//------------------------------// // Chapter 15 // Story: The True Story of Vanilla Beam // by VanillaBeam //------------------------------// Chapter 15 I wasn't thinking when I ran outside. I wasn't paying attention to the weather outside. All that was on my mind, was that Rainbow Dash had no care for my feelings what so ever. She was just like all of the other ponies: they think I'm a screw up, cause nothing but trouble, and that I would not amount to anything in life. And the worse part was......... she was right. I was a screw up, and I was the reason Hexyl attacked, and I was now just a permanent bug in the world. I'll never mean anything to anyone, and I was just going to run wherever my tiny legs could take me. Then I heard the thunder, and saw the lightning. I froze in fear, because to be honest....... I'm scared of thunder. But I was soon snapped out of my fear by the sound of a rain drop. And it wasn't just a *drip*, it was a full blown bomb diving sound, and *SPLASH*. I looked ahead of me, and saw the drops start coming down quickly. Each one sounding louder as they got closer to me. I had no choice, I started to make a dash back to the library. But unfortunately, the rain started to splash in front of me, knocking me back. The thunder and lightning began to become more rapid, and so did the rain. After a little bit, I soon had trouble trotting, due to the ground becoming muddy, and the water starting to slowly rise from the ground. I could find no place to take shelter, because everywhere I looked, it was slowly flooding higher and higher. Just think to yourself, whenever you walk outside, and it's raining, think about what happens down here. You might think it's just a little annoying, but we run the risk of drowning down here. And it is definitely a scary place to be. Anyway, aside from the thunder and loud splashing of the rain bombs, I could swear I could hear my name being boomingly called. "VANILLA! WHERE ARE YOU?!" "VANILLA, TELL US WHERE YA ARE." It sounded like Applejack and Fluttershy. They must be out looking for me. I'm so glad someone was. I tried my hardest to get their attention. I swam to them and tried hard to scream, but the storm was overpowering my voice. "VANILLA?" boomed Fluttershy. "FLUTTERSHY! I'M RIGHT HERE! PLEASE!" I screamed. But she didn't see or hear me. She then took one step closer, and caused a huge wave of water to come rushing my way. "FLUTTERSHYYY!" I screamed as I was washed away from her. As I was washed away, she trotted out of my direction. I was able to grab hold of a grass blade, and hang on for dear life. I totally regreted doing this at that moment. Looked at the two giants, as they were trotting away. "NO! I'M HERE! APPLEJACK! FLUTTERSHY! PLEASE! MOMMY, HELP ME!". I was so scared, I was reverted to calling my mom for help, even though she was deceased. I even broke down crying, I was so scared that I was going to die out here. I thought no one was going to find me in time. Even Fluttershy, who I looked to as a mother, almost crushed me or almost drowned me. I was alone, and no one was going to find me. Until, I was surprised at who did find me.