//------------------------------// // Ghostflyer Vs. Discore // Story: The BRD chronicles: Adventures in Equestria // by BRD //------------------------------// When we got to Fluttershy's house the animals were running around like crazy. (I got a bad felling about this.) Just then a Draconequus appeared as if out of nowhere and he said "Well, Fluttershy I see that you got somepony to help you but, I thought you are going to get your friends not a Human being." (I guess Discord can see through my Pegasus body.) Fluttershy asked "Can you leave my animals alone please?" Discord Replied with a laugh and said "Why don't you come up here and make me." Fluttershy tried "The Stare" on him but, it didn't work. I said "Hey leave Fluttershy alone!" Discord look at me and said "Or what?" I flue up to him and tried buck him.(I had no idea how to fly or buck so I missed) Discord said "I didn't fill a thing now it's my turn" Then he hit me with a magic spell (It stings like hell) Just then my eyes turned white and I shot a magic spell at Discord (Don't ask me how because I have no idea)Then Discord let the animals go and lefted. Fluttershy asked how I did that and I said "I don't know." Then she asked "I know we just meet yesterday but, will you be my colt-friend? as is if you like to." (I didn't expect Fluttershy to ask me that.) Then I said "I was going to ask you the same thing but, yes I will be your colt-friend Fluttershy." Fluttershy asked If she could tell her friends about us. I replied "Not yet, I think we should what a month or so first." (You know to see if this relationship works first) Before I lefted for Twilight's house, Fluttershy asked if I could spend the night with her. I said "OK I don't see why not." Then we whet inside Fluttershy's house.