May 19, 2013
Rarity, Rainbow Dash Only Barely Know Each Other, Sources Confirm
PONYVILLE—In interviews for The Ponion’s upcoming docu-drama TV series, Behind the Elements, our sources have confirmed that two of the element holders, Rarity and Rainbow Dash, both just barely know each other.
In her interview, Rarity, one of the element holders, was elaborating on her relationship with the other five element holders, “Oh, they’re all my best friends. There’s Twilight, of course. Then there’s Pinkie; she invites me to all of her parties. Then Applejack. She and I are as different as night and day but we have a deep bond regardless, so do our two little sisters. And of course there’s Fluttershy, who I love to go to the spa with and who takes care of Opal when I’m out of town… I think that’s everypony.”
“What about Rainbow Dash?” our interviewer asked.
“Rainbow Dash? Um, er… Yes, I suppose I’ve run into her a few times,” Rarity answered, “We’re more of acquaintances than friends, really. I mean, obviously she wields another element, so I see her whenever we’re off saving the world, which is only occasionally. And I think she might have been the one who rescued me in Cloudsdale when I was plummeting to my doom that one time. Other than that, I must confess I don’t know her all that well.”
“She seems nice, though,” Rarity added.
“Rarity, huh?” said Rainbow Dash in her own interview, “Not ringing a bell. There’s Twilight, who’s the core of the group. Then there’s Applejack, who I’m really competitive with, but all in good sport. There’s Pinkie, who I love to pull pranks with. Last but not least is Fluttershy, who’s been my friend since we were both fillies living in Cloudsdale.”
“Rarity, the white-coated unicorn fashion designer?” our interviewer elaborated.
“Oh, wait, RARITY! I thought you meant somepony else. Yeah, she made me a dress once, along with our other friends. I thought it was pretty cool. She’s the Element of Aesthetics or something, right?” Rainbow Dash answered.
“But I wouldn’t really call her a friend, though. Not like the others, at least. I think she’s cool and all, but honestly I don’t think we’ve ever spoken more than 300 words to each other,” she added.
As little as the two have interacted, however, it is nothing compared to the gap which exists between Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, who sources confirmed have only ever spoken with each other on four occasions since becoming "friends." Ω