A Beautiful Lie

by Sorenthehero117

Chapter 3- Relief

Chapter 3- Relief

I have just finished my report on the studies of Schizophrenia and began working on my essay for Creative Writing. Originally, I was gonna recite another one of my father's poems, simply because I was too lazy to write something on my own terms. Its funny, because I'm a very creative person when it comes to writing, but recently I just lost the will to write simply because I lack any inspiration whatsoever to write. However, today I had this weird idea for a poem, that came to me in the form of a bird. I've never seen a bird like that in all my life: its feathers were a beautiful crimson color that I have never seen. It almost looked like it was... On fire. Regardless, the grace and sheer beauty of this magnificent bird inspired a poem I had to write before I forget:

Through fire and flames, she flies
A crimson spirit takes the skies
Away from the world
Away from our reach
This majesty flies through dawn's peak

If I could follow this crimson beauty
If I could sprout some wings and fly
Would this bird love and accept me?
Or would the bird cast me aside?

Come little birdie
come along with me
Don't be afraid
Don't you weep

Ellis won't hurt you
Ellis loves you kindly
Ellis only wants you
Ellis will treat you nicely

This poem... It started off clean and simple, but as I kept writing, my words began to sound almost crazy. Like something that freaking Gollum would say in The Lord of the Rings. It felt like I switched personalities as I wrote this poem. Regardless, the poem turned out beautiful and after some proofreading and rereading, it was ready for my class. I wonder if the others will like it; I just wonder if they will look at me funny afterwards. This poem is just random. This bird... This very beautiful bird... Whenever I look at it, it inspires me to keep writing. I don't know if it has an owner, but the bird is always stopping by my window now, and has been for almost 2 days.

I decided to let the window open to let the bird inside; I even had an old birdcage my father had when his parrot Ramón was still alive. That beautiful parrot didn't seem to have any ID tag or bracelet, and it didn't seem like anyone was looking for it, although a bird this rare-looking would have to have caught somebody's eye, but I digress. As I looked at the bird closely, I noticed it was a female. She was a very gentle bird: soft feathers, sweet, and just gave me this sense of joy and happiness that I haven't felt before. I don't know who this bird is, but until I can find any answers, I think I'll adopt her as my own pet... I even have a name for her, which for some odd reason is just coming out of my lips, like I'm supposed to give her this name. It belongs to her. From this day forth, she will be known as... Philomena.

As soon as she heard this name, she gave a light "coo" sound, like she was both excited and relieved that this was her new name. I was excited too. I always wanted a pet bird. She served as both a companion and a source of inspiration and love. No more do I have to go to an empty house in the middle of the night. Now two people lived together and nothing could come between them. After a few minutes of feeding and grooming Philomena, it was time for me to sleep for the night. Suddenly I felt tired. Normally I don't get so tired anymore, or rarely even sleep, given thee circumstances, but now? My eyes are falling, my balance is weary and I just have to rest. I kissed Philomena on the head and left to bed, where I found myself sleeping in just a few minutes. No stress, no pain, no anger, no hate... What was going on? Why am I so tired? Where did this bird come from? After a few minutes of bliss... I really didn't care... For the first time in 2 years... I was happy... But for how long?