Excalibur and the Zerg

by Disciple of Chrysalis

Chapter 11: Zagara's Heart and Matt Horner is Naked

Chrysalis's eyes fluttered open to gaze upon an unfamiliar ceiling, one decorated with bright colors from a mural consisting of flowers, little rabbits, and every other cute or joyful thing under Celestia's Sun. "Good morning Lady Queen" a voice said close by, Chrysalis glanced towards it and saw it had come from the Changeling from earlier, the one with the dull yellow mane and golden eyes. "Morning?" she asked, sitting up in the bed, her voice a low and tired grumble and her eyelids dropping, but once her still tired mind processed what the Changeling had said, she looked out a window next to the bed and saw the sun beginning it's accent into the sky. "Oh No" she said, shooting out of the bed and barreling past the Changeling, but she stopped for a second "Thank you" she said, not looking back, but feeling the Changeling watching her "You can expect payment for your kindness soon" Chrysalis said and disappear out the door and into the skies, right before she was positively swarmed by her guards.

"Queen, where have you been, we've searched high and low for you" the captain said, the lack of sleep apparent on his face, as was the relief. "Relax Sir, I just came down with something and a kind citizen took me into their home til I recovered" she said, trying with little success to calm the captain. "Your sick, then we must get you off your wings and out of this cold" he said and began to shove her into a curtained chariot, padded with pillows. Chrysalis sighed and lay down on the pillows, the memory of her dream began to invade her mind, had it been real or just a fantasy created by her sick mind, it had felt so real that she couldn't tell. "Just, why" she said, burying her head into the pillows, she had seen Excalibur, but he hadn't seemed right, he was too thin, were these creatures unloving beasts, he had been to scarred and his eye had just seemed awful, could they turn on a whim, she had no way of knowing, even her knowledge of the outer reaches of the solar system were limited.

Chrysalis was omnipotent, the god of Lie and Deceit, she knew their system was in a sector of the galaxy know as the Koprulu Sector and the three dominant powers were Terrans, Protoss, and the Zerg. The Terrans were led by someone named Arcturus Mengsk, the Protoss by one with a name she couldn't pronounce to save her life, but it started with a T she was sure, and the Zerg by a giant creature called, The Overmind. She was stressing herself out unnecessarily, she had already agreed to let them land and they promised to return Excalibur, everything would be normal soon and who knows, they might even help her take over a certain nation to the south.

Chrysalis lifted her head and gazed outward through the curtains, the only things illuminating the gray sky was Celestia's sun and a small purple star- "Wait, star?". It was a small purple thing laying on the distant horizon, it didn't act like a normal star because it moved much too quickly, Chrysalis moved the curtains and flew out "Queen, whats wrong?" the captain asked, but Chrysalis didn't answer, she just flew as fast as she could towards the castle that was home to her and the many nobles of the Changelings.


Two eyes drifted open, one was a misty blue with a white-ish pupil, the other was a pure white thing with a light gray scar running over it. "What happened?" Excalibur groaned, rubbing his head with a hoof, one of his fields of vision was blurry, the other was just totally blank "Good, your awake" Zagara said and Excalibur focused his blurry vision on her, her expression was blank and that concerned him. "Whats with my eyes?"" he asked, beginning to climb to his feet, but they were wobbly from no use, when she didn't answer, he grew even more concerned "What with my Eyes?" he demanded.

Zagara didn't answer this time either, but she picked up a small piece of metal and held it before him and now he could see why she didn't answer. "Oh Chrysalis" he said, taking the metal and rubbing his face around his blinded eye "Why me, oh why do the gods hate me" he said, wanting to cry, but he could find no tears to shed. "We believe it was one of the protoss" Zagara said, taking the piece of metal from him and putting it back on a ledge in the leviathan's flesh "I am... sorry" she said, forcing out the last word, but no out of uncaring, more so for not showing that she cared.


Chrysalis stood before a giant door deep within the catacombs of her castle, she pulled it open with a twinge of magic and when she was inside, slammed the door shut. The chamber she was in was dark and had a smell reminiscent of gelatin and smoke, she lit the comber with magic and the light spread quickly and revealing the contents of the chamber; pods, each one filled with an alien creature. Each one was of three categories, blue skinned creatures without mouths, but when Chrysalis interacted with them, they spoke clearly and crisply through her mind, their were insectoid monsters that didn't even speak, only snarled and attempted to kill her and finally, their were was only one of this category, creatures that were often called 'Terran', but Chrysalis had heard that was just an outsider name and their species were called Humans.

Chrysalis went towards this one for she hadn't even interacted with this one, she had merely been told it had been unconscious when it was found in the burning rubble of what one was a ship. She looked at it through the little window that all the pods had, she knew it was male because it wore no clothes, none of the ones in pods did because they had found out that the goo that kept the occupants alive stained clothes, no matter what variety, all came out with a sickly green tint so they always stripped them down before placing them inside and in the case of males, Chrysalis kept herself as far away as possible. She looked at the creature, she had to let this one out to help her, but first, she have to locate it's clothes and for that, she'd need her scientist to tell her where they were.

She walked towards a door in the back and opened it to a brightly lit hall lined with more door then she could count "Lady Queen" a female changeling with orange eyes and flaming red mane said to her "What brings you here?", Chrysalis looked the smaller Changeling in the eyes "Where do we keep the clothes of the aliens?" she asked and the female Changeling gave her a confused look "Why?" she asked.

"Because you don't expect me to speak with an alien and when it wakes up it finds itself naked before the ruler of a kingdom" she said it like even a larva would have been able to figure it out. "Um yes, of course, it's the thirtieth door down, I can't remember which though" she said and bowed before the Queen before going back to her work. Chrysalis sighed, this would be fun, she walked down the endless halls and counted as she walked, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30!

She looked left and right, one of the doors was blood stained and the other was white and pristine, she was going to try her luck with the clean door. She pushed it open and saw a giant tank with large purple tentacles coming out of it, three Changelings meanwhile ran and flew around trying to avoid the tentacle while twenty soldiers tried to subdue the beast, Chrysalis slammed the door shut "Ok" she said, standing tall and her eyes wide, she turned around and cautiously pushed it open and saw piles of clothes, none made to fit a Changeling "Wait, then why..." she said, looking from the clothes door to the one with the monster, why was it blood stained and the other wasn't "Whatever" she said and ran through the clothes laid about the room in neat little piles, she knew what the blue ones wore and those were just about the only ones she saw until in a far corner was a small pile of clothes.

They were the only ones that weren't armor and they were more like the clothes of a captain, covered in medals and other thing that suggested high command. "Looks about right" she said, picking them up and unfolding them, she mentally compared their size with the size the man and they seemed about right, she draped them across her back and left the room and quickly walked past the room with the monster in it and through the door and back into the room with the pods. She casually made her way back to the pod holding the Terran.