Marks Wacky Adventures in Ponyville

by Wilfred Warfstache

Ch.2: Meeting Pinkie

"Well I'll be Alice in Wonderland." said Mark simply as he took in his surroundings. He could immediately tell that he was no longer in his own world. If any thing, this place looked rather familiar? "Now where have I seen this place before? I can't put my mind on it...." he told himself. "We'll I guess the best thing for me to do in a situation like this is, go explore, I guess."
Mark then began his little exportation in this new world, that he found him self stuck in.

(Meanwhile in Ponyville)

Pinkie Pie had yawned as she finally awoke from her short slumber in her room. She made her way down stairs to the Cake's bakery where she happily skipped past Mrs.Cake, who was at the counter waiting for customers.
"Oh hello there Pinkie, are you feeling better now? Mrs.Cake asked.
"Yup-er-roonie!" said Pinkie cheerfully, "I was going to go for a little stroll out in the field near Sweet Apple Acres."
"Oh, well alright then. Just promise not to cause to much trouble out there?"
"Don't worry, Mrs.Cake, I won't." Pinkie Pie stated as she passes their front door to the bakery.
"I really hope that she doesn't cause trouble. Last time she did, we had to clean up the whole shop because of it being filled with confetti and popped balloons. I swear, that party cannon of her's will be the end of this shop." Mrs.Cake had told her self in her mind.

Once our beloved pink party pony had made it to the empty field near Applejack's orchard, she began to walk down an old dirt path. She admired the quietness of the area, as the grass swayed softly in the breeze. Even she had to admit, she did like the pure, calming silence that came from this open field.
"I still wished that he could have visited us." She sighed as she remembered the letter she had sent to the one she admired. Just then Pinkie could hear the ruffling of the grass. It didn't sound like the swaying of the grass in the wind, but more like somepony walking on it. She decided to go investigate where the noise had been coming from, which was at the brink of the field, where the trees and bushes took over. She silently made her way in, wondering to her self; "Who could that be?"

(Back with Mark)

"Ugh, I've been in these woods for hours now, and I still can't find away out of here!" Mark sighed in annoyance, "This would be a lot like Slender, if 1. I had to find something, 2.It was night, and 3. If I wasn't bored out of my mind!"
He continued aimlessly walking through the forest. Nothing for him to see but more trees, a few bushes, and the grass below him.
"I'm going to be lost in here, FOREVER!"

(With Pinkie)
Now she knew something was in that forest. She easily heard the cry that came from someone. Pinkie began to pick up her pace, while still remaining quiet, as she carefully looked around her surroundings. After looking for what must have been 5 minutes, Pinkie had finally lost where the cry had come from.
"Hmmmm, where could that yell have come from?" Pinkie asked her self, as she stop and placed a hoof under her chin as she looked around. Just then, there was another small snap of twigs breaking. Pinkie knew where the pony was now. She continued to sneak toward the noise, as she hide inside of a bush when she had finally was close enough to the source of the noise.
"Just how much longer will I be stuck here? It's been, HOURS! And I'm starting to get hungry now too." said a voice on the other side of the bush.
"I guess I was right, there is somepony here." thought the pink, curly maned mare. She carefully stepped out of the her hiding place and made her way to a tall, two-legged creature wearing light blue jeans, and a plain black shirt. If there was something on the front of it, she didn't know. As she got closer, she began to notice the creature's short hair, the side holders that kept his glasses on his face, and his light colored skin.
"Oh my goodness, it's you....." she whispered.

(Marks point of view)

Mark swore to him self that he had heard something near him, almost as if it were a whisper. As he began to walk backwards to see if the noise was coming from in front of him, he bumped into something. As he moved one of his hands behind him to see what he walked into, he could feel something soft. He slowly turned around to see nothing.
"Guess I was just imagining it." he told him self.
"Oh, my, GOODNESS! IT'S YOU! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S YOU!" came a high pitched squeal from under Mark's line of sight. He slowly looks down to see none other than a famous pink pony with a cotton candy main. Mark began to stutter nonsense about how she was here, why she was here, and what was going on. He spoke so fast that not even Pinkie could under stand him.
"Woah, don't be talking all frazy-crazy now. I still need you to meet my friends and go to the party I set up for you, Mark."
Mark stood in his spot, frozen with shock.
"How does she know my name?"he thought to him self. He then thought of something,what ever is happening, he as heck did not want any part of it. So he did the only logical thing any human would do in a situation like his, and ran for his life. Sadly he didn't get far since he ran into a tree, face first. The force of the impact was enough to make him go unconscious. All he heard before he slipped into darkness were two little words.
"Uh oh..............."

(To be continued)