The Lost Princess

by Kingsly

The begining

It had been three months since Princess Twilight Sparkle had entered the portal to an alternate dimension, and had not returned. The remaining three princesses had done all they could, sending others through the portal, all had returned, but unable to find the lost princess. Though they collected much information from this mysterious new place, none of it got them any closer to finding her. It only raised more questions. The way they speak. Their technology driven culture. Even their beliefs and government. All so very different. Could a place like this truly exist? So close and yet, so far away. The princesses were beginning to lose hope, when Luna finally decided. It was time to call in a few favors.
. . .
Trippy stumbled up the marble steps of Canterlot castle, distracted by the recent events. It was Kingsly. He had called, asking if he had been up for any work. His first response had been no, years of military duty were behind him, but still he had pestered him with the request. ‘Work from Luna, it’s better that nothing!’ He had given in, and now was late for his first job in years. He shoved open the massive front doors, and was met with the grand spectacle of the grand hall. To this day, even after hundreds of times of seeing it, its mass splendor still left him in awe. He looked up at the ceiling, frozen with amazement at the beauty that this place offered. A sudden voice cracked though the silence.
“Yo Tripp-AY!” Kingsly hollered. He waved from atop the large staircase that he took up the room. “One second.” He jumped and sat on one of the narrow banisters, sliding down it quickly. He landed carelessly at the bottom. “The princesses are waiting up there.” He said, pointing his hoof were the staircase led. “I simply thought it would be respectful to wait for you.”
“You better not be in on this.” Trippy said annoyed.
“Not at all!” Kingsly said with a loopy grin. “I don't know what they want, but today just seems like a good day. Back in business!” He said pointing at his saddle bag. “I even brought my old gear.” He said joyfully.
Finally arriving at the last door, Kingsly shoved it open, revealing a swirling circle staircase, leading downwards. Kingsly gave a low whistle while looking over the edge.
“That’s gotta be beneath the castle at least.”
The two trekked down the stairs, the thin, recently built, metal steps creaking oddly. They arrived at the bottom after all of 20 minutes.
Trippy huffed loudly. “Couldn't have installed an elevator could they?” He said, trying to catch his breath. “Damn i'm out of shape.”
“Hello Luna, Cadence.” Kingsly said, greeting the two princesses. They stood in a dark gray room, taken up mostly by large, heavy machines, wiring softly. The main point of interest for the room, was the large hollow framed circle made up of metal and lights, and was connected to all of the other machines in some way.
“What is all this?” Trippy asked confused.
“This,” Celestia bagan, “Is why you too have been called. You're both familiar with the disappearance of Princess Twilight. I sent her to a world different from ours on a mission. To find a lost relic, and to find out more about this new place. On separate occasions we’ve had visitors from this place, but nothing like this has happened. They've made it back. She hasn't. We sent her through a traditional portal, using magic. But we believe that something on the other end, may be tampering with her powers, so this method was brought up as an alternative.” She said addressing the large hollow circle. “We have sent over a dozen squads through that portal, and have gathered enough information to get a brief glimpse into that world, but none have found the princess yet. Seeing as you two have a bit of a reputation with odd jobs like this, you two might be what we're looking for.” She finished.
“But be warned, this new place is very different from the one you know and love now. You must be ready for anything. Now we must hurry and open the portal, before the moment has been lost!” Luna declared. Several scientist pony’s behind them began to operate the computers and machinery with expertise.
“Wait a minute, i never signed up for anything like this! I’m not just going on some adventure through space to save a princess!” Trippy called out.
The portal began to buzz and vibrate as streaks of lightning began to web across it.
“Oh don’t be such a chicken. I’m pretty sure there are plenty worse ways to rescue a princess!” Kingsly said positively.
The arcs of lightning began to solidify with purple waves.
“That’s not what i mean!” Trippy yelled, trying to talk over the ruckus that the portal was creating. “What i mean is-”
Trippy was cut off by the portal opening with a sudden crack, the swirling purple mass rumbling and howling.
“Now! The portal won't stay open for much longer! You need to go now!” Luna hollered over the roaring of the portal.
“I really don’t think this is a good idea-”
Trippy was silenced by Kingsly’s sudden pushing, up to the portal.
“Look i really don’t want to do this!” He hollered over the portal, turning around and coming face to face, with a charging Kingsly.
“Oh shit.”
“BONZAI MUTHAFUCKA!” Kingsly hollered, tackling Trippy through the swirling purple mass, just before the portal shut with a grand flourish.
All noise disappeared. All movement stopped. The portal lay still, as the final papers that had caught in the wind, lay steeled on the ground.
“Do you think they're going to be okay? Should we have told them about what had happened to the last 20 pony’s that went through and came back? And what about the ones that didn't come back?” Cadence asked innocently.
“If we had told them, would they still have gone?” Celestia asked.
“I have all the faith that they will get the job done, no matter the expense. That’s what they do. It’s what they're good at. But all we can do is pray.” Luna said sadly.