.”

“Thank you Rarity. We need to rest awhile if that’s ok with you?”

“Of course. Rest on me and we’ll continue when you are ready.” Rarity said pulling Luna into her lap holding her as Luna fell alseep on her. “Luna I don’t know what you saw, but I’ll be here for you no matter what.”