My Little Homie

by Lock Target

Adlet the good times roll!

SOMEWHERE, AROUND A CAMPFIRE BY A GIANT TREE IN THE EVERFREE FOREST...! ManAnt and his modly crew are roasting hot dogs and marshmallows as Carl reports his knowledge of what he heard today. Rarity is sitting between him and Cobraman tied up in a boa constrictor.

"And you're sure about this?" asked ManAnt using his mandables to break off a piece of his hot dog.

"I mean it, man" said Carl placing his in a bun and putting condiments on it, "That purple one said there was a book in her library that could tells about an artifact that can open a portal to our world and summon some guy named Space Monster M"

"Space Monster M, eh?" queried Manant.

"Well if you RUFFIANS think for ONE second that I would tell YOU where the library is" claimed Rarity, "You have another thing coming!"

"The Pendant of Quantum Cosmo" hissed Future Fluttershy emerging from the darkness with Future Spike, "A book on it DOES exist and it just happens to to be in grasping range of our collective apendages. And I know where it is...But not where you think" As she comes closer, Rarity tries not to cry. Future Fluttershy approaches Cobraman moving her head to make him scoot away from Rarity. "Rarity, old friend...Do you recall the incident with a dragon who was about to go to sleep for a century?"

With a gasp, Rarity says, holding her tears back, "Y-you don't mean--!"

"Oh, yes" grinned Future Fluttershy looking over at the group, "That very cave contains a passage way to where the Tome of Quantum Cosmo is kept. It was covered by the dragon's hoard"

"DAS IS GUT!" said Eva who was fiddling with a rotten apple core.

"We'll head up there at the crack of dawn!" claimed ManAnt.

"NO!" Boomed Future Fluttershy, "It has to be tonight! We must be one step closer to the enemy! From now on, you will follow MY orders!"

"NOW JUST A MINUTE THERE-!" objected ManAnt before Future Spike roared at him.

"...That's better" said Future Fluttershy smugly"

"So, if we know where the book is" started EagleClaw, "What do we do with the unicorn?"

"Bring her along" Said Future Fluttershy, "She'll be of use to us"

EagleClaw puts out the fire and the group gets ready to leave.

"You plan on moving ahead of scheduel and put the events that lead to YOUR current days in motion, aren't you!?"

"...Sure" said Future Fluttershy hsitantly, "THAT'S my plan..." She then mounds Future Spike with the others.

EagleClaw grabs Rarity who could no longer hold in her fear any longer.

Within her wailing as they took flight, Rarity cries out, "SOMEPONY HELP MEEEEEEEE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAH-HUH-HUH-HUUUUUUUUH!"

Meanwhile, back at Twilight's place, everypony is talking among themselves. Pinkie seems to have recovered from her funk and talking to Crash. Spike is in a cage, angrily freaking out. Accept for Jimmy, the Present Aquabats are in pajamas.


"HAHAHAHAHAHA! PAGE!" Laughed Crash, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-! I don't get it"

"NYAAAAH!" squealed a frustrated Pinkie covering her face with a pillow.

Crash looks around looking at the book next to him picking it up. He examines it for a moment.

"...Ohh...PAGE!" said Crash.

"You ruined the moment" said Pinkie in a muffled tone.

"Where did the cage come from?" asked Present Ricky.

Uncovering her head, Pinkie replies, "Oh, I have cages stashed all over Ponyville, in case of cage emergency"

With glee, Twilight approaches the gathering with Applejack at her side wearing a mud mask.

"Okay, everypony" she said in her excited voice, "After dinner, the boys will have the higher level tonight and the girls will be down here. The refreshment table and the path to it will be neutral ground"

Listening to her, AJ stomps her right front hoof at her saying, "Twi, focus, would ya?"

"What?" asked Twilight before remembering the situation. "...Oh, right...Sorry about that. Now then, let's hear some status reports"

Fizz clears his throat to start. "Asside from that temporary mishap with the random happenstance sending Fireball and Crash to Manehattan, everything's been going smoothly on our end"

"We just shipped the ingrediants we collected to Zecora and Zulu" added Slicer, "We just have three left"

"And those are?"

