Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Going snowboarding

Author's note: I have changed the time around a little. Go back to the chapter, ' A true friend' I have changed it to four months. This way, the baby will be due within a few chapters.

Also, this chapter is short, sorry. I became kinda emotional today.

Chapter 58

Two days after Graze left

[Damn, its cold!]
<Well duh. We're high up in the mountains, its snowing, of course its cold!>

I chuckled to myself as I listened to Break and Dawn argue.

I looked out the window of the train as we passed a beautiful white landscape. I shivered slightly when a gust of wind came through the crack in the window.

I was wearing a black and red scarf, made by Rarity. A beanie type hat on the top of my head. I had on a black face cover that covered my mouth and nose. Lastly, I was wearing the clothes Graze had left me, but with the addition of goggles and black boots.

Even though I had all that, I was still freezing.

"You okay there Lance?" Twilight asked as she watched me shiver.

I smiled, but it was hidden by my face cover, so I forced out a chuckle, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just freezing to death over here."

She chuckled and scooted closer to me, "Wanna share my blanket?"

I scooted closer to her, "I would lover to share a blanket." I then nuzzled her cheek.

She giggled and used her magic to cover both of us with the blanket. She then wrapped her hooves around me and hugged me tightly.

I hissed in pain, "Careful Twi, I'm still bruised and sore from that fight."

[I still can't believe it was a draw...]

She smiled awkwardly and loosened her embrace, "Oops, sorry."

I chuckled and pulled her close, ignoring the searing pain, "Its okay, I still love you."

She smiled and laid her head on my shoulder.

[Your so in there!]
<*Sight* I'll never know how your mind works Break.>

I rolled my eyes and enjoyed the rest of the ride.

Fifty five minutes later

"This place is awesome!" Me and David said at the same time as we stood in the lobby of the Ski Resort.

The girls just chuckled at our actions and walked to the check in desk, leaving us guys behind.

Spike whistled, "When I win, I win big!"

Greg laughed and held up his hoof, "Thanks for letting us come dude."

Spike bumped his hand against Greg's hoof, "No problem, you bronies are my friends too."

I smiled and looked at everyone who had come on this little trip. It was me, all the bronies, the mane six, Cody, Ditzy, Dali, Drax, Vinyl Scratch, Luna, and of course, Spike. Yeah, all together, we're a large group, twenty one strong.

[Twenty one! This group is getting big!]
{I know right! I never noticed there was so many of us.}

Zorrow rubbed his hooves together in excitement, "I can't wait to start skiing!"

Peter smirked, "Well, while your skiing, I'll be off snowboarding."

Zorrow rolled his eyes, "Skiing is so much better."

Peter went on the offensive, "You don't know what your talking about!"

I laughed and turned away as the two went at it.

Twilight walked up to me reading a piece of paper, "Lance, you should read this. Its pretty important."

I shrugged and took it from her magical grasp. I skimmed over it and nodded, "Wow, I didn't know that."

The paper said that all Pegasus must wear heavy wing covers. The temperatures up here are to much for the fragile bone and feathers. So flying around is out of the question while we're this high up.

[Damn, I wanted to cause a avalanche with a Shadow Blast.]
{You evil, awesome dude. That would have actually been kinda cool.}

Suddenly, I felt something go over each wing. I looked back and chuckled, Twilight was placing wing covers over each of my wings. She had her tongue stuck out while she worked. So damn cute!

Once she had my wings tucked away, she smiled proudly, "Got it!"

I giggled, wait. I GIGGLED!

[HAHAHA! Your such a girl!]
<Oh my God Lance, that was the funniest sound I've ever heard!>
{Screw both of you!}

Twilight looked at me and began to laugh, followed by the others. This is freaking embarrassing!

I held up my hooves, "Okay, we all had our laughs."

Rarity stopped laughing slowly and smiled, "I agree with Lance. It was funny, but we need to get back to the business at hoof."

Twilight held back her laughs and nodded, "Yes, we should. We have the rooms, but now we must divide up to each room. Lance and I will take one."

Rarity nodded in agreement, "Peter and I will also take one for ourselves."

Aaron shrugged, "I guess Vinyl and I can take one for ourselves too."

I looked at everyone else, "Okay, Rainbow Dash and David will go together. Cody and Derpy will also get a room to themselves. Of course, Greg and Pinkie Pie's room will be far away from the rest. And the last couple on the list is Frederic and Luna, they get the biggest room."

