Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Stallion VS Wild

Chapter 60


That's all I could see when I opened my eyes. I could still feel Peter crushed against my body, that is the good news. The bad news, I don't know how far down we are.

I began to try to move, but found that next to impossible. The snow was pushing down, holding us in place.

Peter began to move, "What the... OH MY GOD!" He began to thrash around, but gave up when he noticed he couldn't move. He then said in a calm voice, "Lance, please don't tell me we're under a pile of snow."

I chuckled, "We're under a pile of snow."

"Oh...." He then began to scream.

I squeezed him hard till he shut up, "Be quiet! Damn, you can be such a bitch!"

"What the hell is that suppose to mean!"

I sighed, "Just help me dig."

Two hours of digging later

After a few hours of digging, we finally had a small den dug out. It was large enough for us to sit up, Peter at one side, and me at the other. There was about a foot or so between us.

Peter crossed his hooves, "This sucks."

I glared, "Oh, this sucks? You know what really sucks? Me missing the birth of my foal!"

<I wanted to be there to see it.>
[Me to.]
<You just want to see Twi's marehood.>

I growled angrily. Suddenly, something snapped in my mind.

Peter shifted uneasily, "You okay there Lance?"

I looked at him, and a crazy smile spread across my face, "I'm just perfect my good friend Peter."

<Oh my God... Is Lance going...>
[Crazy?! Insane?!]
<Oh no! He is! The stress is to much for him!>


Peter looked at Lance, who was smiling at him crazily, "Ummm, Lance? You okay there buddy?"

Lance cocked his head, his crazy smile never leaving his face, "I already told you, I'm perfect."

Peter felt sweat forming on his face, "That's good..."

Lance began to move closer to Peter, "Hey Peter, you know what?"

Peter began to back away from Lance, but his back hit the wall of snow, "What is it?"

Lance moved closer and closer, "I love..."

Peter began to feel very nervous.

Lance stop inches from Peter's face, "... pie." He slammed a pie into Peter's face.

Peter began to whip his face, where did he get that pie?!

Lance fell back laughing like a mad man. He suddenly stopped and smiled at Peter.

Peter began to panic and began to claw at the snow above him.

Lance grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him down. When Peter was face to face with Lance, Lance slammed his hoof into Peter's groin. "Pay back my great friend Peter. Isn't the pain sweet?"

Peter gasped and began to claw at the snow again. Suddenly, light filled the hole as he burst through to the surface. Peter jumped up and began to try and pull him self out of the hole. But Lance grabbed his back hoof and pulled him back in.

"You're not going anywhere my friend. We still haven't played cupcakes!"

Peter screamed slightly, but caught himself, "What?!"

Lance cocked his head, a the craziest smile spread across his face, "I'm just going to repay the prank you played on me a week ago. Oh what fun this will be! I'll get the knife!"

Peter panicked and kicked Lance away from himself and jumped up and pulled himself out of the hole. He began to stagger away but collapsed.

Lance soon pulled himself out of the hole and began to spin around in the snow, "This is the life!"

Peter looked at Lance with worry, what's wrong with him? Peter then looked around and noticed that he couldn't see anything that counted as a landmark. To keep things short, they're lost.

Peter hung his head and sighed, "Lance, I think we're lost..." He was interrupted by Lance running past him, wearing nothing but his goggles.

"WHOA! I never knew life could be so stress free!" Lance then jumped into a pile of snow and began to create a snow angel type thing.

Peter bite his lower lip, what was he going to do with him? He walked over to Lance and did the only thing sensible. He slammed his hoof into Lance's head.

Lance spun around and shook his head, "Wow, what happened?" He looked down at himself, "Where's my clothes?"


I looked down at myself, "Where's my clothes?"

What the hell just happened?

[Umm, Lance, you kinda went crazy for a few minutes...]
<It wasn't pretty...>

I facehoofed and looked around for my clothes. When I saw them, I quickly pulled them on, "FUCK! Its cold out here!"

[Duh asshole! Its below freezing!]

I pulled my face cover back up and looked at Peter, who still looked worried, "Sorry about that Peter, kinda lost it I guess." I rubbed the back of my head and chuckled.

Peter gulped, "Lets never speak of this again. Agreed?"

I nodded, "Agreed."

<Lance, your foal.>

My eyes widened, "COME ON PETER! MY KIDS BEING BORN! I WILL NOT MISS THIS!" I turned and galloped off in a direction that I though the Resort was in.

