I'm getting fired at a planet, that's your plan. I get fired at a planet and expected to deal with it

by Timelord12

Well, this is akward

When I woke up this morning, the one thing I did not expect to happen, happened. Hello, my name is John Adam Smith, and my life, my new life began April 27th, 2019. It started pretty normally, I got up, did the whole "I have time, so I'll stand under the shower to wake up" thing, got dressed in my flight attendant's uniform, had breakfast, and was driving to work when an odd portal-like thing opened up. I could not have swerved fast enough to avoid it, so in I went, screaming like a little girl with her dress on fire. The next thing I know, my car is sitting on a grassy field. I get out of the car, and start analysing where I am. "Now, let's see, the flora and fauna look like Earth's, but it looks too alive for my planet, not raining, meaning I am not in England, I'll go look for civilization." And with that said, I began walking in the direction of the smoke. As it turned out, the town had sent out a party as well, and we met halfway. The seven of us stared at each other for the better part of a minute. As the minute ended, the lavender horse began to speak.
"Hello, my name is-" was all she got out before the blue one began yelling at me.
"What are you, a trick, a trap, a spy coming to catch us off guard?"
"No, no, and no again, my name is John Adam Smith, and I think it is pretty fair to say, what the hell are horses doing talking?"
"If Rainbow had let me finish, you would know by now."
"Okay, so finish."
"Alright, as I was saying, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends" as she said their names, she waved at them. "Rainbow Dash" she indicated the blue one that had spoken earlier, "Pinkie Pie", pointing to a, surpise, surprise, pink one that began talking at a mile a minute about parties and cakes and the whole town at the library and the snakes on my hoof. Twilight looked at me sympathetically "Yeah, she does that a lot."
"Fine by me."
"Oh, then there's Rarity." Pointing to an alabaster unicorn, "Applejack." An orange horse wearing a Stetson, which I promptly stole, "And that's Fluttershy." Pointing to......an empty space. It turns out she was hiding in a bush. Anyways, back to now
"Well Twilight Sparkle, it seems i'm staying for a while, so let me start up the car and i'll follow you into town." I got into my old Delorean (haha, I get it, i'm in a Delorean, so of course I travel to odd places. Funny) and began to drive slowly after the assembled ponies. Did I mention that my hands are shaking through this entire thing, no? Well they are, and if you entertain the notion that it will be easy for me to adjust, let me put it in perspective for you. I have a family who are probably worried sick about me, a job that I will never see again, friends who are just as worried about me, a landlord awaiting his rent that will never come, a couple of leases and debts I cannot pay off, a roommate that will never see me again, and a class that I need to teach. So yeah, it'll take a while for me to settle in. In the meantime, I'll try to find work in this universe which I have found myself in, but first, my adventures in Ponyville.