Cupcake Chronicles: Learning To Laugh Again

by milesprower06

Learning To Laugh Again Part 2

Learning To Laugh Again
A Cupcake Chronicles Side Story Series
by milesprower06

Part 2

Rainbow awoke in Applejack's embrace as the train whistle blew, signaling their arrival at their final destination. Applejack, roused as well, got up and made sure they had all their luggage and went to the others who were waiting to get off the train.

“Oh I can't wait to reopen my shop. I hope Opal has been having a good time at Fluttershy's.” Rarity commented. Being on tour with the Wonderbolts as costume designer and maintainer netted her a profit considerably higher than what she made at Carousel Boutique. Nevertheless, she was eager to get her business back up and running, and most likely take a trip to the spa as well.

“I'm sure Fluttershy's been doing a terrific job of taking care of Opal, Gummy, and Spike,” Twilight reassured, adding “they might not want to leave.”

The train doors slid open, and the passengers disembarked, trotting through hissing stream onto the dock. For Rainbow and the others, the haze gave way to a welcoming party.

“WELCOME BACK!” was simultaneously shouted by a half dozen ponies. Standing at the station were friends and family of the group that had left on tour. Big Mac, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Stormcloud, Firefly, Spike, Fluttershy, and the pets she had been watching.

Rainbow rushed forward and embraced her mom and dad, whom she had not seen since departing Cloudsdale after the first performance of their tour. She knew that a month wasn't going to be enough for rebuilding their relationship with each other after it had crumbled four years ago.

“How's my little Wonderbolt doing?” Firefly asked, releasing her daughter from the hug.

“Awesome, it's so great to be back.”

“Well we're gonna let all you guys go and unpack, but first, we've got a little surprise for you, Rainbow.” Stormcloud told them. On cue, Rarity magically tied a blindfold around Rainbow's head.

With gentle guiding from her father, Rainbow turned and walked down from the station into town. The entire group walked through town for about two minutes. Rainbow, who had no trouble walking blind, tried to figure out where they were taking her. She had lived in town for many years, but as most of her job was up in the sky, she was having a hard time pinpointing where they were. The increasing volume of the hustle and bustle clued her in, as they had to be walking through the marketplace.

Sure enough, they came to a stop 30 seconds later, and the blindfold was lifted from her eyes, and Rainbow's breath was taken away. There in front of her, was a brand new fountain memorial.

When she had left, the destroyed fountain had still not been cleaned up from the freak earthquake. She figured that with all the work that went into it, that it would eventually be replaced...but she never imagined anything like this.

All the rubble had been cleared away, and the fountain had been rebuilt from the ground up. The circumference of the bottom level had been increased by nearly half. The names of the victims had again been expertly chiseled into the side, but now, joining them, on top of the second bowl, were statues of them, about one foot in height. Each of them held an urn, which poured out the familiar rainbow-colored, sparkling water into the bottom level pool. It was more beautiful than before, which was saying something.

Rainbow didn't know what to say. She simply stared at the new fountain with a stunned, open-mouth smile on her face, as she slowly walked around, looking at it from all angles. As she completed one lap around, she gave her mom and dad a hug, as thanks for surprising her like this.

“It was pretty hard to keep it a secret all this time, but we knew it'd be worth it when you saw it for the very first time.” Firefly told her daughter.

“I...I just don't know what to say, it's amazing.” Rainbow replied.

“Well, we know you're all probably looking forward to your time off. We'll let you go and unpack. Rainbow, when you're settled in, could you meet me at home? There's something I would like to talk to you about, and I have something to give you.” Stormcloud said.

“Sure. It shouldn't take that long. I did pack light, after all.” Rainbow replied, her curiosity now peaked. Truth be told, Rainbow had packed light. She brought almost nothing personal along with her on tour, just the Wonderbolt hoodie Rarity had made for her, which was folded neatly inside the saddlebags she now wore. Applejack was the same way. Big Mac pulled a medium cart of a few suitcases and a couple barrels of left over apples from selling at all the performances.

“I'm lookin' forward to seeing how the place has kept up without me.” Applejack said.

“'Ah don't want t'say that it's like you never left, but...” Big Mac began.

“So don't. Nopony's better at bucking those trees than me.”

“Maybe so, but we've managed. It took callin' in plenty of favors, but we managed.”

Applejack gave a “hmph” as they continued over the hill that separated the outlying farms from the main area of town. Within a matter of minutes they were through the main gates of Sweet Apple Acres. Big Mac pulled the wagon around to the back door, where he and Apple Bloom began to unload it. Applejack and Rainbow Dash went inside to their bedroom and dropped their saddlebags by the bed. Rainbow seemed a bit anxious as she slid hers off of her back, as it landed on the floor with a soft thud.

“Um, AJ...I don't mean to drop my things and run...but...”

“Rainbow, 'ah can read ya like a book. You've been dyin' to catch up with 'yer mom and dad since we left on tour. So go on, now. Have fun.” Applejack told the eager pegasus with a smile. Rainbow gave her marefriend a quick hug, ran down the hallway, and out the front door.

As Rainbow walked down the front path, Applejack made her way through the kitchen to the back of the house to help her brother and sister unload.

“Hey what's in this one? It's got a heart on the side of it.” she heard Apple Bloom say, causing her to nearly choke on the sudden lump in her throat as she broke into a sudden gallop and burst out the back door, where her two siblings were unloading the cart.

“Whoa there, sis. That one looks a little heavy for ya, so I'll take it off your hooves.” Applejack hastily said, quickly placing the box on her back and trotting quickly into the house.

“But it's not that...heavy?” Apple Bloom said, watching her sister hurry inside with the box.

Around at the other side of the house, Rainbow hadn't even gotten to the front gate when she heard a crackling noise in front of her, and with a bright, unexpected flash, Twilight Sparkle materialized in front of her.

“Gah! Twi, can't you transport in a...gentler manner?” Rainbow asked, undoubtedly startled by Twilight's sudden winking to the farm.

“Sorry. Glad I caught you, looks like you're going somewhere.”

“Yeah, up to Cloudsdale to visit with my dad.”

“Ah, well I hope you have a good time. I just stopped by to give you this. I got here as quick as I can, because it's urgent.”

Twilight's horn glowed, and her saddlebag opened, and a scroll levitated out.

“That's why I came here so fast; a letter from Princess Celestia, to be personally delivered to you immediately.” Twilight told her, moving the scroll towards Rainbow, and breaking the royal seal. The scroll unrolled, and Rainbow read silently to herself as Twilight kept the letter afloat in her magical grasp.

To my most loyal subject Rainbow Dash,

It is my sincere hope that you have enjoyed your Wonderbolts tour around Equestria. I know you must be looking forward to your time at home with Applejack and the rest of your friends, but I would also like to ask for some of your time. At your absolute earliest convenience, I would like an audience with you in my throne room in Canterlot. Come whenever you are able. My guards are expecting you.

Princess Celestia

“Well, looks like my traveling isn't quite done yet.” Rainbow said, as Twilight rolled up the scroll and returned it to her saddlebag.

“What does she want?” Twilight asked.

“To see me as soon as I have the time. Cloudsdale is pretty much halfway there anyway, so I suppose I can swing by after my visit at home.”

“Um, Rainbow, you don't 'swing by' for an audience with the Princess.” Twilight said, a bit irked at Rainbow's lack of formality.

“Yeah yeah. I'll remember to act all proper and everything, don't worry. After all, I am the loyalest friend of 'her most faithful student', right?” Rainbow said with a snicker. Twilight groaned.

“See ya later, Twi!” Rainbow said as she took off into the sky.

Today was going to be an interesting day, to be sure.