"Wrong way Lance!" Peter said as he began heading in the opposite direction.

I stopped and hit my face with my hoof, not a facehoof, but a full on hit. I turned and galloped after him. Once I caught up, he began to gallop also.

We ran through the forest till Peter just dropped, "I'm so thirsty!"

I stopped and walked over, "Do you have a cup?"

He nodded and pulled one out of his snow saddlebag, "Here you go."

I grabbed it and walked off. Once I filled it, I brought it back to him and gave it to him.

He took the cup, "Wow, this is kinda warm." He took a sip and smacked his lips, "Ummm, taste kinda salty. This snow must have a different taste than the kind on earth."

I smiled sheepishly and rubbed my hooves together, "Yeah, its the snow..."

Peter then gulped down the rest and stood, "Now, I gotta take a piss. How about you."

I shook my head, "I just went."

He shrugged and walked behind a tree.

[That was fucked up...]

Peter walked back and rubbed his stomach, "Now I'm hungry, and freezing."

I rolled my eyes, "Stop being a drama queen. Lets get going."

I began walking in the direction we had been heading, but Peter looked confused. "You okay Peter."

He looked at me and looked confused for a second, "Uhhhh, wha... Oh yeah, I'm coming." He the trotted towards me and we continued the long trip back.

After awhile, I noticed that Peter was having a hard time keeping up and began to slowly fall behind. He kept stumbling as he walked, and was shivering violently.

I fell back and walked along side him, "You hanging in there Peter?"

He looked at me with unfocused eyes, "Hmm, yeah man."

After another hour of walking, I noticed that some of Peter's skin was turning slightly blue and puffy. Not a good sign.

I finally stopped and sat down, "Damn... I'm freaking tired!"

Peter stumbled over and collapsed, "I know what you mean."

I looked at him and noticed he wasn't looking so good, "Peter, are you sure your okay?"

He sighed and looked at me, "I told you, I'm fine!"

< Hostile much?>

I sighed, "Come on, lets get moving." We both stood and proceeded on the trip.

Meanwhile, back at the Ski Resort

"Oh my God! Oh my God! What do we do?!" David yelled as he paced back and forth outside of Lance's and Twilight's room. She was inside, right at that moment, giving birth to their kid.

He looked around at all the guys, all as freaked out as he is. All the girls are in the room, comforting Twilight, the Doctor still hadn't arrived.

A loud scream came from inside.

"Could one of you out there please bring us another towel!" Vinetion yelled from inside.

A towel hit David in the face and they all looked at him, "NO! I'm not going in there!"

Greg levitated up a hammer, "Wanna play nut cracker?"

David began to back up, "Okay okay, I'm going." He turned and opened the door.

Upon entering it, he saw Twilight on the bed holding a pillow over her face.

Vinetion motioned him over, "Hurry! We don't have all day."

David ran over to her and gave her the towel. When he turned to leave, he accidentally looked at Twilight and saw her marehood and.... lets just say the baby was coming.

David's head began to spin, "OH MY GOD! IT'S POKING OUT!" His eyes rolled up into the back of his head and he fell to the floor, unconscious.

Rainbow Dash looked at him and sighed, "Guys, can't handle the real stuff." She then went back to comforting Twilight.

Back to Lance and Peter, an hour later

"I can't do this!" Peter said as he turned away.

I sighed, "Peter, you have to!"

He turned back, "Okay then, you do it!"

I pulled my face cover down, "Fine, I will. But you get none of it!" I lifted up the large grub and forced it into my mouth. When I bite down, the worst possible taste filled my mouth, causing me to gag.

<That's just sick...>

Peter looked sick, "That's why I didn't eat it..."

I choked it down, "Yeah, well, I'll live longer now. At least I ate a little!"

Peter rolled his eyes and stood, only to fall back down, "Whoa."

I stood and walked over to him, "Okay, now I know something is wrong."

He waved me off, "I'm fine!"

I pulled him to his feet and began walking, "Come on then."

Back at the Ski Resort

"NO! I'm not going in there! You can't make me!" Shadow screamed as he backed away from the others.

Frederic glared, "Yes you are! They need more water and none of us are going in there!"

Shadow gulped and screamed out, "NEVER!" He jumped into the air and flew through a window. As in, right through the glass.


Seth sighed, "Well, that just leaves Zorrow."

Zorrow looked like he wanted to cry, "I'll do it fast!" He grabbed the bucket and opened the door.