"A fruit from the Bombom tree on Gallopagos Island, the rare Crystal Flower from Northern Equestria, animal with metal wraped around it..."

"It is hurricane season on Gallopagos" added Paradise, "It would be a difficult voyage"

"And with how rare the Crystal Flower is" said one of the herb-collectors, "There's no telling where it would be...It could even be extinct!"

"Hey...I wrestled a...Griffin...A teenaged dragon and...Several plants today" Our present-day hero said mustering the energy to talk through his incredibly sore state from where he is laying, "I can handle...A little rain"

"That's very noble of you" said Fluttershy placing a bowl of soup on the Present Commander's lap, "But you might need to rest tomarrow"

"As for us" added Hay Flower, "Our progress is self-explanitory"

"I see...And you all know the current situation with Rarity" Twilight said before looking at Present Rainbow Dash, noticing she's still wearing a chef's hat and apron. "...Uh, Rainbow, why are you still wearing that?"

"Huh?" Rainbow looks at herself. "We've been busy these past couple of days, I guess I didn't have time to put this stuff away. And I left my grill at Fluttershy's"

"Uh...I might have smooshed it during my last episode" Crash admitted.

"Swell" said Rainbow in a chagrinned maner heading for the door, "It's a good thing I got an extended warenty" She opens a door to find a yellow Earth Pony with red polka dots on her coat like pepperonis, a Cutie Mark of a slice of pizza and a mane and tale as brown as a breadstick. Rainbow looks back at the group saying, "Pizza's here"

Thinking about his soreness, the Present Commander looks a Fluttershy saying, "Good...Call on the...Soup" Fluttershy smiles at him as he grabs the spoon and starts eating.

Rainbow looks back at the delivery mare asking, "You don't have Pony Pox, do you?"

"I get that question a lot" she replied, "It's just how my coat is"


"...Anywho, I think I got the gist of what's goin' on here" said Granny, looking back at Twilight as Rainbow leaves and Pinkie has a talk with the delivery mare. "These here Bat Fish fellers are from another dimension and came here from a rainbow colored cloud with a giant ant, a strange-lookin' griffin and a lady obsessed with garbage. Then a wrestling magician comes here with a giant cobra-like monster because THESE here fellsers from the future saved the local bakers and their kids. Now we's here lookin' fer a book about an artifact that can open portals to other dimensions"

"Eeyep" answered Big Mac.

"Sound's right" added Apple Bloom.

"That's the situation in a nutshell" said AJ grabbing a towel to remove the mud mask.

"Oh good" said Granny Smith, "I thought I was losin' track at the end there"

Future Angel looks over at Future Rainbow Dash sitting at a window watching her past self run off then over to the moon.

"It's all going according to plan" she said to herself. "When the book is found, I will certainly change history how it SHOULD be!"

"Yes, but first, we need to aprehend the criminals" said Future Jimmy.

"What?" Future Rainbow asked turning around noticing them. "Ah, yes, I remember" She rolls over to the cage.

Moments later, Present Commander, apparently well enough to stand and Present Jimmy are on Twilight's balcony. Jimmy takes a bite out of his slice of pizza.

"Are you sure Fluttershy would be okay with you being out of bed?" Jimmy asked the Commander who stiffly walks over to the rail.

"She said to try moving around every couple of hours" replied the Commander struggling to bend over as he lays hunched over, he tries a couple of times to bend his knees. "So, how about these past two days, huh?"

"It has been eventful" said the concerned Robot watching the Commander as he slowly looks up to the stars and rest his head on his fist, "Yet, somehow it seems conveniant, don't you think?"

"How so?" asked the Commander using his eyes to look at Jimmy not willing to change poses any time soon.

"Well, concider this" Jimmy started taking another bite out of his slice, "Our future sleves and those of two infants and of Rainbow Dash arrive to retroactively avert a crisis that is to happen in THIS time"

"Yeah, and?" asked the Commander slowing standing up straight.

