//------------------------------// // Episode 3 Part 8 : Chip happens // Story: Conversion Bureau: St George // by kryxel //------------------------------// TCB:SG E3P8 Chip happens crafted out of two diamonds and a stick by Kryxel used to fight back hoards of fangirls: ray10k Grace trotted into the small room opposite the conversion chamber. The sign on the door declares it to be the medical center, but due to the small size of the room it gives more of an impression one gets from a doctor’s office. The stand with months-old magazines next to a chair doesn’t do a whole lot of good to the image of the room either. Inside the room, she was greeted by a somewhat surly Rainbow Spring. “About muffin’ time!” Spring said as she got up from the paperwork in front of her. "So, let’s see... Green, nice color, Pegasus, nice... Anyhow, no problems during your conversion? I’ve been told yours took a good deal longer than usual.” "No, everything worked out just fine," Grace said with a smile. "Good to hear. Now, I’m going to run a few basic tests. See how the foal is doing, mostly. Sometimes the dosing used turns out to be a little on the small side, meaning the foal needs just a little extra. If so, I hope you are not afraid of long needles, because we’ll have to inject some directly into them," Spring said while gesturing at the table with a foreleg. Grace hopped up and laid down, so Spring could run the tests. Spring levitated a stethoscope to her ears, and placed the flat metal disk on Grace's belly. "breathe in...” ---------------------- "...AND STAY OUT!" Terrence quickly opened the door, before Hal could break it by flying through it. Again. Hal picked himself up and started to dust of his jacket. "I thought ponies were all nicey-nice and could not harm a fly." Victor glared "No. Ponies don’t kill. Nor do we actively seek out fights. We can still leave a nasty mark, but only when the situation calls for it. And I am Bucking sure that what you did, called for it." His unflinching glare caused Hal to shrug. "So what? Just because I told the little snotpicker that his parents are in pony hell because they gave up being human and did not finish becoming pony during that attack, it is ok to just buck me? Besides, you can’t prove I’m wrong anyway. " Terrence looked over at Hal. "Right or wrong, you’re not gonna make people or ponies like you. Besides, you sayin’ junk like that... It almost makes me want to kill you myself. So, if you don’t want to spend your last days as a human in agony, I suggest you mosey on out of here. Conversion can fix a lot of things, if you catch my drift." Hal left, Terrence shutting the door to their room. He turned around to see the white and blue Unicorn licking the cheek of the boy with the eye patch. "I’m sorry Hal is such a... a..." Victor started to say trying to think of any human swears he was so famous for." A... A clop pole!" "Vic, leave the swearin’ to the humans and just go back to thinking of sunshine, moonlight and apples, " Terrence said, running his hand over the pony’s head, before putting it on Sales' shoulder. "You all right kid?" Sales silently nodded. "I just... Why does he...? Well, I won’t say he did not deserve it." Victor snorted in angry agreement. "Good. Now, let’s see if there is anything productive we can do. Like maybe, you know, spread our wings and... -------------- "...and count to three," Spring said as Grace lifted up her left wing. "One. Two. Three," Grace counted. "Good. You can put it down again." Spring checked over the chart floating next to her. "Well, it looks like your foal is fit as a bowstring.” "Erm, is that good?" Grace asked. "Yes, it is. Now, as soon as you feel any contractions, run here immediately. You’ll have minutes at best from that point on, and you’ll want somepony to help," Spring said as Grace trotted out of the room. Grace spent a few moments in front of the office, trying to figure out something to do until dinner, and recalled that she had thought of finding a mirror after visiting Spring. She wrecked her mind, and managed to recall seeing a mirror near the conversion chamber. At present though, the mirror had disappeared, probably put back into storage until it was needed again. Then she remembered about the lake in the park. “maybe that could work. And otherwise, I can always ask somepony else. Besides, I guess it would be nice to stretch my legs a little,” she thought as she walked towards the exit. A short while later, Grace sees Victor trotting around the park, and walked up to him. "So Victor... How do I look?" She said as she approaches him. "You look... beautiful, Grace," Victor said as he took a good, close look at her. Grace nodded. "Thank you. Now, I believe I promised to help you with your ponyname?" Victor laughed. "Well, I doubt you could. I have been trying non-stop for days... but please, do let me hear your ideas." "Hmm... How about, Dungeon Raider?" "Sounds cool, but no... Never raided any dungeons." "Bladehorn?" "Nope. Sounds too much like something you’d give to a warrior." "Horsemeat?" "no, that is too much in the opposite direction." "Sassifraz?" "Haha! I don’t think so." "Bullet Proof!" "Nope. This is getting n-" Grace silenced him with a gentle hoof on his lips. "Victorious Shield." Victor thought about it for a moment. "Sounds good. Victorious Shield... defender of Pegasi mares and their fillies." "haha. Actually, it seems I’ll be having Twins. I’ve been thinking about names for them lately. Pepper and maybe... Chip? like Chip Shield?” "W-wait... Grace, are you asking...?" Grace kissed the newly named Victorious on the cheek. "I am... would you...?" "It would be my honor." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Doctor stopped writing for a moment, before drawing a line on the page, indicating a personal note. He chewed a little on the end of the pencil, before continuing. "It is here that, in an ideal world, Victorious Shield and Amazing Grace returned to the bureau and planned the voyage to Equestria, where grace had her two foals. But, as they started up the slope back to the center, one phrase keeps on echoing through my mind, in regard to the sudden start to Grace’s contractions. One phrase, simultaneously hilarious and terrifying. One phrase, only ever to be used to announce an end to something, or the beginning of something new. Chip Happens. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Victor burst through the front doors, Grace standing outside with her legs locked and her face screwed up in pain from the ever accelerating contractions. "RAINBOW SPRING!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!" He bolted towards the medical center as fast as he could, almost knocking over a few people who only barely managed to get out of his way. Spring heard Victor’s call and immediately knew what was happening. "COLGATE, DOCTOR, BERRY, WITH ME! MRS CAKE, READY A CRIB AND ANY NECESSARY SUPPLIES FOR A NEW FOAL, STAT!!!" Ditzy grinned behind her desk, and jotted down a note in the log book reading, "Victor and Grace need to be assigned a private room," before jumping over the desk and running after the gang, hoping she could be of help. ///////////// Ray10k here. So, seems Spring’s earlier estimate turned out to be too generous. ... Why are you still here? You expect me to be funny? Last time I tried that, I got shot for crying out loud! (i keep telling you i thought it was unloaded! ~k)