Marks Wacky Adventures in Ponyville

by Wilfred Warfstache

Ch.1:How did I get here?

It was yet another ordinary day for the beloved Youtuber, Mark, who was on his way to his computer to record yet another one of his scary let's plays and commentating on the new update on the game of SCP-Containment Breach.

"Well I sure hope that this update is up to what it stands for, adding new SCP's, more areas, and even a new ending or two to the game! I just hope I don't spawn in one of those cross roads mazes again like I did last time." said the short haired, glasses wearing, Youtuber. As mark went to his desk to check to make sure every thing was set for the recording, he notices a small unopened envelope.
"Now how did this get here? I didn't forget to read this letter from the last fan mail video, did I?" he said while scratching under his chin in question. "We'll that already passed, so I think it would be alright if I read it. Besides I still have enough time on my schedule to make room for a single letter."

After he had said this he picked up the letter and looked around his desk for a letter opener that he could use.
"Now where did I put that darn thing? I always seem to lose it.... Ah-ha! there you are!" he says after spending a few moments looking for the letter opener. After opening the letter, Mark starts to read what is written on it.
"Dear Mark,

I have been watching your videos ever since I first learned of Youtube. I would like you to come an have a small visit to my home, Ponyville, so that I could throw you a party! It would be the best way for me to show you how much I appreciate your effort in helping all those sick people in those charity runs of yours. I pinky promise that this party will be completely, and funntasticly worth it. So could you please come and join the party?

From, your one of your beloved fan,
Pinkamena Diane Pie.
"Hmm, must be another one of those excited bronies again. Man, it's really funny that, out of all things, that some people arguing in the comments of my videos, that most arguments in them are about people saying that there are too many bronies that make up more then half of my subscribers, In stead of them arguing about me and PewDiePie, and who is the best at making videos. Hah, well I guess I could check what also came with this letter?" said Mark after he read the letter. He then slipped his hand into the envelope checking to see if there were any other things in it that he might have missed.

"What's this?" he says as he feels something inside of the envelope. As he gets a better grip on what is in the envelope, Mark slowly pulls out a small blue box with a red button in the middle of it.
"How did this even....? Ugh, never mind. Now, what is this thing even supposed to do?"
As Mark looks at all angles of the button, he notices a little note on the bottom.
"Now let's see what you say? Press button to visit Equestria. Hmm, well I guess the my little pony fan base really wants to make me like their, ponies. But as I've said in my other videos, especial in that SCP pony mod, is that I will never become a brony. Well I'd better get back to work on making that continuing video of my last SCP let's play. 173, here I come."

After a few hours of playing and editing the longer, not needed moment of wandering for long periods of time, and uploading the video, Mark had finally finished his latest video in his SCP playlist.
"Another video well done Markiplier. Another video well done...." states Mark boastfully.
"Oh shoot, I almost forgot about the button that Pinkamena person sent me."
Mark then gets up from his seat, stretches to relief the stress from his back being hunched over on the computer, and goes to the desk next to his bed to see what to do about the button.
"Well I guess it couldn't hurt to try it, right? I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"
Mark then proceeded to pressing the button, with nothing happening except for the My Little Pony theme song to play through the small box.
"I guess it was just some sort of music box." stated Mark after laying the box on to his desk next to his bed. He then yawns, takes off his glasses which he lays next to the box, and goes toward his warm and cozy bed for the night.
"Well, another video well done Mark, now it's time for my beauty sleep." He said as he dozed off to sleep.

(Meanwhile in another world)

"Oh, I wonder if he got the message." said a voice coming from a pink, cotton candy maned, earth pony. "It has been a week since I sent him the message, and I still haven't gotten a message back from him."
The pinkie pony, who others known as Pinkie Pie, was pacing around frantically. She hadn't even noticed that she had began to pacing on the wall, and then the ceiling.
"Oh what if the message didn't get through to him? What if something bad had happened to him! Or worse, what if he doesn't like me!" she exclaimed.
"Oh this isn't good, I really had a great party planed out for him! And now he doesn't want to see me." said Pinkie in a sad tone, as her hair started to point downward to to gravity finally taking effect.

Just then Pinkie's friend Rainbow Dash had entered her room.
"Come on Pinkie! You've been locked up in your room for way to long....... Ugh, what are you doing on the ceiling?" asked the rainbow maned mare.
"Huh? What are you talking about-" replied Pinkie, no just noticing that she was on the ceiling, "Uh oh....."
And with that Pinkie had fallen from the ceiling of her bedroom and, by luck, had land on top of her bed.
"Pinkie, are you alright?" asked her worried friend.
"Yeah, I'm all right Dashie. I just wasn't paying attention where I was walking, is all." she had answered with a nervous grin.
"So, yeah, any ways the rest of us were wondering why you had been in your room for all this time. It's really, well, Un-Pinkie of you to do. Is something the matter?"
"No, I'm alright. I was just thinking about what could have happened to a letter I sent to somepony I wanted to meet. It's already been a week, and he still hasn't written back! I'm just worried is all."
"Well maybe they just didn't get the letter yet? Stuff like that can happen with mail carriers Pinkie, so there's no need to be all anxious about it."
"Yeah, maybe your right. It's just I have been watching allot of his work and I just wanted to thank him for it."
"Wit, let me guess, one of your famous parties?" said Rainbow Dash sarcastically.
"Well of course, silly. How else would I be able to show him how grateful I am that he has helped so many people in need!"
"People? You mean ponies right?"
"Well I guess that's what you say in case for our terms, but where he comes from, he is called a human!" said Pinkie enthusiastically.
"Ugh, okay.... Well I'd better get going. I promised Scoots I would help her learn how to fly today. See ya later then." said Rainbow Dash as she walked out side of the room, and out of the Cake's residents.
"Hmm, what could she have meant by that? Is it that he isn't a pony? I've never sen or herd of Pinkie Pie living any where else except here, and her parents rock farm. It must just be me." wondered the multicolored pegasus as she flew away.
"Oh Mark, I really hope you can come for a visit......" said Pinkie Pie as she went to take a small nap on her bed.

(Back in the real world)
Mark was sleeping soundly within the comforts of his nice home. He was dreaming about how that letter almost seemed real, as if one of the characters from the show had actually written it.
"That letter, it felt like that it was, different, than most fan mail I get." his voice echoed to him self inside his head
"How crazy would it be if that button actually worked? Now that would be one heck of an adventure. Even if I don't like them, it still would be pretty cool to meet one of them."

In Mark's dream, he started to feel dizzy. It felt like everything was spinning around him, fast, but slow at the same time. He then felt as if he was falling, he could have sworn he could here the wind passing by him as he fell. He then felt as if he had landed on something soft, and he could hear the gentle breeze, the chirping of birds and the buzzing of insects in the area around him. He could even feel the darn mosquitoes biting his arm.
"Wait, mosquitoes?" he thought to him self. Mark had then realized that if he was inside his room, there could be no possible way for him to feel mosquitoes. He then could also see the bright sunlight as it messed with him sleeping.
"If it's night time, how is there any light? I didn't leave any light on, did I?" he question him self.
Not being able to take it any more, he got up from bed, only to feel the grass underneath him.
"What the heck?" he said out loud, still not opening his eyes, "Maybe I'm still dreaming."
But this was no dream, and he knew better. This felt all to real to be a dream. Slowly, he opened his eyes.
"Well I'll be Alice in Wonder Land......."

(To be continued)