All the couples smiled at each other, happy to have a room to themselves.

Seth became confused, "What about us?"

I smirked, "I'm going to be evil here. Seth and Zorrow will share a room." After they groaned, I looked over to Applejack and Fluttershy, "Sorry you two, but you'll have to share a room also."

Applejack shrugged, "Its fine with us. We've done it before."

I nodded and looked over to the remaining ponies, "Spike, you can stay in my and Twilight's room. Drax, huh, I guess you can take the left over room. Dali, you may stay with me and Twilight also."

Drax slowly walked towards me and a nervous look on his face, "Uhhh, Lance, can you put me and Dali in the same room."

I looked at him strangely, "Why?"

He blushed, which was clearly visible since his coat was black, "Ummm, no real reason."

I then smirked, now knowing why he wanted a room with her, "Let me guess, you like her?"

He blushed deeply, "NO! I mean, no."

I chuckled and looked at Dali, "On second thought, could you and Drax share a room?"

She thought for a second, "I guess."

I smiled, "Perfect! Who wants to hit the slopes?"

Almost everyone said yes, a few of us went to check out the rooms.

Peter walked over and threw a snowboard at me. I jumped up and caught it in my teeth.

David smiled, "Lets do this thing!"

Thirty two minutes later

I looked down the steep slope, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

[Don't you pussy out Lance! I want to do this!]

I gulped and stood on my hind legs, the board strapped to my boots. I'll never know how I'm able to stay balance on my hind legs and on a board, but I did it somehow.

I prepared myself for the ride downward, sweat was pouring down my face. Freezing before it was even halfway down my face. Its that damn cold.

Once everyone was ready, Peter smiled, "Let get this thing started!" He then jumped forward and began to go down the hill on his board.

Everyone else followed, all but me. I was shaking from the cold and fear.

[Ugh! I got this.]
{Break.. no!}

I felt him take over and push me forward, causing me to go straight down the mountain.

"SHIT!" I screamed out as I picked up speed and it became hard to keep balanced. I leaned around till I regained full control of my movements and began to enjoy the thrill of flying down the slopes.

Up ahead, I saw Aaron lose control and begin to roll down the hill.

[Funny shit right there!]

I flew past Aaron laughing, "Better luck next time!"

As I glided across the snow, a stallion walked out into my path.

[Fucking move!]
<Lance, warn him!>

"Move!" I yelled out to late. I slammed into him, sending both of us down the mountain. We finally came to a stop and I stood up, pulling my face cover back up and adjusting my goggles.

The other stallion stood and rubbed his head.

I looked him over. He was a grey Pegasus with a black and ice blue mane and tail, and his eyes were kinda brown. He had a gentle look to him.

He looked at me and blinked, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to knock you off your board."

I chuckled and waved him off, "Its okay." I held out a hoof, "The names Lance."

[LANCE! You just told him your real name!]
{Oh shit! I wasn't thinking!}

The stallion smiled and reached out and took my hoof, "Nice to meet you Lance. My name is Shadow Breeze."

Cool name. "So, what was you doing out here?"

He smiled, "I was just keeping track of all the animals, and shit like that." He then instantly covered his mouth.

<He just said shit, does that mean hes a...>

I looked at him and cocked my head, "Human?"

He looked shocked, "Uhhh, maybe."

I smiled and laughed a little, "Well I'll be damned, I found another brony."

He looked confused at what I was saying.

I just smiled, even if it was covered by my face mask, "Don't worry, I'ma brony also. You can act like one around me and my friends."

He relaxed, "I didn't know there was others here."

I shrugged, "There's way more than you think."

He looked taken back, "Really?"

I nodded and chuckled, "So, tell me, why didn't you try to get to Ponyville. I've been curious about this, I haven't seen any bronies make their way there."

He held his hoof to his chin, "Well, I just appeared here and I kinda liked it here. I work here now, I help with normal things and watch over the little filly's and colt's. I also keep track of the animals in the area. I just love it here. Besides, I couldn't find Ponyville."

I held back a laugh, "Well, that answers my question. You should come to the lobby tonight, me and my friends are going to sit around the fire."

He smiled, "I'd love that. Thanks."

I shifted onto my board and waved, "See ya then." I then began heading down the slope, ready to get back to the Resort and my warm room.