Swallowing, Jimmy then continues, "Then an evil future variation of the very first pony we meet coming here found a similar means to come back to this time. There's a puzzle to all of this, Commander, and I assure you that the pieces WILL fall into place"

Just as the Commander was about to say something, A purple blur whizzes by and both could hear the blur shouting "FLAMETHROWER EMERGENCYYYY!" in the Commander's voice.

"What the-?" Jimmy said before noticing the Commander dangling on the rail on the oposite side, "COMMANDER!"

Present EagleBones, Ricky and Crash come out to help Jimmy pull their Commander up.

"ROBOT! ROBOT!" That's all the Commander can say as they struggle to get him up. The other Aquabats are stumbling over each other trying to positon themselves.

Just then, the girls exit the ground level to check out the problem.

Fluttershy looks up into the sky. "Was that me...And me?" she asked herself.

As she's shaking her head, Pinkie's tail starts twitching. The next morning, Jimmy had just finished recharging. He steps out of the recharging chamber to find a red, wolf-like creature with long, spikey brown hair and pale yellow paws and tail tip curled up asleep on an otherwise empty table. Jimmy turns on the lights waking her. The creature sits up revealing that she has a humanoid form and a patch of white fur ranging from the front of her torso to most of her muzzle. As her legs dangle from the table while she's rubbing her right eye, she turns her head to see Jimmy.

"Good morning, miss" Jimmy said hoping to make a good impression.

"Huh? Oh, hello" the creature said moving her paw from her eye opening them both revealing that they're completely yellow with black pupils, "Is this YOUR wagon?"

"Well...Sort of, this is what my friends and I reside in this vehicle" Jimmy replied.

The creature stands up on the floor.

"My name is Fauna, by the way" she said shaking the Robot's hand, "I'm an Adlet"

"I am Jimmy the Robot" He bows to Fauna. "Mechanical scientist, inventor and keaboard player of the Aquabats"

"...Aquabats?" queried Fauna, "Is that a kind of fish?"

"Well, actually, it's the name of our group" Jimmy answered. He then notices Rarity who seems to have cried herself to sleep from her ordeal on the floor untied. "Ms. Rarity?" He and Fauna head over to her unconcious body. Jimmy kneels down and nudges her to wake up. "Ms. Rarity, are you all right?"

Rarity groggily opens her eyes revealing her falsies were apparently stolen from her. "J...James? Is that you?" She looks up at Jimmy then starts to cry again. "Oh, I've done a terrible THING!" she sobbed wrapping her front legs around Jimmy's robotic waist, "I didn't want to, but...THEY THREATENED ME-HEEEE!" She notices Fauna then yelps.

Jimmy notices a note in Rarity's mane and takes it out making her turn her attention toward

After a few minutes, Rarity invites Jimmy and Fauna to breakfast at her home while she puts on a fresh set of eyelashes.

"So" started Fauna taking a bite out of her toast, "What does that note say?"

"Hang on, I'll read it" Jimmy said clearing his robotic throat and unfurling the parchment. "It says 'Dear The Aquabats, we have no further use for this one, she's served her purpose. We have taken your interdimensional window and have found the book you wish to protect. You will soon know the meaning of dispair! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. From, Future Fluttershy' That's all there is"

"Being a unicorn, they forced me to use a spell to guide them to a book about an artifact that would open portals to other worlds, known only as the Pendant of Quantum Cosmo" Rarity reported, "It was either that, get fed to Spike's future counterpart, or let that foul-smelling scientist spray me with a device she called 'Mister Slopety-Slop'. I tried to be strong, but I cracked under the pressure!"

"That's AWFUL!" cried Fauna. "But wait, if they already have a book about this pendant, why do they also need an interdimensional window?"

"They must be planning on using it as a means to communicate with Space Monster M. in OUR dimension and get him on board with the plan to bring him into THIS dimension" Theroized Jimmy, "We should head back to the library and report this to the others!"

"Now THAT doesn't make sense!" Fauna said in confusion, "If we had to go back to the library to tell them all of this, why did we come HERE for breakfast?"

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder, darling" answered Rarity.

Will this turn of events be a game-changer for our heroes? How will they respond to their new ally? Tune in for the next chapter! Same My Little Homie Time, same My Little Homie...Place...On the internet...Thing...