//------------------------------// // Rumours // Story: Colt Cuddler: Friends To Lovers // by Starweardo //------------------------------// Shiny Rock wandered around the halls aimlessly, looking about himself in befuddlement. "This Night Light fellow had already found his way to class, I bet. Shouldn't have taken a bathroom on the ground floor." he thought aloud. He stopped, looking at the map again. Why was he constantly thinking about that stallion? Something about him was unusual. Was it the accent? Was it the eyes? He recalled Night's image, when suddenly he thought aloud again. "Damn it, hormones, I do not love him! He was just being friendly!" Shiny was not afraid to admit he is, what some ponies call "on the other side of the street". He's dated another stallion before in Ponyville until he realised it wasn't mutual. In this case however, he was sure it was nothing. He continued walking until he found his classroom. "Finally," he sighed, entering the room, ushering a rather awkward "Sorry I'm late." before sitting down at the nearest open seat. It appears class hadn't been long in progress as the teacher shrugged it off and continued speaking. Looking around himself, he noticed that some of the students were looking at him strangely on occasion. He figured it must have been him being so exhausted. Shiny was never afraid to admit he was not a sporty one. His body was quite lean, skinny even, so he was usually not the guy for heavy lifting or anything of the sort. His mind trailed off again, this time pondering how an earth pony would be able to play an instrument like the piano. When he came to, class had already ended and lunch break had begun. He'd have to ask Night about this matter when he finds him. Walking down the corridors today was the most awkward experience in Shiny's life so far. Ponies left and right were shooting gossip and giggles whilst looking at him pass by. Why is everyone looking at me like that? When Shiny reached the cafeteria, he saw his new buddy sitting lonely at a table's end, looking down on his meal. "Apparently, Night doesn't have many friends," he murmured under his breath before greeting him with a hearty "Hello!" Night Light looked up at him, giving a smile and nodding in response, but not actually answering him. "So, uh... that piano... when do I get to see you play it?" he asked. It was no use beating around the bush, he went straight to the point. The blue colt thought otherwise. "Soon," he answered after swallowing a mouthful of what looks like mashed potato. "but not until later. In the meantime, would you like to go to the park after school?" Shiny looked at him, mouth slightly agape. Meet in the park? Why? Did he have something planned? Unsure, he gave a simple nod of the head and a smile. "Say, do you know if there's something on my back or anything of the sort? Everypony's been staring at me." Night took a deep breath. "Uh, yeah... they're not looking at you. They're looking at us. There are rumours ahoof about the two of us. They assume we are... a couple..." Shiny sat there, staring at his table partner for what seemed like an eternity. "You're kidding me...", he finally utters. "I'm not... I am dead serious." He sighs. "I'm done anyway. Later." Night Light leaves the cafeteria in a quickened pace before Shiny could answer. Great first day, rumours already. Just power through it, Shiny. It could be worse. It's just stupid gossip... He rolled his eyes, slouching in his seat. Fast forward to the park Shiny already saw Night Light at the entrance, waving at him, smiling. Shiny couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of him. As he reached him, he gave a quick salute with his right hoof. "Hey there, Night, I'm here, what's up?" Night Light gestured Shiny to follow him. He led his new friend to a bank quite far from the graveled path. "Sorry I'm so quiet, but there's so many ponies on the path. Anyway, since you don't know where I live, I thought I'd lead you there by meeting up in the park and going from there?" he asked, a tiny sparkle in his eye. "Sure," Shiny answered, "but didn't you have something to do?" "I did it while I was waiting for you." Night Light gave a quick smile and led Shiny to his home. After some walking to the south and avoiding any eye contact with any fellow students on the way, they reach the building, which turns out to be a small, rather common house in a narrow avenue. On their way, Shiny noticed that the street seemed deserted, but the lights burning inside the houses reassures him otherwise. They enter Night Light's house. Inside, Shiny is first greeted by rather dim lighting, barely noticeable in the daylight, not much space in the living room and many doorless corridors, one leading to a piano. The walls are unpainted and empty, but overall, this seems like a place one could live in, what with the comfortable looking sofa, a television set, bookshelves and a cleanly kept floor. "Wow." is all that Shiny could bring himself to say, his place was a mess compared to this. Night Light was already in the kitchen. "Want something to drink?" he asked him in a loud but friendly manner. Shiny declined with a simple "No thanks." He looked around himself. The piano now wasn't only nagging in his head, but now its presence is begging him to address it. "So..." , he finally gave in. "How about that piano? Could you..."