The second it was open, Twilight screamed in pain. Zorrow dropped the bucket and fell over.

Seth shook his head, "Who's next?"


Shadow flew through the air, mumbling to himself, "No way am I going in there!"

He flew for a few more minutes till he saw a pony below him. At first he didn't pay attention to it, but then he saw that the pony had some other pony on they're back.

Shadow looked at the the pony and sighed, might as well check this out.

Back to Lance and Peter

[Come on Lance! Push yourself! Your going to miss it!]

I felt tired and weak, but something keep me from collapsing. The desire to see my foal be born!

Peter was breathing heavily had was stripping off his clothes, "You know what... we should.... should get a.... boat and just... fly."

[And Peter has gone crazy...]
<Oh no... Lance, I think Peter has hypothermia!>

I ran over to Peter and grabbed him, "Get a hold of yourself!"

He looked at me with unfocused eyes, with a hint of fear, "Who are you! Get away from me!" He then began to struggle to break free of my grasp.

{What do I do?}
[I got this.]

My hoof came up and slammed into Peter's head, knocking him out.

{... Well, that was effective.}
<But uncalled for.>

I sighed and pulled Peter's unconscious body onto my back and continued to make my way to the Resort.

Thirty four minutes later

I stumbled towards the Resort, I could see it in the distance. So close.

My vision began to blur, but I kept pushing myself. I couldn't give up now!

[Come on Lance! Fight it, you can do this!]

I took one last step and stopped. The pain in my legs was intense! They felt frozen and solid, "I can't."

"Hey, are you two okay?" Somepony from above said.

I looked up and almost screamed in delight, "Shadow Breeze! Thank God!"

He landed a few feet from me and looked at me worriedly, "Lance? Holy shit man, where have you been?! Are you alright?"

I shook my head, and instantly regretted it. A wave of nausea washed over me and I collapsed.

"Lance!" I heard Shadow scream, but he sounded far away, distant.

The last thing I saw was him Shadow picking up Peter.

Two hours

I awoke to a strange feeling. Warmth.

I opened my eyes and blinked. I slowly sat up and glanced around. I was in the lobby of the Ski Resort, and a heavy blanket was draped over me. How did I get here?

<Shadow Breeze brought you here, remember?>
{Oh yeah...}

I pulled the blanket off of me and sat up all the way. I instantly missed its warmth as I stood up slowly.

I stretched out my legs and wings. The sound of popping filled the room.

I sighed in relief and stood up straight.

After a few seconds, I heard the sounds of hoof on wood. I turned to see Applejack walking into the room.

When she saw me, she smiled, "Well looky who's awake. Com' on Lance, there's somepony who wants ta see ya."

I smiled and began to follow her. She led me down the hall to my and Twilight's room. She stopped outside of it and smiled, "Ah'll give ya'll some privacy."

I smiled, "Thank you Applejack."

She smiled back, "Your welcome."

I walked into the room and smiled at what I saw. Twilight was in the bed, her mane was a mess, and she was holding something in a blanket.

She looked up at me and smiled, "Lance, come here."

I felt a tear in my eye as I made my way to her. When I was next to her, I looked down at the bundle she held in her forelegs.

She pulled the cover off to reveal the face of our foal.

The foal was the same shade of purple as Twilight, but it had my red strips and snout. Its mane was black and dark blue.

Twilight smiled as I moved my face closer, "He has your eyes, but they're purple, not red."

I choked back tears, "Its a boy?"

Twilight nuzzled my cheek, "Yep."

I smiled, "Is it a earth pony?"

She smiled, "I think you'll like this. He's a Pegasus."

I put a hoof over her and pulled her into me, "He's beautiful."

She nuzzled my neck, "He looks just like his daddy."

I let the tears fall, tears of joy. I wrapped my hooves around Twilight and embraced her, "I love you Twilight."

"I love you too Lance."

I pulled back and nuzzled her nose with mine and put my forehead to hers, "We're parents."

She smiled brightly, "I know."

I climbed into bed and snuggled up to her and looked at our foal, a smile on my face, "What are we going to name him?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. I can't think of a name."

I smiled, "I think I know one. How about Spark?"

Twilight nodded, "I think it fits him."

I nuzzled her cheek and rested my head on her head.

<Awww, he's so cute!>
[He looks badass!]
<For once, I agree with you Break.>

There you all go, he is finally born.

Also, I'm entering the contest and I'm using the prompt "The mane six go on a vacation."
Wish me luck everyone.