Poking Pinkie Pie in the Pooper

by KingofSquirrelz

AN - A Letter to Frost

Hello Frost,

I hope you are doing well and that the situation I have written you in is not causing you too much trouble. I do miss are fun times together you and I. Now though I have some bad news.

I am going in for medical screenings and surgery for the next two weeks. I found out I have cancer and a tumor. I know you don’t like waiting for your story to be written, who likes waiting anyway? I am sorry though but I must heal.

I am told it’s a regular procedure and will just be bedridden for a while.

While I am bedridden though I was told I am aloud to have a lap top so I will be able to write a tiny bit while I am in. So don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about you and I won’t leave you high and dry.

I must say you do have a lot on your plate and I hope you survive what I am going to be putting you through in the next few days. So good luck to you.

As for me I will be checking into my local hospital tomorrow and will have to miss out on going to work. Oh darn! Wish me luck.

Your Author.