Tales of Lyra and BonBon

by Polar Muffins

The All Important Tea

The All Important Tea
By Polar Muffins

I walked into the kitchen completely tired. I had stayed up almost all night having sex with Lyra.
Boy, was she good.
I started boiling some water.
I reached for a mug with my cutie mark on it and set it down on the counter.
I stretched my back legs one at a time, why was she always so rough with them?
I listened to the ever calming humming of the boiling water, while I chose a teabag to use.
Maybe tomorrow.
That narrowed it down to the last two.
English Breakfast and Earl Grey.
Now, English Breakfast is just regular tea, and Earl Grey is the same just with another spice added.
But was I feeling regular or was I feeling a little more than regular.
Hm. That is a toughy.
I rolled my shoulders, and sighed.
When was I going to be on the top? She’s a bit too heavy, and my frame can’t exactly hold her.
I thought long and hard.
Earl Grey?
English Breakfast?
The boiler made a popping sound signaling that the water had boiled.
I walked over to it and picked it up with my hooves and carried it over to the mug.
Once I reached the mug, I poured the water into the mug.
I then walked back and placed the boiler back on the electricity place.
Lyra walked in, yawning, heading towards the fridge.
“Hey, can you get the milk?” I asked.
“Yea. Sure.” She answered while yawning a bit.
She opened the fridge took out the milk and yogurt with her magic.
Sometimes I envied her.
She passed me the milk.
And I took it from her magic with my hoof and poured the milk.
I set the carton down.
“Hey, Lyra?” I said.
“Which should I drink, the English Breakfast, or the Earl Grey?”
“Oh, um, definitely the Nana.”
“But, that’s not an option.” I faced her.
“But, I love the Nana tea!”
I turned around, and chuckled to myself a bit.
Lyra was totally the wrong person to ask. She doesn’t understand tea like I do. You have to feel the tea that you want to drink. She just always drinks the Nana.
I hadth better to choose quickly or my tea wouldst naught be warm soon.
Was I thinking in Shakespearean?
Ugh. Stupid Romeo and Juliet.
I must’ve picked up the language.
Back to tea.
Well, that last thought should’ve made up my mind.
English Breakfast it tis.
I took out the English Breakfast tea bag and put it in my steaming hot tea.
I took a spoon and put it in the sugar bowl.
I took the spoon out of the bowl and put in in the mug.
I stirred then stopped.
I placed my head above the tea, letting the steam rise to my face and envelop my face completely. The moistness felt wonderful and rejuvenating against my face.
Much better than a sauna any day.
I lifted my face.
I gently took the cup with my hooves and carried it to the kitchen table.
I sat down on the comfy dark blue and pink ombre style, cushion.
Oh, I love that cushion.
I lifted up the glorious steaming hot tea.
But, of course, Lyra thumps down onto her white and mint green striped cushion and the vibration causes the floor to vibrate, which causes the tiles on the kitchen floor to vibrate, which causes the table to vibrate, which ends up spilling that glorious steaming hot tea all over me.
Did I mention it was steaming hot?
“BonBon, are you okay?”
“You. Spilled. My. TEA!!!!!”
I jumped up. Steam coming out of my nostrils. Eyes burning with anger. I was ready to pounce on her, and not in the playful way.
I pounced.
She jumped up in surprise.
I tackled her to the ground.
Because I’m an Earth Pony, I was much stronger than her.
But, she enveloped her magic around me, and held me in the air.
I stopped flailing in the air, and watched as she started boiling the water.
I calmed down a bit hearing the soothing humming of the boiling water.
She took my mug from the table, and cleaned up the spill with a paper towel.
She threw away the paper towel and placed the mug on the counter, just as the water stopped boiling.
She poured in the hot water, took the milk, poured that in too, took the English Breakfast tea bag I had used before, and placed it in the mug.
She then took a clean spoon, and put it in the sugar.
She took out the sugar with the spoon, placed it in the mug, and stirred repeatedly.
She then lifted me over the mug, so I could feel the steam on my face again.
That officially calmed me down,
and made me realize something.
She then took me and the mug, to the table.
Sitting me down on the comfortable pillow and the mug on the table.
I’m glad she plays the Lyre, or her magic probably wouldn’t have been strong enough to carry me and the mug.
She then let me go, carried her pillow over to me, sat it down next to me, and sat down herself.
She took out her speakers and iPod touch, she had gotten from Vinyl Scratch two years ago, and set it to my favorite song, sung by the Kingston Trio. Zombie Jamboree.

Way now,
Back to back,
Belly to belly,
Well I don’t give a damn ‘cause I done that already.
Back to back,
Belly to belly,
It’s the Zombie Jamboree.

And as that played, I took a sip of my tea, and I said out loud what I realized.
“I have the best, most understanding, better than anything in the world, Girlfriend. Now what do you say to that, Lyra Heartstrings?”
“Oh, nothing.” She replied. “Just that I couldn’t have said it better than you, to you.”
She wrapped her arm around me and squeezed.
I shooed her arm away, saying I had hot tea and I didn’t want it to spill.
She laughed and removed her arm.
I pecked her on the cheek.
I do have the best Girlfriend, ever.